Monday, November 8, 2010

In Celebration of 60!

In our family, it has become tradition that we uber-celebrate those birthdays that end in 0 or 5. Like 25, 30, 40 ,45, 50, 55, 60 or in Poppi's case 80, 85, etc. I am not sure how this really got started, but it is a fact that we place greater importance on those birthdays than the other numbers. If you think about it, this practice is really kind of absurd. Is 60 really more important than 61? In reality, 61 is a greater accomplishment than 60 since it is a year longer.

However, not being one to upset the apple cart, we recently made a big deal out of Connie's 60th Birthday - or as I have been stating, the 21st anniversary of her 39th birthday. So, we planned a celebration in New York - a long weekend in The Big Apple to celebrate The Big Birthday!
As the Tour Director, I tried to make as many plans as possible before the trip. This way we avoid the indecision that usually plague dinner plans -"I don't know, where do YOU want to go?"

Arriving on Friday, we took the roller coaster of a taxi ride from the airport to our Hotel in mid-town Manhattan and met Brad and Claire who had arrived on Thursday night. After a quick non-descript lunch, we walked the streets of the Lower East Side so that Brad could visit The Pickle Man. Another subway ride back to the Hotel before more walking to the vegetarian Asian restaurant, Franchia, on Park Avenue and (as usual) I went with the flow and ordered my totally vegetarian meal. Not exactly my choice in the culinary expanse of New York, but I found it surprisingly tasty and everybody else seemed to really enjoy the meal. A quick cab ride across the avenues to The Broadway Theatre brought us to the doors of the Neil Simon, Burt Bacharach-Hal David musical comedy, Promises, Promises. With superb comedic performances by Sean Hayes of Will and Grace fame, Molly Shannon of SNL fame and Kristin Chenowirth, the show was a refreshing no-brainer. The only problem was that it had one of those songs that stuck in my head for 3 days - "what do you get when you fall in love.....I'll Never fall in love again."

Saturday brought the changing of the guard - or in our case, the changing of the offspring. Lisa had arrived late Friday night from Denver and Brad and Claire had to get back to Baltimore for work. So, after a brisk 30+ block walk, we all met across from Union Square for Breakfast and then took a stroll through the Green Market in the Square. After subway rides back to midtown, we bid Brad and Claire adieu and went to The Carnegie Deli for a much anticipated pastrami sandwich. And, as usual, the actuality was not as good as the anticipation. Now, don't get me wrong; it was not a bad pastrami sandwich - just not as good as I remembered. More walking around town, a trip to MOMA and Connie began her quest for a new pair of boots - and it only took her until Sunday to find the pair that she will never wear in Florida unless we have a really long cold spell! A delicious comfort food dinner at The Eatery on 9th Ave. in the area once known as Hell's Kitchen was only upset by the texts announcing Georgia's football loss to Florida. We walked on to the Gershwin Theatre to see Wicked - an apropos choice for the night before Halloween! Many have told us that this show is their favorite and although it was very good, I still don't place it in my top 5 Broadway shows. Connie's favorite moment was not the show, but the sighting of Matthew Broderick and Sara Jessica Parker and their young son sitting a few rows in front of us.

We awoke Sunday morning to sirens and tumult in front of our hotel. A movie was being filmed with chase scenes, emergency vehicles and lots of people. Taking a detour out of the hotel, Connie and I walked to Central Park for a long walk, only to run into another movie (or was it the same one?) being filmed at Columbus Circle and getting yelled at by one of the assistants that we stepped into the scene. Oh well - take 2? After meeting Connie's sister, Ellen, back at the Hotel, we went back to the Lower East Side for a trip to Katz' Deli - you know, where Harry met Sally! Another case of the hype far surpassing the reality...but we met up with Lisa and walked the streets to Canal Street, Chinatown, SOHO, Chelsea and ended up on 6th avenue to watch the Greenwich Village Annual Halloween Parade - an event listed in 100 Things To Do Before You Die with 50,000 participants and 2 million people lining the streets to watch. If we had dressed properly and if it wasn't so cold, we might have lasted a bit longer, but gave up after about an hour and weaved and dodged until we found ourselves at Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill - a delicious respite from the craziness that reigned supreme on the streets. More subways, since a taxi was an impossibility and another walk through my favorite building, Grand Central Station, got us back to the Roosevelt Hotel.

Monday morning, Connie's actual birthday, started early with a brisk walk to be part of the crowd at The Today Show. Since the temperature was about 38 degrees, the crowd was small and we were right behind Matt, Meredith and Al during their outdoor segment. Meredith wished Connie a Happy Birthday, and to her credit braved the cold long enough to greet just about every person in the crowd. What a nice person and a class act! Connie, Ellen and I jumped in a cab to go to Barney Greengrass, a well reviewed mecca of smoked fish for some lox, white fish, herring and sable only to get all the way to West 88th Street to find that Barney is closed on Mondays! What a bummer...but we walked down Amsterdam Avenue until we found a small bagel store and got our New York Bagel fix before continuing another incredibly long walk. Walking the streets of Manhattan, in and out of multiple stores, shopping for nothing in particular and lunching in Grand Central preceded our trip to meet Lisa at The Apple Store on 5th Avenue - a crowded, boisterous, modern tribute to everything Apple. Here, Lisa surprised Connie with the "Family Gift" - an IPad from Lisa , the Cohen Brothers and wives, Poppi and Sharon and assorted nieces and nephews. The birthday culminated in drinks and apps at The Spice Market and dinner at Pastis in The Meatpacking District of west Manhattan. Our attempt to go to the Blue Note or the Village Vanguard for some jazz was thwarted by being in between sets at The Blue Note and the Vanguard being sold out, so we decided to call it a night....except for a bump in the night! (A story for another time)

Tuesday morning's limo ride to Laguardia and the trip home was uneventful and it has taken me a week to get around to writing about the trip. Reflecting on the trip, I am thankful that we did all of the walking that we did, or else all of the eating would have added at least 5 or 6 pounds. Anytime we get to spend with Lisa, Brad and Claire (and Chicky-Monkey) make for a great time and we are thankful for the time we get to spend together. After all, if it takes celebrations to make that happen, then by all means, lets have plenty of celebrations!

And The Journey continues.........

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