Monday, October 29, 2012

Things I Don't Understand....

Rightfully or not, I like to think of myself as a somewhat intelligent being with the ability to grasp simple concepts, ideas and varying opinions.  Nonetheless, there are a number of things going on in the world, our nation and in everyday life that baffle me!  Additionally, I can't believe there aren't others that aren't as equally confused.

Today, I read about the Supreme Court AGAIN having to tell a pro-life group in Oklahoma that the "Personhood" amendment that they want on the ballot is unconstitutional.  Now, that is not what is so confusing...What baffles me is the notion that The Republican Party professes to want "smaller government" and "Religious freedom" but wants to legislate against those that don't agree with their religious slant on abortions, contraception and the right to love whomever you want.  Where is it written in our Constitution that we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as long as that pursuit agrees with the moral convictions of the evangelical right or the Catholic Church?  It was bad enough that we have grossly discriminated based on the color of one's skin, but we are still discriminating based on beliefs and a moral code dictated by the majority's religion. What baffles me is the notion that government should interfere with a woman's fundamental right to make decisions about her own body and about who a person can marry, yet we shouldn't legislate against those that have ripped us off and caused our economy to tank!  Let's make a deal - I promise to not force you or your family members to have an abortion or use contraception or marry your gay lover but you must not interfere in anyone else's  right to do any of those things.

And while I am at it......if pro-life is your stance, then how come you are FOR the Death Penalty, Guns for Everyone, the repeal of the assault rifle ban and the notion that the only way to solve our world's conflicts is to go to war first and ask questions later.  Pro-Life?  I don't think so!

So, what else don't I understandI don't understand why we need 2 years to have an election.  200 years ago, it made sense to have a long period of campaigning since the candidates had to go from state to state by horseback or, at best, trains.  Today, we have all of this technology that delivers news, ideas, images and as many lies as one can tell instantly.  Let's shorten the entire campaign to one month and take the billions that are currently being spent on elections and use the money for more productive things.  Mr. Adelson is spending $100 million to help elect Mr. Romney - I am baffled as to how that helps the economy.  If he took the same $100 million and hired more workers for his casinos and other businesses, it would probably help his businesses as well as those he hired.

And while I am at in the world can we still have undecided voters at this juncture of the campaign?  If you understand what your core beliefs are and which issues are important to you, then it is a simple process to go directly to the candidate's websites and READ their positions.  Quit listening to the spinmeisters, TV talking heads and the thousands of so-called pundits polluting our daily lives - if you need the newspapers or TV analyst to TELL you who to vote for then you don't deserve the privilege of voting.  And if a crazed, sign-wielding partisan at the polling site can change your mind then please stay at home.

I don't understand why the American public puts so much credence in the opinions and goings on of celebrities and faux-celebrities.  Who cares what Madonna or Kid Rock or George Clooney thinks about the political questions before us?  They might make decent music and good movies, but I seriously doubt they are any smarter than most of us.  And exactly why do people like the Kardashians, Paris Hilton, Donald Trump, Honey BooBoo and the like fascinate us so?  They have no talent to offer as entertainment and certainly don't bring any intelligent conversation to the party, so it baffles me as to why anybody even pays any attention to them

I am confused as to why the American public stands by and lets our politicians bring our government to a standstill by blocking legislation, implementing filibusters and the like.  During the last 4 years, Republican Senators have filibustered more times that the total number of filibusters over the previous 12 years.  Why?  So, that they could fulfill their leader's assertion that his number one priority was to make sure Mr. Obama was a one term President.  His priority was not to do what he was sent to Washington to do....represent his constituents and improve our Country.  So, I am confused as to why we don't fire him?  Better yet, why don't we demand that term limits be put in place for our Senators and Congressmen?  If term limits are right for the Executive Branch of Government, then why not have term limits for The Legislative AND the Judicial Branches?

It baffles me that my State of Florida let a man who was CEO of a Company that was convicted of the largest Medicare Fraud in the History of our Country run for Governor - and then elected him to boot!  (Not to mention the fact that he took The 5th Amendment over 70 times in depositions relating to the fraud).  He has been a complete failure as a Governor, and now his approval rating is on the rise to nearly 50% all because he has an "R" by his name.  Shame on ALL of us for allowing this to happen.  I don't understand why more people aren't outraged about the hypocrisy. 

