Friday, December 30, 2022

8 Blogs In 8 Weeks Finale

 Ringing the Bell!

    Ring this bell three times well to celebrate this day.  This course is run, my treatment done, now I am on my way.

Today I rang the bell signifying the completion of my current course of treatment for my kidney disease.  While it is a significant point in my treatment, we won’t know its effects or results until further testing is done over the next month.  Nonetheless, it also marks the end of 8 Blogs in 8 Weeks.!

Over the course of time, “Ringing the Bell” has meant different things to different people.  As a high school football player, I had my bell rung a few times….getting hit hard.  At the University of Georgia, there is a custom of ringing the chapel bell after every football victory.  Freshmen had the responsibility to keep the bell ringing until midnight after the game and throughout the night when we beat Georgia Tech.  Many churches ring their bells to signify the beginning or ending of church services.  Ringing the bell seems to always mark a beginning, an end or to mark a significant event.  That is why many oncologists have continued the tradition after a patient completes their treatments.

I am not sure how many of you have actually read my ramblings over the last 9 weeks, but thanks for indulging me by being a part of this journey.  Writing these made the time spent "hooked up" more bearable. I will continue to blog from time to time…as I have done over the last 12 years…but will no longer be sending it out on emails.  If you want to continue to read, then follow me on the website or find me on Facebook.  As always, my observations, opinions and ramblings are mine alone and you are welcome to agree, not agree or not even care!

I want to thank the nurses who cared for me, my family for supporting me and all of you for being a part of this.  As we enter the New Year, think about doing random acts of can go a long way in healing this fractured world.   

Wishing all a Happy New Year and more importantly Good Health and Happiness as we venture in to  2023!  GO DAWGS!

And The Journey continues……


  1. Thank you for sharing your journey. You are a courageous, hopeful, loving, kind gentleman. 💖
