Sunday, October 22, 2023

Thoughts on the Attack on Israel

On October 6th we woke to news of the horrific attack on Israel by Hamas. At first, I was horrified by the news and the images of the barbaric attacks on civilians including children, the elderly and others that were simply leading their everyday lives. Then, I became very sad that there are people that have so little regard for Human Life that they felt justified in committing such atrocities. Finally, the sadness turned to anger.

Anger that Israel is the only country in the world that has to defend itself defending itself. Anger that most of the World blames Israel for causing this terrible act. Anger that the hatred for The Jewish people is so great, the the phrase “Never Again” is hollow, because Never Again has turned in to “Here We go Again.”

Recently, our Rabbi, Dan Levin, wrote a piece answering a teenager’s question: “If Hamas is so bad, then why don’t the Palestinians overthrow them.” In citing a recent survey of Palestinians he pointed out a very disturbing fact: When asked if they support attacking Israel, 70% claimed support with 35% indicating strong support.

Rabbi Dan further posits: “Hamas has never hidden their agenda. Their charter and their rhetoric all call for the destruction not simply of Israel, but of the Jewish people. They reject and refuse any negotiated resolution or political settlement for peace. They call for unceasing war and violence to create an Islamic state run by Sharia Law. And they have never wavered in word or deed. Neither has Hizbullah, their allies to the north, or Iran, their benefactors in the east.”

Every Jewish person in our Country is no more than 1 connection away from knowing someone directly affected by this attack on Israel and its citizens. In my case, I have Great Nephews in Jerusalem and multiple friends with family in various places in Israel. An attack on Israel is an attack on ALL Jews throughout the world. Jewish people make up .2% of the world population, but seem to be blamed for 50% of the world’s problems.

The rise of anti-semitism across the globe is staggering and frightening. It seems that those that are supporting the Palestinians are ignoring the fact that Hamas attacked Israel…not the other way around. I understand there is the bigger question of a Palestinian State or a two state solution, but the fact remains that this war was started by Hamas and is going to be expanded by Hezbollah and is fueled by Iran. Further, it make logical sense that Russia is involved as a means to divert attention and resources from its unprovoked war on Ukraine. This is not a war Israel asked for, but has every right and responsibility to defend itself.

My anger is also rooted in the amount of misinformation and disinformation being propagandized in the press and on social media. Facts matter! There are those that blame Biden’s release of $6 billion dollars of Iranian’s own money to be the cause of the attacks. The fact is that NONE of that money has been accessed and it has, in fact, been refrozen and cannot be accessed. There is evidence that these attacks have been planned for 2 years…not as a result of the decision to release Iran’s own funds for the release of hostages being held in Iran.

The recent bombing of the hospital in Gaza is another media kerfuffle. Initially, it was loudly blamed on Israel. When overwhelming evidence shows it was Hamas’ own misfired missiles and that it didn’t actually hit the hospital but landed in a parking lot, the silence of the media was deafening. And, it’s not just Israel stopping the people of Gaza from leaving. Egypt also is not allowing their border to be opened, but criticism of their lack of humanity goes unreported. In fact, there is not a single Arab country that will accept refugees from Gaza or The West Bank although most in Gaza and The West Bank originally descended from those same Arab Countries.

There are those that blame the attacks on Israel’s occupation of Gaza. Fact is that Israel has not occupied Gaza since 2005. Yes, conditions are terrible in Gaza. But, that is their own fault for supporting a terrorist organization as their ruling government. Hamas has no regard for Palestinian’s lives and in fact, use their own people as human shields against attacks, Their stockpiles of weapons are in civilian enclaves, hospitals and the myriad of tunnels running throughout Gaza.

There is hatred on both sides. The Palestinians hate The Jews and most Jewish people have contempt and hatred of The Palestinian people. As long as that hate exists, there is no solution.

Rabbi Dan ended his answer to that teenager with: “ In this hour of fear and dread, we cannot allow ourselves to fall prey to hatred, to lose our capacity to see the other, to feel their pain, to hear their cries.
We must let go of our hatreds. We must cast off the blinders that keep us from seeing the humanity of the other. We must choose a different mindset and a different path. Only then will suffering end. Only then will we know peace.”

