Wednesday, September 15, 2021

A Yom Kippur Reflection

Yom Kippur, The Day of Atonement begins tonight.  It is a good time to reflect on the last year. 


How could I have been a better person… have I offended or hurt others…what could I have done better to show compassion and care for others.  Have we all, to some extent, lost our moral compass?  What is right and what is wrong?


In these turbulent times, we should all look within ourselves and ask those questions.  Is wearing a mask too much to ask of one in order to protect others?  Is spreading falsehoods and unsubstantiated “alternative facts” going to help mankind?  Are my individual “freedoms” more important than the greater good?


Unfortunately, we live in a time where selfishness, self-centeredness and narcissism are corrupting our collective moral compass.  We politicize those things that should be decided outside of politics.  We should trust science and the scientists rather than the pundits and talking heads.  And our decisions should take into consideration the greater good of all.


Selfish is defined as lacking consideration for others and is only concerned with oneself.  The choice to wear a mask is not about protecting yourself…it is about protecting others around you.  To teach our children that it is okay to not wear a mask in school is to teach them that selfishness is okay.  Yet, there are those that advocate this in the name of individual freedoms.  What about the freedom to not want to breathe other’s Covid germs? Why can't we simply be considerate of those around us?


A self-centered person is a person who can only use themselves as a frame of interest (how will this affect ME, what will I get out of this, how will I benefit).  A narcissist is selfish, self-centered, lacks empathy, and has a sense of entitlement, grandiosity and arrogance as they seek validation.  Those that exhibit these qualities will continually put themselves first.


A selfish, self-centered, narcissistic person cannot begin to understand the plight of the less fortunate, the immigrant or anyone else that is not like themselves.  


On this day of reflection and atonement, I will re-dedicate myself to not be selfish or self-centered.  I will be empathetic to those around me, fight for the underdog and continue to speak out against those that are only concerned about themselves.  If I have offended or hurt you by my actions or words, I ask for your forgiveness.


Wishing all a year of Health, Happiness and the resolve to always think of how our collective actions affect everyone around us.

And, The Journey continues.....



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