Thursday, November 18, 2010

Easy Button? I Don't Think So...And Other Assorted Stuff!

Staples Office Supply Stores tout an "easy Button" in their advertisements. Cute device, but totally not realistic...nothing is easy any more. Or was it ever easy? It seems that the old law by Murphy is the rule rather than the exception: "Anything that can go wrong, WILL go wrong." Now, maybe I am overstating it a bit, but how come it seems that whenever I get involved in something, it never works out as simply as it has for others.

Case in point: I hired an insurance adjuster nearly one year ago to advocate for us against the Insurance Company that insured our house nearly 5 years ago during Hurricane Wilma. We have had plenty of problems with the roof since the hurricane; replaced skylights, patched leaks and the problems never stop. After being assured that this process was a "slam dunk," we proceeded to do everything necessary to get the Insurance Company to pay for a new roof. They agreed about 7 months ago to reimburse us for repairs to date (after the deductible, it was not enough to buy a cup of coffee!) and then made us jump through hoops to go any further. FINALLY, it was agreed that we go to binding arbitration and an award was set down by the arbitration referee for over $30,000 to replace the roof. After the deductible and what they already paid and the 15% to the adjuster and other assorted costs, we would squeak out just enough to replace the roof! All sounds good in theory...but nothing is simple any more! After hearing that "the check is in the mail" for a month and a half, the envelope arrived today - with a check for $3300...some $20,000+ light from what was expected. Now, I guess we have to go to war to get this straightened out...nothing is easy any more! What really gripes me is that friends and neighbors used the same Adjuster, had less damage than us and got paid, in full, within 4 weeks of making the claim....nothing is easy any more - at least not for me!

Today, I saw the beginning of the end for Book Stores as we know them. Our local Borders is closing! I know, I know, bookstores are soooo yesterday. With the advent of, Kindles, Nooks, IPads and the like, printed books are going to be obsolete. What a shame! I am usually an early adopter of new technology, but I am just not sure I can do the electronic book thing....I love my books...I love the feel, the smell, the heft...I LIKE turning the pages! And I love to share my books. How do you do that with a digital download? I like to kill time browsing in a bookstore. It just doesn't feel the same "browsing" on Amazon. I have yet to find a hidden gem on Amazon, but have done so many times in a bookstore. But, I guess I am as much to blame for the bookstore's demise as anyone else. I browse at the bookstore but usually buy my books from Costco or Amazon if the books aren't deeply discounted at the traditional bookstore. I guess they couldn't survive on my once in a while purchase of little known books. By the time my grandchildren get to school, they will probably be issued an electronic device with their textbooks preloaded. I guess it lessens the load in the backpack, but it just won't be the same. That is why we are already buying books for our Grandchildren to be named later....I hate to think that they won't have real books to enjoy!

Speaking of the subject of getting old(er)....I had minor hand surgery this week. I have suffered with multiple trigger fingers over the last few years. Either my fingers gets stuck in the bent position or hurt so bad that I can't make a fist. Either way, it is a royal pain. 2 years ago, I had one finger surgically repaired and it is working fine now. Monday, I had the middle finger of my left hand repaired and the middle finger of my right hand injected with steroids. For the first few weeks, the cure is worse than the ailment - it takes a while to regain total mobility. However, it is kind of funny that people think that I am flipping them the middle finger (shooting a bird?) since I can't fully bend those fingers yet! But the surgery went fine. In fact, the anesthesia gave me the best 40 minutes of sleep I've had in a long time!

Anyway, there are a lot of things to look forward to in the next few weeks. Thanksgiving with all of the Cohen clan in Atlanta, my Dad and Sharon arriving for the Winter and the imminent arrival of our first grandchild due January 10th! Winter is coming, so I have regrown my Winter beard in anticipation of a winter trip to visit Lisa in Colorado.

And The Journey continues........

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