Monday, December 30, 2019

The Best and Worst of Times!

It was the Best of Times and The Worst of Times...the story of the last 12 months of my life.  As I look back on the last year, there are many things to be thankful for....  Healthy and beautiful grandchildren, children and their spouses, my forever partner Connie, my constant companion Jazz and countless friends and family that have been there for me through the best and the worst of times.

Its only been 4 months since I was first diagnosed with the kidney disease that came out of nowhere.  Now, I am at the stage where we are beginning dialysis and searching for a kidney donor.  The main lesson from all of this is that without your health, none of the other stuff really matters.  Often, when we know others that are suffering, it is easy to not fully comprehend how it takes over their life.  Unfortunately, though, it takes precedence over all of your activities, most of your thoughts and a lot of your interactions with others.

But, this post is not a "Woe is me" post.  Actually, as I reflect on the year and the last four months in particular, I am grateful and touched by the outpouring of love, compassion and caring from so many different people.  Whether it is close friends, family, extended family, casual friends, colleagues at FLMTC or just casual acquaintances, a day doesn't go by that I am not surprised by someone reaching out...and that makes the whole ordeal much more bearable.  I also believe that my health problems have made me more aware and much more compassionate about others that are facing challenges.

It was also  "the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity" ... in our country and in the world.  (Most readers of this Blog know that I couldn't go too long without being political!) The amount of hate and vitriol directed by the white supremacists and encouraged by the worthless imposter that sits in the White House is undoubtedly the worst of times.  The recent spate of Anti-Semitic and Anti-Muslim violence is reminiscent of Hitler's Germany and if that doesn't scare you, then something is wrong with you! The lack of any sort of morality coming out of the Washington Republican elite is repugnant and the lies and misinformation abhorrent.   Not to mention the Climate deniers that endanger the future of our planet.   Somehow, we have come to accept the idea that Party and getting re-elected is more important than doing what is right....and that just plain sucks!  Our Country's standing in the World is suffering...we are being laughed at by other countries and the Chinese and Russians are now the true Powers in this World...all because we have an administration that has no concept of World Affairs, except for sucking up to Putin.  There is no substitute for smarts, thoughtful discourse and an Administration that will listen to those more experienced and smarter...unfortunately we will never have that with Trump as President.  I cannot have any respect for Bad people, and Trump and McConnell are at the top of the Bad people list!  And, while I am always open for debate, using FACTS, I have lost all respect for anyone that supports the current administration based solely on their pocketbook.

So, as we head in to a New Year and a New Decade, I will be working hard to fight against those forces that endanger our Country, our World  and the future that I would like for my grandchildren to have.  All the while, I will take it step by step in fighting back to full health.   Those are my only New Year resolutions!

Happy and Healthy New Year wishes for all!

And The Journey Continues.....

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The Search for A Kidney

Three months ago I was diagnosed with an unusual kidney disease, PGNMID, and began treatment.  So far, the four chemo treatments have netted no progress and I have now been in the hospital for a week trying to get the swelling throughout my body under control.  My arms look like Popeye’s and my legs and torso resemble the baby Trump balloon!  Unfortunately, my kidney function is continuing to decrease and the doctors have informed me that its time to move on to dialysis and to be put on the transplant lists.

So, that’s the plan....going to have a port put in my abdomen this week and begin home based dialysis and begin the search for a new kidney.  I am told that being on the list means that maybe a match can be found within 12 months.  Although some in my family have already volunteered their kidney, matching still has to be there and I have to be willing to avail myself of their incredible expressions of love.  That is a decision that I will wrestle with at the appropriate time and in due course.

One thing is for sure though....the importance of support from family, friends and colleagues has been a reward in itself. And that’s the purpose of this blog —- to thank everybody for the calls, texts and emails.  The level of love and concern has made the acceptance of this bump in the road a little easier.  I have to be honest - today’s meetings with the doctors have been difficult - Sometimes it is a little hard to stay positive but we are taking it day by day and will kick the hell out of this!

Thanks again for your expressions of love - please be understanding if I don’t immediately answer your notes, texts and emails...we will do our best in keeping you updated.

And the journey continues......

Friday, September 20, 2019

I Am Not Invincible!

At some point, all of us think that we are invincible!  Nothing is going to happen to me..I am strong, I am healthy, I take only calculated risks and generally take care of myself.  We all go along our merry way, not worrying too much nor fretting over our well being.  And then...BOOM!  That all changes in an instance.

I always thought that if anything affected my health, it would be my heart.  After all, cardiac problems run throughout my Mom, Dad and 3 brothers all had cardiac issues.  So, I was diligent in checking up on the ticker and everything has always been good!   And then a couple of weeks ago, I was just not feeling right.  Lethargic, loss of appetite, retention of fluids and just generally feeling punk.  Finally, after much prodding from my family and friends, I relented and went to the doctor to find that my blood pressure was through the roof.  Blood tests revealed that my kidney function was shutting down.

