Sunday, October 22, 2023

Thoughts on the Attack on Israel

On October 6th we woke to news of the horrific attack on Israel by Hamas. At first, I was horrified by the news and the images of the barbaric attacks on civilians including children, the elderly and others that were simply leading their everyday lives. Then, I became very sad that there are people that have so little regard for Human Life that they felt justified in committing such atrocities. Finally, the sadness turned to anger.

Anger that Israel is the only country in the world that has to defend itself defending itself. Anger that most of the World blames Israel for causing this terrible act. Anger that the hatred for The Jewish people is so great, the the phrase “Never Again” is hollow, because Never Again has turned in to “Here We go Again.”

Recently, our Rabbi, Dan Levin, wrote a piece answering a teenager’s question: “If Hamas is so bad, then why don’t the Palestinians overthrow them.” In citing a recent survey of Palestinians he pointed out a very disturbing fact: When asked if they support attacking Israel, 70% claimed support with 35% indicating strong support.

Rabbi Dan further posits: “Hamas has never hidden their agenda. Their charter and their rhetoric all call for the destruction not simply of Israel, but of the Jewish people. They reject and refuse any negotiated resolution or political settlement for peace. They call for unceasing war and violence to create an Islamic state run by Sharia Law. And they have never wavered in word or deed. Neither has Hizbullah, their allies to the north, or Iran, their benefactors in the east.”

Every Jewish person in our Country is no more than 1 connection away from knowing someone directly affected by this attack on Israel and its citizens. In my case, I have Great Nephews in Jerusalem and multiple friends with family in various places in Israel. An attack on Israel is an attack on ALL Jews throughout the world. Jewish people make up .2% of the world population, but seem to be blamed for 50% of the world’s problems.

The rise of anti-semitism across the globe is staggering and frightening. It seems that those that are supporting the Palestinians are ignoring the fact that Hamas attacked Israel…not the other way around. I understand there is the bigger question of a Palestinian State or a two state solution, but the fact remains that this war was started by Hamas and is going to be expanded by Hezbollah and is fueled by Iran. Further, it make logical sense that Russia is involved as a means to divert attention and resources from its unprovoked war on Ukraine. This is not a war Israel asked for, but has every right and responsibility to defend itself.

My anger is also rooted in the amount of misinformation and disinformation being propagandized in the press and on social media. Facts matter! There are those that blame Biden’s release of $6 billion dollars of Iranian’s own money to be the cause of the attacks. The fact is that NONE of that money has been accessed and it has, in fact, been refrozen and cannot be accessed. There is evidence that these attacks have been planned for 2 years…not as a result of the decision to release Iran’s own funds for the release of hostages being held in Iran.

The recent bombing of the hospital in Gaza is another media kerfuffle. Initially, it was loudly blamed on Israel. When overwhelming evidence shows it was Hamas’ own misfired missiles and that it didn’t actually hit the hospital but landed in a parking lot, the silence of the media was deafening. And, it’s not just Israel stopping the people of Gaza from leaving. Egypt also is not allowing their border to be opened, but criticism of their lack of humanity goes unreported. In fact, there is not a single Arab country that will accept refugees from Gaza or The West Bank although most in Gaza and The West Bank originally descended from those same Arab Countries.

There are those that blame the attacks on Israel’s occupation of Gaza. Fact is that Israel has not occupied Gaza since 2005. Yes, conditions are terrible in Gaza. But, that is their own fault for supporting a terrorist organization as their ruling government. Hamas has no regard for Palestinian’s lives and in fact, use their own people as human shields against attacks, Their stockpiles of weapons are in civilian enclaves, hospitals and the myriad of tunnels running throughout Gaza.

There is hatred on both sides. The Palestinians hate The Jews and most Jewish people have contempt and hatred of The Palestinian people. As long as that hate exists, there is no solution.

Rabbi Dan ended his answer to that teenager with: “ In this hour of fear and dread, we cannot allow ourselves to fall prey to hatred, to lose our capacity to see the other, to feel their pain, to hear their cries.
We must let go of our hatreds. We must cast off the blinders that keep us from seeing the humanity of the other. We must choose a different mindset and a different path. Only then will suffering end. Only then will we know peace.”

And the Journey continues…

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