And the Journey continues…

Sunday, September 17, 2023

Things I Don't Understand

Although I have been accused of thinking that I am smarter than everybody else, actually the opposite is true.  There are a lot of people smarter than me, but I would like to think that I have a modicum of smarts.  However, there are a number of things I do NOT understand.

For instance, Why do certain people feel it is necessary to legislate other people's body, lifestyle, sexual preference, marital status or even what books they are allowed to read.  Yes, I am talking about you, Mr. DeSantis and your other self-righteous, right wing followers.  What gives you the right to decide what a woman does with her own body, including contraception and abortion?  Why should you force your religious beliefs on someone that does not share your beliefs?  Just because I believe that women should have a choice on what and when to do to their own being doesn't necessarily make me in favor of abortion, it just makes me in favor of you NOT being able to legislate choice.  How come you think you and the government should have a say in those decisions?  I don't understand!

Why do certain people think they should have a say in what others read or what is available for them or their children to read?  Yes, I am talking about you, Mr. DeSantis and The Mothers of Liberty (sic).  If you do not want to let your children read certain books because of your close-mindedness, then that is your prerogative.  Why should others be prevented from reading or for letting their children read whatever they and their parents deem appropriate?  What make you the arbiter of what is appropriate to be put in our school's libraries?  To me, it seems that you are following the Third Reich's playbook.  I don't understand!

Why do certain people think they are above the law and that the rules don't apply to them?   Yes, Mr. Trump, I am talking about you and your brain-washed followers that can't read an indictment and understand the depth of the crimes you are being accused of and the depth of evidence that has been presented so far.  Others have been prosecuted and sentenced for revealing far less government secrets than you have.  And that does not even include the charges that have been filed concerning January 6th and the fake electors schemes.  How come you can't read simple reports like the Mueller Report or other Congressional reports and conclude that Trump is the most corrupt President to ever hold office.  How come you can't connect the dots between Trump's daughter and son-in-law and The Saudi Arabian regime?  Are the billions Kushner was awarded by the Saudi's not enough to convince you?  I don't understand!

Why are you so afraid of The LGBTQ community?  Why do you spend 90% of your time on the campaign trail blasting Trans and non-binary people when they make up less than .5% of the population? Yes, I am AGAIN talking about you Mr. DeSantis.  Why is this non-issue an important issue to you?  And why should it matter to you if there are people who want to celebrate Pride month?  Exactly how does that affect your everyday life?  Why are you against Gay Marriage?  Is love not love?  How any individual conducts their own sexual preferences with a willing partner should not be of any concern to you.  So, why do you think the government should be involved?  And why are you so offended by a drag show that you want to outlaw them rather than just ignore them?  I grew up watching famous comedians dressing up as women for their shows (Jack Benny, Bob Hope, Red Skelton, Jackie Gleason etc) and it didn't harm why do you think it will be such a detriment to kids today?  Why do you think YOU can tell other parents what their kids should watch?  I don't understand!

Why can't you recognize that every Republican administration over the last 80 years has been much worse for the economic health of this country than Democratic administrations?  Yes, I am talking to all of the Republican Reagan worshipers that believe the economy is always better under Republican leadership.  The economy has grown significantly faster under Democratic Presidents than Republicans.  By almost every measure, GDP, employment, stock market indexes, productivity, incomes etc, this holds true.  Why do you hold onto the theory that the economy is better under Republicans when Democrats have been more willing to heed economic and historical lessons about what policies actually strengthen the economy, while Republicans have often clung to theories that they want to believe - like the supposedly magical powers of tax cuts, trickle down economics and deregulation?  Don't believe me?  Why are you not smart enough to actually research this and look at history?  I don't understand!

Why are we accepting the growth of anti-semitism, Nazi demonstrations, Ku Klux Klan and the White supremacists in today's society?  Yes, I understand freedom of speech.  However, where is the outcry or at least some indignation from our so-called leaders and political candidates?  When are we going to have someone in a position of power actually speak out against our Country's slide back into 1930's Germany?  Why are the politicians and candidates for office so eerily silent about this subject?  I don't understand!

How many school kids and others have to die from gun-wielding 2nd Amendment worshippers before we take action against the proliferation of guns and gun violence in our Country?  Why can't we learn from all of the other countries that have passed sensible gun laws and greatly reduced these crimes?  How long are we going to put up with terrorist drills in our schools and the need to lock and chain school doors to protect our children?  When do we quit taking the NRA's money and enact legislation that the MAJORITY of American citizens want?  It is absolute lunacy and I don't understand!

