Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Search for A Kidney

Three months ago I was diagnosed with an unusual kidney disease, PGNMID, and began treatment.  So far, the four chemo treatments have netted no progress and I have now been in the hospital for a week trying to get the swelling throughout my body under control.  My arms look like Popeye’s and my legs and torso resemble the baby Trump balloon!  Unfortunately, my kidney function is continuing to decrease and the doctors have informed me that its time to move on to dialysis and to be put on the transplant lists.

So, that’s the plan....going to have a port put in my abdomen this week and begin home based dialysis and begin the search for a new kidney.  I am told that being on the list means that maybe a match can be found within 12 months.  Although some in my family have already volunteered their kidney, matching still has to be there and I have to be willing to avail myself of their incredible expressions of love.  That is a decision that I will wrestle with at the appropriate time and in due course.

One thing is for sure though....the importance of support from family, friends and colleagues has been a reward in itself. And that’s the purpose of this blog —- to thank everybody for the calls, texts and emails.  The level of love and concern has made the acceptance of this bump in the road a little easier.  I have to be honest - today’s meetings with the doctors have been difficult - Sometimes it is a little hard to stay positive but we are taking it day by day and will kick the hell out of this!

Thanks again for your expressions of love - please be understanding if I don’t immediately answer your notes, texts and emails...we will do our best in keeping you updated.

And the journey continues......


  1. Roy, I just found out and I wish I could donate one of my kidneys but they are not too good with diabetes for over 40 years. My heart is in my stomach right now reading this from you. I will keep you in my prayers every night until you are well. May God Bless you and keep you in his arms.

  2. Hi Roy, I am so sorry to hear what you have been going through. I have kept up with the news through Connie, but I'm glad to now have a direct route to you. I have struggled with my own health issues over the years and completely empathize with how hard it can be at times. David and I both wish you good luck and strentgh, and will keep praying that things turn in a positive direction for you

  3. Mi Shebeirach avoteinu v’imoteinu,
    Avraham, Yitzchak v’Yaakov, Sarah, Rivkah,
    Rachel v’Lei-ah, hu y’vareich et hacholim
    Roy. Wishing you healing in 2020! Alan Seitel
