Tuesday, October 12, 2010

My First Blog

8 Years ago I decided to write the story of my attempt to climb a 14,000 ft mountain in Colorado. That was before Blogs came into fashion...I was going to write a book!! After 3 entries and 6 pages, I kind of forgot that I had even started it. However, it had a great title..."A Fat Man's Journey"
Although this blog is intended to be free flowing - that is, I reserve the right to blog about anything I want to blog about - after reading what I wrote 8 years ago, I have decided to reproduce it here, along with my postscript comments dated today.
I am not sure if anybody is going to read my blog, and frankly I am not sure I really care...but perhaps it can serve as my own sounding board and maybe one day my grandchildren will enjoy reading it and get to know their grandfather better!
So, here are the first few pages of "A Fat Man's Journey"....stay tuned, I have plenty to say!

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