Finally, why can't you tell the difference between facts and bullshit?  Yes, I am talking about all of the Trump syncophynts and other conspiracy theorists. Is it because you have such a weak sense of self that you have to leach onto that liar of all liars.  It has been proven over and over again that most things Trump says is a lie, but you continue to slurp up the juice.  Are you so unable to think for yourself that you don't recognize the lie or do you just not care?  Here's the actual results....over 30,000 fact checked lies, two impeachments, embarrassing our Country by kissing Putin's ass, running up the deficit by over 7 trillion dollars, accomplishing exactly zero of his campaign promises, lying to his supporters about the election being stolen, having fake electors submit fraudulent documents, calling a Georgia official asking him to find 11,780 votes, inciting an insurrection on the Capitol, attempting to overthrow our democracy, refusing (for the first time in our history) the peaceful transfer of power, stealing classified documents, and refusing to return them under subpoena, and being indicted on 91 felony charges in 4 jurisdictions...not including the many civil complaints filed against him personally and his shady business practices.  I don't understand how anyone can support this lying, treasonous, indicted, criminal loser without realizing they are in a dangerous cult.  I just don't understand!!

There is so much more that I don't understand, including those that refuse to follow science and would rather follow TikTok or Twitter propaganda bullshit. 

I don’t unde………wait a minute!  Maybe I do understand….If books are banned, then the next generation won’t be exposed to ideas that are opposed to what you want them to believe….if you deny history, then we are doomed to repeat it, and maybe that’s what you want…If you push a single religion’s beliefs on everybody, it makes it easier for the white supremacist,  anti-semitic, racist faction to be emboldened…If we bring up a generation of non-thinkers, then it will make it easier to install an authoritative regime….if enough lies are told, then the decimation of a democratic country will be complete….

I think I am beginning to understand!

And The Journey continues......

Monday, May 8, 2023

Ban This!

Republicans in the Federal, state and local governments are in love with BANS!  They have banned books (this morning I read where local pundits want to remove "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" along with 400 other Classic and popular books from the library!), banned trans-athletes from competing, banned Sex Education in the schools, banned the use of preferred pronouns, banned the teaching of actual American History, banned critical race theory, banned the use of the word gay or lesbian from schools, banned drag shows and even banned free speech by banning those that speak out against their other bans!

But when sensible people call for assault weapons to be banned, the Right Wing Republicans say "Bans Don't Work!"

There are over 13,000 people in The United States that have been killed by gun violence since January 1st.  There have been nearly 200 mass shootings. Hardly a day goes by that does not have a mass shooting, usually with a military assault weapon, in this country.  But, to put any bans in place regarding assault weapons or the ability to purchase guns by underage kids or ban the sale of guns without proper background checks or to enact any sensible gun laws throughout the country is a giant NO!  A Fox News poll showed that over 80% of Americans want an assault weapon ban.  Over 88% of Americans want sensible gun laws.  But as long as the greatest terrorist group in America, The NRA, is allowed to buy your legislators, we will never consider doing what is right.

This weekend, another grissly shooting took place in that ultimate State of "Gun Freedom," Texas.  And what do we get from Texas Republicans?  Thoughts and Prayers?  One even said that it was God's plan!  Well, screw your "Thoughts and Prayers."  Governor Abbot shrugged and said it was an "unspeakable act and we should focus on mental health problems, not guns"  So, what has he done about this?  He has EASED gun laws and made it easier for people to buy and use these weapons of mass destruction.  And he has cut the budget for mental health care in Texas by $200 million!  By the way, the shooter in Texas was wearing a patch that declared him to be part of the "Right Wing Death Squad."  Other countries have the same mental health problems, the same video games and the same social media woes.  However, they have banned these types of military weapons and don't have the amount of mass shootings that we have in this country.  But Bans Don't Work.  In Texas, death by guns occurs 15.6 times for every 1000 people.  That rate is 75% more than in California that has enacted some sensible gun laws....but Bans Don't Work.

And screw those that continue to vote for these barbaric assholes that continue to hide behind the 2nd Amendment...that, by the way, does NOT give the individual the right to own guns. Nowhere in that amendment does the word "own" exist.  They CAN possess guns as part of a "well regulated militia."  

