Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thanksgiving - 4 Brothers, The C-8 & Poppi

We have just returned from Atlanta where we went to celebrate Thanksgiving with the entire Cohen Family. It had been nearly 15 years since we all gathered together for Thanksgiving. I guess that is my fault since I am the renegade brother that moved his family away from Atlanta 27 years ago. The other 3 brothers have all remained in Atlanta although 3 offspring (besides my kids) have left Atlanta in recent years. So, we all gathered at Alan & Barbara's for a scrumptious meal and frivolity. Only 1 of the offspring was absent as Adam recently moved to Denver and had to work all weekend. I am sure it was especially enjoyable for my dad to have "all of his chickens" in one place.

My Brother, Alan, once facetiously remarked that I, having run away from home when I was 10, have been running away ever since. Nothing could be further from the truth. I moved away from Atlanta for opportunity but would welcome a return if the opportunity presented itself. However one has to wonder if the age old question, "Can you really go home again?," is a valid one. Although we have tried to be a part of my 3 brother's and our nieces and nephew's lives, I always wonder if we are missing something. Maybe I can do a better job of staying in touch with everybody in the family!

It was especially fun to see the C-8....the Cohen cousins and their kids. The kids are especially delicious and a delight to be around. It was really the instigation of the C-8 that caused all of us to gather for the weekend. So, the cousins travelled from the San Francisco Bay area, Denver, Baltimore and New Orleans to gather with those still living in Georgia.

This was one of the few times that we did not stay with my Dad when visiting Atlanta. Lisa reserved his guest room so that she could spend more time with her Poppi. I have to give 5 stars to the accomodations at Hotel Jan and Heidi...the extras, such as unlimited cocktails, exercise facilities, meals and use of the Movie and Sports Theatre made it especially appealing, but the company pushed it over the top! Thanks, Jan and Heidi....unfortunately, you made our stay so nice, we might want to come back more often!

What a nice Thanksgiving weekend! We got to be with all of the Family, the food was delicious, the Scotch and wine sublime, Georgia beat Ga. Tech, and the weather was just cold enough to make us appreciate living in South Florida.

And The Journey continues................

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