Monday, December 30, 2019

The Best and Worst of Times!

It was the Best of Times and The Worst of Times...the story of the last 12 months of my life.  As I look back on the last year, there are many things to be thankful for....  Healthy and beautiful grandchildren, children and their spouses, my forever partner Connie, my constant companion Jazz and countless friends and family that have been there for me through the best and the worst of times.

Its only been 4 months since I was first diagnosed with the kidney disease that came out of nowhere.  Now, I am at the stage where we are beginning dialysis and searching for a kidney donor.  The main lesson from all of this is that without your health, none of the other stuff really matters.  Often, when we know others that are suffering, it is easy to not fully comprehend how it takes over their life.  Unfortunately, though, it takes precedence over all of your activities, most of your thoughts and a lot of your interactions with others.

But, this post is not a "Woe is me" post.  Actually, as I reflect on the year and the last four months in particular, I am grateful and touched by the outpouring of love, compassion and caring from so many different people.  Whether it is close friends, family, extended family, casual friends, colleagues at FLMTC or just casual acquaintances, a day doesn't go by that I am not surprised by someone reaching out...and that makes the whole ordeal much more bearable.  I also believe that my health problems have made me more aware and much more compassionate about others that are facing challenges.

It was also  "the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity" ... in our country and in the world.  (Most readers of this Blog know that I couldn't go too long without being political!) The amount of hate and vitriol directed by the white supremacists and encouraged by the worthless imposter that sits in the White House is undoubtedly the worst of times.  The recent spate of Anti-Semitic and Anti-Muslim violence is reminiscent of Hitler's Germany and if that doesn't scare you, then something is wrong with you! The lack of any sort of morality coming out of the Washington Republican elite is repugnant and the lies and misinformation abhorrent.   Not to mention the Climate deniers that endanger the future of our planet.   Somehow, we have come to accept the idea that Party and getting re-elected is more important than doing what is right....and that just plain sucks!  Our Country's standing in the World is suffering...we are being laughed at by other countries and the Chinese and Russians are now the true Powers in this World...all because we have an administration that has no concept of World Affairs, except for sucking up to Putin.  There is no substitute for smarts, thoughtful discourse and an Administration that will listen to those more experienced and smarter...unfortunately we will never have that with Trump as President.  I cannot have any respect for Bad people, and Trump and McConnell are at the top of the Bad people list!  And, while I am always open for debate, using FACTS, I have lost all respect for anyone that supports the current administration based solely on their pocketbook.

So, as we head in to a New Year and a New Decade, I will be working hard to fight against those forces that endanger our Country, our World  and the future that I would like for my grandchildren to have.  All the while, I will take it step by step in fighting back to full health.   Those are my only New Year resolutions!

Happy and Healthy New Year wishes for all!

And The Journey Continues.....


  1. Well stated. Keep your chin up. Hopefully, everything will be better in the coming year.

  2. Thank you for sharing both your personal battle and the battle for the soul of democracy. You have a lot of people on your side!

  3. You are a true gem. Wishing you so much good health this new year.
