Monday, February 26, 2024

Oath and Honor/The Little Liar

 Having just finished reading "Oath and Honor: Memoir and a Warning" by Liz Cheney and "The Little Liar: A Novel" by Mitch Album, I couldn't help but feel how fortuitous it was that I read them back to back.

In case you haven't read either, they are both about deceit and the ramifications of constantly telling lies. 

Cheney's tome is a first hand account of the insurrection of January 6, 2021 from inside the halls of Congress, from origins to aftermath.  In Oath and Honor, she tells the story of this perilous time in our history, those who helped Trump spread the stolen election LIE and the considerable risks we still face.  If I had not personally witnessed the lies, the insurrection and the congressional investigation, I might have viewed this book as a work of fiction...because, surely this couldn't happen in the United States of America.  But it did..because a lie told enough times gets weak-minded people to believe it!

Mitch Albom's well written book is a "work of fiction, but many truths went into its construction." (the Author's words)  In fact, the narrator of the story is the Angel of Truth.  This Holocaust story set in Greece centers on 11 year old Nico, who has never told a lie.  His truthfulness is used against him when, for the promise of safety for his family, he is coerced to tell those being loaded into the cattle cars for their journey to Auschwitz, that he overheard the Germans and the trip was merely a relocation to better homes, jobs and prosperity.  Because of his reputation for ALWAYS telling the truth, many chose to believe him.

This is where the similarities in Nico's and Trump's journeys differ.  

When Nico realizes the consequences of his betrayal, he can never tell the truth again...but not just for personal gain.  He will spend the rest of his life telling lies, changing names, changing locations and identities, desperate for a way to forgiveness - for himself and from those he loved.

Trump, however, continues to tell lies.  In addition to the well-documented 30,000+ lies he told as President, he continues to lie about everything to do with everything.  A pathological liar is unable to control his lying due to an underlying mental disorder.  They are very manipulative and generally lie to get their way.  Their lies are generally complicated, dramatic and detailed.  Unlike a compulsive liar, who generally knows right from wrong, a pathological liar lives with a false sense of reality.  Ms. Cheney proves in her book that Trump is very definitely a pathological liar with no conscience, no remorse and no recognition of right from wrong.

Album's historical account of the far reaches of the Holocaust was well researched, well written and horrific in its details,  While I have studied the plight of the Jews in Germany, Poland and Austria, Album reminds us of the far reaching tentacles of hatred and the places, like Greece, that we might otherwise not relate to this horrible period of time in Europe and around the world.  In today's rise of anti-semitism and general intolerance in the world, this is a must read!

Cheney's book is also nearly as chilling.  How anyone can read this entire book, understand the planning, conniving, and lying that was and continues to be led by Trump and his minions and still vote for this garbage is beyond comprehension.  I don't care whether you have conservative political viewpoints or hate the current administration, this book helps to point out the dangers to our way of life, our Democracy and this Country's mere existence if Trump and his henchmen are put back in power.  I don't agree with many conservative policies that are the foundation of the "old" Republican Party, but I have to respect (no, Admire!) those, like Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney that are trying to save us from ourselves.  This, too, is a must read!

In The Little Liar, the Angel of Truth says: 

"Humans are broken. Susceptible to sin. They were created with minds to explore, but they often choose to explore their own power. They lie.  And those lies let them think they are God.  Truth is the only thing that stops them. And yet. You cannot drown out noise with silence. Truth needs a voice."

WE are that voice.

And The Journey continues........


  1. Keep your blogs coming :)

  2. Excellent! I look forward to reading both books……

  3. Thanks, Roy. Beautiful prose for an ugly truth. Mike

  4. Trump does know when he is not telling the truth. He is a sack of garbage that for some unknown reason or reasons appeals to half of the registered voters , Mystifying.