A week in the hospital and I went through a Kidney biopsy, Bone Marrow biopsy, complications from the biopsy...and the diagnosis is an uncommon Kidney Disease...PGNMID...  At this point, we hope it is treatable with chemo, as I have had my first round last week and am scheduled for the second round on Friday, September 27th.  I am told that about a third respond to this treatment and am trying to avoid dialysis and/or transplant.

So, I am at home, but expect to try to go back to work asap...this sitting around doing nothing is not for me!  Unfortunately, I am restricted in travel as the chemo leaves me more susceptible to infections...but keeping the Purel close at hand is not the worse thing in the world.  However, I am going to have to forego my 50th High School Reunion that I was so looking forward to.  To all my classmates, send pictures, I will be with you in spirit.

I have learned a few things during this ordeal.  First, listen to your body...if something isn't feeling right, then it's time to get it checked out.  Second, I have the best support group in my family and my friends.  The outpouring of love and concern has been overwhelming and that is probably the best medicine of all.

No matter what course I have to take to get there, I'LL BE BACK!!  Stay tuned!

And The Journey Continues!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

The New Normal?

64% of American voters believe President Trump committed crimes before he became president, while just 24% believe he did not, according to Quinnipiac poll released Tuesday.
Voters are more divided on the question of whether or not Trump committed crimes during his presidency, with 45% responding yes and 43% no. Of those surveyed, 50% said they believe Michael Cohen — who detailed alleged crimes committed by Trump during his testimony last week — more than they believe the president. As he enters the third year of his presidency, 65% of Americans say Trump is not honest, including 25% of Republicans — "his worst grade ever on that character trait," according to Quinnipiac.
                                                                        AXIOS March 5, 2019

This would be very interesting if it really mattered!  It seems we have morphed in to a society that does not care about honesty…not from our politicians and not in our daily lives.  It has become the new normal to “shade the truth, tell little fibs, exaggerate, pontificate and out and out lie!  It has been estimated that, so far in his Presidency, Trump has uttered 7645 false or misleading claims and is averaging over 15 lies a day!

Why doesn’t this matter to the voters?  We already know that most voters are so under-informed about reality, that they will believe anything put in front of them if it fits within their narrow internet world.  Trump’s tax cuts are a great example.  These tax cuts were a fraud on the American taxpayer.  Benefits were only put in to place to benefit the top 1% and Corporations. BUT, Trump had the IRS adjust the withholding tables so that it appeared that working people were receiving a benefit. However, as these people are now finding out, their Taxes actually went up due to the elimination of certain deductions and now those same people are having to come up with funds to pay their taxes.  Not to mention the Trillions that it is adding to our deficit.  Just as he has done in ALL of his business dealings, Trump lied to fit the narrative he wanted the public to believe.

Yes, I believe Michael Cohen over Donald Trump.  Michael Cohen no longer has anything else to gain or lose, so lying does him no good at all. I agree that Trump is a racist, con man and overall bad person.

So, it is extremely hard for me to understand how anybody can defend this less than a man.  What has he accomplished?  A Tax cut?  No, that was a tax fraud on the American worker.  
Great strides in Foreign Policy? No, he is laughed at by every one of our Allies and only embraced by Dictators and Despots…and he embraces them in return over our own Intelligence Agencies.

 A great economy and unemployment numbers?  No, he had nothing to do with that…the previous administration dug us out of the hole and he has only managed to make things more difficult for our farmers and manufacturers with his phony trade wars.  

Immigration Reform?  No, “Build that Wall” is not immigration is only hate filled rhetoric designed to fire up his base and create an “emergency” over illegal immigration numbers that are at an all time low.  

Drain the Swamp?  No, he has created a Swamp so deep that 34 people and 3 Companies have been indicted from his administration (so far) and the revolving door that has been installed in the White House for his Cabinet and Advisors is moving at warp speed.  

Peace with North Korea…No, that is laughable.  North Korea has increased the pursuit of nuclear weapons and missiles that can reach the United States.  Complete failure!

Healthcare? Respect and belief in Science concerning the environment?  Education reforms?  NO, NO and NO!!!

So, exactly what has he accomplished besides embracing the Neo Nazi’s, the KKK and others that are filled with hate?  Yep, I now believe that Trump can shoot somebody in the middle of 5thAvenue and his supporters will find that to be okay!

What a terrible thing to have our new normal be one of lies, deception and general dishonesty rather than real accomplishments, truth, civility and inclusion.

And The Journey Continue…………….