Thursday, July 19, 2012

Damn Good Dog!

(Ta)Kota "Bear" Cohen  (1996-2012)

Our family lost a valued member last night as Lisa's dog, Kota, left for his journey to doggy-heaven. 

Born to unknown parents in Aspen, Colorado in the Summer of 1996, Kota and the rest of his litter were found by the side of a road.  Shortly thereafter, Lisa and her roommate adopted 2 of the 6 week old puppies.  Kaya was the frisky brown dog, Takota (Native American term for "good friend to all") the shy white ball of fur.  He was so shy initially that Lisa nearly had 2nd thoughts about keeping him.  But Kota came around and soon became Lisa's constant companion.  Living in Aspen, Kota was trained off the leash and got most of his early mentoring on how to be a mountain dog from Rogue, an amazing 3 legged mountain dog belonging to Lisa's friend Brian.  It didn't take long before shopkeepers in Aspen got to know Kota as he accompanied Lisa everywhere.

And I mean EVERYWHERE!  Kota was a true mountain dog and hiker as he completed forty 14,000 foot peaks in the mountains of Colorado..  He wanted to hike all 54 of the 14er's, but conditions and his advancing age began to slow him down.  However, he was always ready for a hike, a camping trip, a romp in the snow or a stroll in a stream.  One of his favorite activities was to follow Lisa up a ski slope and run and slide down the entire slope. 

In 1998, we got the privilege of keeping Kota with us in Florida while Lisa was in Africa for 11 months.  Kota became "my" dog as he followed me everywhere, slept by my bedside and accompanied me on many walks, runs and car rides.  I was so convinced that he was mine, that I told Lisa that Kota would not want to go back with her when she returned.  I learned that you should never underestimate Kota's memory or loyalty, as he immediately dissed me for Lisa upon her return.  In 2001, Kota again returned to Florida while Lisa was in Guatemala for a couple of months and visited often...most notably in 2002-2004 to mentor young Bella in how to be a loyal pooch.  Their romps in the ocean were epic!

So, what made Kota special?  He was one of the smartest dogs I have ever seen and seemed to understand whatever you were telling him.  His intuitiveness into one's psyche and his loyalty and protectiveness of Lisa were remarkable.  I knew that as long as Kota was with Lisa on her many mountain adventures, I really didn't have to worry about her - if he ever needed to pull a Lassie-like rescue mission, I am confident he would have pulled it off!  In 2002, as I attempted my first 14er, Kota spent most of the day running back down the mountain to check on me as I lagged behind Lisa's pace.  When he would see that I was okay, he would run back up the slope to join Lisa, only to check on me again many times more.

The last year has not been easy for Kota.  At nearly 16 years old, his arthritic legs and back didn't always get him where he wanted to go. The spirit was willing but the body could only do so much.  I know he dreamt often of the days he ran up and down the mountains, chased prairie dogs, squirrels and other wildlife, swam in the streams and hiked the trails...his sleeping smile gave him away!  But, he fought until the end...always getting excited when Lisa came home from work and really trying to be brave in the face of his pain.  He will be missed by Lisa and many others whose life he touched in so many ways. I will miss him and his indomitable spirit.  Rest In Peace, Kota!  You deserve it.

Damn Good Dog!

And The Journey continues.......

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