Thursday, December 22, 2022

8 Blogs in 8 Weeks #8

 Music is the soundtrack of my life.

I grew up with music.  My Mom, an accomplished pianist and lover of music always had music playing in the house,  Whether she was playing the piano or had an album on the turntable, or was driving in the car, she seemed to always be listening to music.  I am sure that I got my love of music from her.  In fact, my interest in The Great American Soundbook, Jazz, and Broadway tunes was directly influenced by her musical taste.

Growing up, when others were thrilled with The Beatles, The Stones or later, The Who or heavy metal, I was more interested in Sinatra, Bennett, Streisand, Nat King Cole, or Miles Davis and Thelonius Monk.  That’s not to say that I didn’t ever listen to current tunes but my preference has always leaned to Jazz.  In fact the majority of the more than 8000 tracks downloaded to my phone are in the Jazz genre.  However, there are still Beatles albums, Simon and Garfunkel, James Taylor, Carol King and a bunch of Motown tunes as well as other genres there also.  I also love to find artists that are little known, but have a unique take on music.  One of my favorites always has been Ray Charles with his mix of Soul, Blues and even Country.  But if you listen carefully, his piano and organ solos are heavily influenced by Jazz and somewhat improvisational. 

Last night, I listened as my 8 year old granddaughter, Mara, practiced her piano recital pieces on the very piano that was my Mother’s and that my brother, Jan, and I learned to play piano.  I actually could read music before I learned to read writing.  I started to play around the age of 5 and started to take lessons shortly thereafter.  You would think that my Mom was the one who taught me, but although she did teach piano to a number of neighborhood kids for a while, she sent me and Jan to others for instruction.

Listening to Mara practice last night and again this morning reminded me of the important role music has played in my life.  It was through playing the piano that I met my wife Connie.  When I was 15 years old, I was asked by some girls I knew to be the accompanist for their Chorale group that was preparing to travel to Washington DC and Baltimore for a performance.  Of course, the prospect of being the only guy traveling with 26 teenage girls was appealing to this 15 year old, so I agreed.  It was on that trip that I met Connie and we started dating shortly thereafter!

There are certain songs that evoke memories.  One can hear a tune and be transported to a different time and place…sometimes memories of a person you haven’t seen in a while or an event in your life.  Our first dance song at our wedding was an old Carpenter’s song, We’ve Only Just Begun.  If Eye of The Tiger, the Rocky theme song is played, my son instantly comes to mind. Whenever I hear the song, My Girl, I think of my daughter.  When my daughter was a young child I used to play and sing (albeit off key), Daddy’s Little Girl, to her and, in fact, was cajoled to do that again last night.  It made me realize how long it had been since I sat down at the keyboard and promised myself to play again.

Music stirs emotion.  As kids, if we came home from school and my Mom was at the piano playing heavy duty Classical music, that was our signal to leave her alone.  At family gatherings we frequently could be found sitting around the piano while one of us was playing.  If you really want to understand how music affects emotion, try watching a movie without the background music score…it is just not the same!

I hope there is lots of music in your life and it can become your soundtrack too!

Only one more infusion to go!

And The Journey continues……


  1. My Mom was a great pianist. I have her piano, too. She played with the Indiana symphony a few times. Great memories. I, too, keep saying I'm going to play again❤️ Have fun playing with Mara. Take pictures!

  2. Roy, I love the memories this blog rekindled. I, too, am stirred by music. A certain song will place me in a different place at a different time. I can recall so much of my history just by the song that was popular at the time.
    I have such fond memories of gathering around your mom as she played that piano and sometimes, the accordion. It was always a treat. I learned my love of piano from her. Not as a fluid player but just loving to hear a piano.
    Roy, thank you for sharing and remember to never stop playing!!
    ❤️ Cuz L

  3. I knew you were a huge fan of jazz and your blog explains how you got such an appreciation for music. My dad played the violin, but couldn’t read music. He could listen to a song and then play it perfectly. My sister and I took piano lessons, but never really learned to appreciate it….maybe because when we practiced, my perfect pitch dad always pointed out the bad note. However, he loved all kinds of music and we grew up listening to Mitch Miller, Lawrence Welk, Classical, Country and more.I love all kinds of music and thank my dad for that. When driving, I listen to classical music hoping it will keep me calm.
    I’m happy to hear you are almost done with your infusions. Prayers they are the answer for you and 2023 brings you a healthy year. Best to Connie and your family.

  4. Love you and your musings, Uncle Roy! Just catching up now on these meaningful reflections and inspirations. Sending you big love. xxo. Erica