Let's face it...the NRA owns our government and the desire for profit over life is sickening.  

I will never understand how anybody can vote for a government official simply because they hope that their tax rate will be reduced.  When IMPORTANT issues like gun control, a woman's right to choose, the separation of State and Church, freedom of speech, equal rights, honesty from our so-called leaders and the eradication of Democracy have to take a back seat to your tax rate, the end of a functioning democratic society ends.  And stop with the argument that the economy does better under Republican leadership.  It is a proven FACT that every measure of economic success over the last 50-75 years is greater under Democratic leadership than it is under Republican leadership.  But putting that aside, if you, as an individual override any concern with the social issues facing this nation with your pocketbook, then we don't share the same values...Nor the same concerns and consideration for the next generation.

My Grandchildren should have the opportunity to grow up and thrive in a society that protects everyone equally, and should not have to live in constant fear of being gunned down in a mall or at school.  They should have access to those books and ideas their parents deem appropriate and should be able to live their lives without prejudice regardless of their religion or color of their skin or sexual preference.  And they should not be limited by some politician that wants to force his religious beliefs and misguided nanny-state beliefs on all of society.  All of that is much more important to me than my damn tax rate! 

Damn right I am taking the Moral High Ground...and you should too.

And the Journey continues......

Thursday, February 9, 2023

Open One's Eyes

Whenever a child learns critical thinking, a conspiracy theory dies.  This is the fear of Ron DeSantis in his crusade against the proper education of the children and college age adults in the State of Florida.  His banning of books and course content is reminiscent of Hitler and his crusade against books, learning and critical thinking that lead to the Holocaust and the extermination of millions of people.

In DeSantis' view, if you are not adhering to his white, Christian ultra-conservative beliefs and morals, then you are not equal and should not be treated that way.  He is against WOKE policies although he does not even understand WOKE.  To him it is just a trigger word to incite those ignorant enough to agree with him on his far right policies.

WOKE: Aware of and actively attentive to important societal FACTS and issue...especially issues of racial and social justice.  A great synonym for Woke is "Open one's eyes."  Given that, why are people like DeSantis, Trump, McCarthy and Huckabee Sanders so worked up about a Woke society?  By denying our factual history about how the LGBTQ community or the African-American community has been treated and viewed by society as a whole does not make that history go away.  They want you to bury your head in the sand and not teach our children the truth about how this country was founded on the backs of slaves nor how we all live on land stolen from the indigenous people that preceded the Europeans that "founded" America nor how they or the gay community have been treated as less than equal.

Again...Whenever a child learns critical thinking, a conspiracy theory dies.  So, their solution is to only teach ABC's and adding and subtraction and ignore the ability to develop critical thinking in our young people.  Banning books, ignoring the truth and only teaching a narrow view of the world is better for their brand, simply because the DeSantis' of the world don't want any views other than their own narrow views exposed to those growing up.  Besides, Critical Race Theory(CRT) is not and never has been taught in the public schools in Florida.  It is discussed in College Level Law School courses, but DeSantis is creating a solution to a problem that doesn't exist!  However, he realizes that the suppression of the truth is better for the perpetuation of lies and myths.

When I read the list of books that DeSantis and his ilk have either banned or are trying to ban, it nauseates me.  They include Of Mice and Men, One Flew over The Cuckoos Nest, Brave New World, The Color Purple, The Kite Runner, Beloved, The Great Gatsby, Catcher In The Rye, I am Jazz and many, many more.  It is proposed to ban Animal Farm, Portnoy's Complaint, Charlie and The Chocolate Factory, Charlotte's Web and more classics that might offend someone's outdated, ultra-conservative, misguided views. Certainly, To Kill A Mockingbird must be next.   I cannot help but laugh at the statement that some of those books actually have animals speaking, so they must be bad!

This is not what should be done anywhere in our supposed "Free Country."  DeSantis touts Florida as the "Freest State in the Country."  That is so laughable, it has to be a punch line to a longer story.  Free?  Not free to teach the truth.  Free?  Not free if you are gay or transgendered.  Free?  Not free if you want to check a classic book out of the school library.  