I don't understand why people have to hate!  There are a number of issues I don't agree with Mitt Romney on.  However, I don't hate him---in fact, if he is elected, I will support him as our President and try through the legislative process to make my voice heard.  But, in the end, I will support him.  I have heard many people predict doomsday if President Obama is fact, a Mitt Romney approved TV ad does just that.  I don't understand how that attitude moves us forward or helps our nation's causes in any way.  Whatever happened to the notion that once the election is over, it is time for ALL to get to work, find common ground, compromise and move our Country forward?  It is a notion that seems to be dead.  And that is the main thing I don't understand!

And The Journey continues........................

Friday, September 28, 2012

In My Opinion.......

A month or so ago, I re-posted a chart on Facebook that contrasted facts about our country when President Obama took office to the present day.  The information contained irrefutable facts and was not intended to slam the previous administration but merely to show the progress that has been made in the last three and a half years.  Sadly, a "friend" that I haven't seen nor talked to in years decided to go ballistic and berate me for being "ignorant, stupid and out of touch with reality."  Now, this person didn't debate the facts that I posted, but took great exception that I would dare to appear to support our President in his reelection effort.  I tried to point out that I would be more than happy to intelligently discuss the issues and my core beliefs and how they lined up with each candidate.  I also expressed my respect for his right to have a different opinion than mine, but asked for that same respect in return  However, he continued to post angry, hateful rants against me and anyone like me that would not agree with him.  Finally, I asked him to remove my name as his Facebook friend....and he gladly did so!   How sad that the inability for mutual respect of opinions has disappeared from our national conversation.

I have written several blogs about politics and more specifically about Mitt Romney.  I have stated my respect for Mitt as a businessman, as well as his intelligence and integrity.  I have even, believe it or not, considered casting my vote for cool to be able to say that I personally know The President of The United States!  I even wrote an open letter to Mitt outlining what he needed to do to get my vote. (See my blog of April, 2012).  But, in the final analysis, it really comes down to the issues and how my core beliefs line up with each candidate and party.  So, I have done what less that one-tenth of one percent of the voting public has done....I have gone to each candidate's web site and read their positions as well as scanned the hundreds of pages of each party's platform.  I quit listening to the television advertisements as they are all slanted propaganda (We watch everything except sports on the DVR so we can skip the ads!).   I don't ask that you agree with me, because your core beliefs might be different than mine or you might place more importance on certain issues than I do...but it you are interested in what I have to say, read on.......

Mitt Romney's web site outlines each issue....the biggest problem for me, is that he leads with a discussion of "Obama's failures" rather than his own plans....nonetheless, I have sifted through the rhetoric to try to understand his positions.His economic policies center on reducing taxes, eliminating the controls that have been passed, like Sarbanes-Oxley, Dodd-Frank and of course "ObamaCare" and return to the failed policies that have gotten us into this economic maelstrom.  Sorry, Mitt, but I can't support "trickle-down" economics when no one can site any time in our history where that has worked!  We must have a balanced attack to reduce our deficit and that includes tax increases.  Unfortunately, we started 2 wars that were not funded and never even mentioned in any budgets as well as other programs such as Medicare Part D that were passed with no funding apparatus.  It is now past time to pay for these mistakes and tax reform as well as increases have to be a part of the President Clinton said:  "It is simple arithmetic!"

Healthcare is another major issue that I have studied.  While I don't believe the Affordable Care Act is the full solution to our healthcare issues, it was a step in the right direction.  It baffles me that Mitt wants to ditch a plan that nearly mirrors the exact plan he passed for Massachusetts.  Yes, I understand the argument for States rather than the Federal government having that responsibility. I just don't buy it.  And neither do the Republicans of 10 years ago since the Affordable Care Act is made up of those ideals that the Republicans first surfaced themselves.  Medicare is another subject into itself but I can't support Mr. Ryan's plan that creates a voucher system that every bipartisan think tank says will raise premiums several times over and provide less coverage. 

But, I have found an area I actually agree with Mitt on...Social Security. 
  • First, for future generations of seniors, Mitt believes that the retirement age should be slowly increased to account for increases in longevity.
  • Second, for future generations of seniors, Mitt believes that benefits should continue to grow but that the growth rate should be lower for those with higher incomes.
  • I agree!!!!

    However, on Social issues, The Republican Party is further away from my core beliefs than possible.  I believe in a woman's right to chose...they want to repeal Roe v. Wade and outlaw abortions.  I believe in equal rights for all...including the right to marry whomever you want...The Republicans want to legislate love.  I believe in a woman's right to equal pay...they have voted several times against that concept. 

