Thursday, December 1, 2022

8 Blogs in 8 Weeks #5

Although this is Blog #5 in the 8 Blog series, today is actually only the 4th infusion treatment.  I wrote #4 while in the hospital and didn’t have an infusion that week.  So 8 Blogs in 8 Weeks will actually become 9.  For those that actually read my ramblings, I hope you have enjoyed the variety of subjects as I have chosen subjects at random from the world of news, politics and just general interest.  With the College football Conference championships, Bowl Games and Playoffs coming up, you can bet one of these blogs will be football focused…but not today!

This week,  I read about one of the most ridiculous lawsuits that I have ever heard.  It seems that a woman has sued Kraft Foods because the box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese had a label that says  “Ready in 31/2 minutes and it took her slightly longer to prepare her Macaroni and Cheese.  While the Company does market its Velveeta Macaroni and Cheese Shells as “Ready in 31/2 Minutes,” a Florida woman (of course, she is a Florida Woman!) claims it actually takes more time since she has to open the package, pour the contents in to a cup, add water before she puts it in the microwave for 31/2 minutes and then lets it thicken!  And since she paid $10.99 for 8 cups, she is seeking $5 Million from Kraft.

Now, this would be funny if it wasn’t so sad.  Sad, that she might actually think that she has been harmed and sad that there is a lawyer that would actually file this case in our overworked courts.  Our Court system is constantly abused and the backlog of actual legitimate lawsuits have to wait months and sometimes years to even get on the docket.  Not to even mention the costs incurred by me and you as taxpayers and the cost that insurance companies and these companies incur.  Who do you think actually ends up paying for all of this?  You and me, through higher insurance premiums, and costs of products and services…somebody has to cover those costs!

After reading about this absurdity, I did a little research into some of the most ridiculous lawsuits filed in the last few years.  Check out some of these!

Man sues Budweiser for NOT helping him attract beautiful women!  Man sues Michael Jordan for having a similar face as his.  A Judge sues a dry cleaner for $67 Million for losing a pair of pants to a suit, after they offered to replace or pay for a new suit.  A man sues himself because his split-personality caused him to commit a crime and wants the State to pay him $5 million since he is a ward of the State.  A kidnapper sued his hostages for escaping and costing him the ransom.  A student sued a teacher and the school because he was awakened from his sleep in class.  And, my favorite, which was actually won by the Plaintiff:  A man sued his wife for birthing an ugly baby…which is actually his own biological child!  It seems that his wife never told him that she had multiple plastic surgeries and treatments and in reality did not look like he thought she looked.  The baby’s appearance more closely reflected her original genes, and they were evidently not very attractive.  This idiot was actually awarded $120,000. 

Of course there are legitimate reasons to file a lawsuit and that is why we have a court system.  However, when it is abused over and over again, it affects all of us.  The Former Guy filed 62 lawsuits concerning the 2020 election and lost 61 of them.  By the way, the one that was ruled in his favor was insignificant anyway.  Overall, it is estimated that he has filed over 3500 lawsuits against individuals, companies, institutions, governments and just about anything or anybody that doesn’t agree with him about anything.  

I have a lot of respect for Lawyers…and I mean intelligent and ethical attorneys.  As the saying goes, “some of my best friends” are lawyers….in fact, my brother is one of those!  But, every time you sue a Company or their insurance company over bogus claims, it ultimately costs all of us in higher insurance premiums, higher product costs and even our tax money used to support the courts.

We continue to ultimately be our own worse enemy!

Till next time….

And The Journey continues……

1 comment:

  1. Your brother is a lawyer and a wonderful man. He helped me when Sean was in Albany Georgia.