Free?  Not free if you are a duly elected official and say something that pisses off DeSantis, so he removes you from office.  Free?  Not when you are a teacher in Florida and are being told that you can be charged with a felony if you have books in your classroom that talk of sexuality or racism.  

Free?  Not when you are a convicted felon who has served their time, but still not allowed to vote or hold office because the state government ignores the law giving you those rights and decides that you haven't paid your court costs and must therefore pay a poll tax in order to restore those rights. 

Free?  Not when there is a Governor in the State who ignores the rampant racism, gay bashing and anti-semitism in the State and, in fact, embraces it. Free? Not when that same Governor signs a "parental rights bill" that is anything but that...just Don't Say Gay!

Free? DeSantis often seems to revel in his contempt for the First Amendment and even fund raises off of it.  Shortly before he signed unconstitutional legislation punishing The Walt Disney Company for criticizing one of his policies, the governor sent a fundraising email to supporters touting the fact that he was doing so.  The company, DeSantis said, was being punished after it "Tried to attack me to advance their woke agenda."

Free? DeSantis signed legislation imposing speech codes on university professors.  Free? The Governor has threatened drag performers and venues with criminal charges, or at the very least, taking away their liquor licenses.

Free?  Not when DeSantis uses the sovereign powers of government to shape public discourse itself by punishing some ideas, rewarding other and conscripting public schools and Universities into his culture war.  He uses those powers to sanction speech he does not like and to punish institutions that criticize him.

Whenever a child learns critical thinking, a conspiracy theory dies.  I vote for Truth.  I vote for honesty. I vote for the rule of law.  I vote for diversity and equality. I vote for teaching our children how to think for themselves.  I vote for REAL FREEDOM.  

And I embrace Kindness.

And The Journey continues.......

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Persistence - Stetson Bennett IV

Persistence: Firm or obstinate in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition. A person who is persistent is regarded as tenacious, indefatigable and pertinacious.  If you look up the definition of a persistent person, I am quite sure that Stetson Bennett IV's picture will be there!

Stetson's life story has been told over and over again.  From the time he was 3 years old, he told his family that he would one day be a Championship Quarterback for the University of Georgia,  Although he had a stellar High School career in tiny Blackshear, GA, he was told he was not big enough and not good enough and was hardly recruited to the College level by any team.  Nonetheless, he walked-on at Georgia and toiled on the Scout Team getting his brains beat in every day at practice.  His main contribution was in preparing the team to play Oklahoma in the Rose Bowl.  After being told he would not get any playing time at UGA, he transferred to a tiny Community College and led them to a Championship.  But, that gnawing desire to be at Georgia had him return a year later only to be told again that he was not good enough and was actually 4th string at one time.  But Stetson did not give up.  Instead he just worked that much harder.

Other QB's on the team either didn't pan out, transferred out or got injured and Stetson finally got his chance.  His dogged persistence gave him the opportunity to prove he not only belonged but that he could lead this team to wins.  Nonetheless, he continued to look over his shoulder during the 2021 season, sure that if he didn't perform, he would be benched.  So, what did he do? He led Georgia to a National Championship!  

However, respect was still not easy to come by.  Many fans and coaches did not want him to return for the 2022 season.  They preferred the bevy of 5 star QB's that were sitting on the bench.  Stet answered his critics by leading this team to a 2nd National Championship and the most lopsided victory ever played in the history of post-season college football.  Undersized, he of average arm strength, always under-estimated, Stetson Bennett IV might be the most tenacious, indefatigable and pertinacious person you will ever see.

Yes, this University of Georgia Bulldog Team had a great supporting cast.  A defense that was rebuilt from the Championship Year of 2021 since so many players went on to the NFL.  An offense that was retooled to be more open and risk-taking and a coaching staff that worked harder than any other team.  This is a team that believed.  Hell, I Believe! And am proud to be a life-long Georgia Bulldog! 

Take it from this old fan....If you want to teach your children and grandchildren what it means to never give up, and what it means to chase your dreams no matter what others are saying, then tell them the story of Stetson Bennett IV.  It is a better story than Rudy, Rocky or any other underdog Hollywood film.  It is a story of believing in yourself and going for the brass ring, knocking every obstacle to the side.  It is a story of faith in one's self and of never giving up.  It is a lesson worth teaching to all kids and even most adults.


And the Journey Continues......