Friday, May 31, 2024

Everyone Is Innocent!

 "Everyone in here is innocent." says Morgan Freeman's character Red, a convicted murderer, in The Shawshank Redemption.  Interestingly, this is not just fiction.  A research study from the University of Southhampton shows that convicted prisoners view themselves as having more pro-social characteristics -kindness, morality, self control and generosity - than non-prisoners.

What these prisoners are doing is ignoring reality, because they are strongly influenced by the self-enhancement motive, according to the study.

Which brings us to tRump and his 34 felony convictions.  According to the former President, everything was rigged.  Everything is somebody else's fault.  the Judge is crooked, the jury is crooked, the prosecutor is crooked, Biden is crooked, everybody is against him!! "I couldn't be more innocent." Poor Donald...all the bullies are conspiring against him.  

Let's see...his legal problems are not limited to this case.  He has already lost large civil trials for sexual assault, defamation of character, racial profiling by his business (a case brought by the Nixon administration), 68 cases concerning the 2020 election and hundreds of other cases either settled out of court or still pending.  And, that doesn't even include the Georgia Election Case, the Arizona false electors case, the Federal Election case, the Classified Documents case or the Civil Fraud case that he has appealed.

So, what do the Republican officials say about all of this?  You already know the answer....tRump is innocent but, but, but Hunter Biden and Hillary's emails....  From such trustworthy (sic) people as Marco Rubio, Ron Desantis and many, many others, comes a litany of lies, justifications and other absurd statements.  And business leaders that are poised to overlook all of this for one reason only...their tax rate.

If Donald Trump wins the Presidency again, this country is in big trouble.  The "Great Experiment" of Democracy, the Rule of Law and individual rights are over.  I have to give it to the Conservatives...they have done a masterful job of building their cause from the ground up...first at the local level, then the State level, the Federal level and finally as high as the Supreme Court...the most corrupt court in the history of The United States.  If you want to talk about rigged and corruption, one has to look no further that Justices Alito and Thomas.

I have to disagree with the prisoners cited in the Southhampton nor tRump possess the important social characteristics- kindness, generosity, self-control and certainly not any trait of morality.  tRump is influenced ONLY by the self-enhancement motive and could care less about you, me or anyone else other than himself...AND IT COMPLETELY BAFFLES ME THAT HIS SUPPORTERS SLURP UP HIS NONSENSE.

And The Journey continues........

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