    Finally, to all of my Jewish friends that insist on making Israel the central talking point in their support of "Anyone but Obama."  Mr. Netenyahu recently stated on Meet The Press, that The United State's support of Israel is a NON PARTISAN issue.  And I couldn't agree with him more.  We, as a country are going to support Israel regardless of who the President is at any given moment.  Even if you want to believe that Obama doesn't support Israel (which is unadulterated bullshit!), our support of Israel is unwavering and should not even be a consideration in who to vote for.  Nonetheless, there is ample evidence that Obama supports Israel as well as any President in recent history.

    My final note contains a bit of sad realization....and that is that whichever candidate gets elected, it really doesn't matter a whole lot.  Why???  Simply because we have a broken legislature....if Romney gets elected, the Senate will block most of his initiative (I am assuming, of course, that the Dems keep control of the Senate) and if Obama gets reelected then the House will block ALL of his initiatives.  Until we get rid of obstructionist like Eric Cantor and Michelle Bachman and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell, we will keep spinning the wheels and get virtually nowhere.  We must figure out a way to instill term limits!

    So that brings me to one of the most overriding reasons that I am voting for Barack Obama.  Whoever is elected to serve over the next four years will probably get to appoint at least 2 Supreme Court Justices.  I cannot bear the thought of this Court becoming anymore Right Wing Conservative than it already already has irreparably harmed this Country by some of its decisions of the last few years.

    Now, I fully recognize that there are many people that don't agree with me and my assessments...and that is okay.  Just recognize and respect the fact that I have  the right to my opinions as well as you do.   As a wise man once said to me:  "Opinions are like assholes - everybody has one!"

    And The Journey continues........................

    Thursday, July 19, 2012

    Damn Good Dog!

    (Ta)Kota "Bear" Cohen  (1996-2012)

    Our family lost a valued member last night as Lisa's dog, Kota, left for his journey to doggy-heaven. 

    Born to unknown parents in Aspen, Colorado in the Summer of 1996, Kota and the rest of his litter were found by the side of a road.  Shortly thereafter, Lisa and her roommate adopted 2 of the 6 week old puppies.  Kaya was the frisky brown dog, Takota (Native American term for "good friend to all") the shy white ball of fur.  He was so shy initially that Lisa nearly had 2nd thoughts about keeping him.  But Kota came around and soon became Lisa's constant companion.  Living in Aspen, Kota was trained off the leash and got most of his early mentoring on how to be a mountain dog from Rogue, an amazing 3 legged mountain dog belonging to Lisa's friend Brian.  It didn't take long before shopkeepers in Aspen got to know Kota as he accompanied Lisa everywhere.

    And I mean EVERYWHERE!  Kota was a true mountain dog and hiker as he completed forty 14,000 foot peaks in the mountains of Colorado..  He wanted to hike all 54 of the 14er's, but conditions and his advancing age began to slow him down.  However, he was always ready for a hike, a camping trip, a romp in the snow or a stroll in a stream.  One of his favorite activities was to follow Lisa up a ski slope and run and slide down the entire slope. 

    In 1998, we got the privilege of keeping Kota with us in Florida while Lisa was in Africa for 11 months.  Kota became "my" dog as he followed me everywhere, slept by my bedside and accompanied me on many walks, runs and car rides.  I was so convinced that he was mine, that I told Lisa that Kota would not want to go back with her when she returned.  I learned that you should never underestimate Kota's memory or loyalty, as he immediately dissed me for Lisa upon her return.  In 2001, Kota again returned to Florida while Lisa was in Guatemala for a couple of months and visited often...most notably in 2002-2004 to mentor young Bella in how to be a loyal pooch.  Their romps in the ocean were epic!

    So, what made Kota special?  He was one of the smartest dogs I have ever seen and seemed to understand whatever you were telling him.  His intuitiveness into one's psyche and his loyalty and protectiveness of Lisa were remarkable.  I knew that as long as Kota was with Lisa on her many mountain adventures, I really didn't have to worry about her - if he ever needed to pull a Lassie-like rescue mission, I am confident he would have pulled it off!  In 2002, as I attempted my first 14er, Kota spent most of the day running back down the mountain to check on me as I lagged behind Lisa's pace.  When he would see that I was okay, he would run back up the slope to join Lisa, only to check on me again many times more.

    The last year has not been easy for Kota.  At nearly 16 years old, his arthritic legs and back didn't always get him where he wanted to go. The spirit was willing but the body could only do so much.  I know he dreamt often of the days he ran up and down the mountains, chased prairie dogs, squirrels and other wildlife, swam in the streams and hiked the trails...his sleeping smile gave him away!  But, he fought until the end...always getting excited when Lisa came home from work and really trying to be brave in the face of his pain.  He will be missed by Lisa and many others whose life he touched in so many ways. I will miss him and his indomitable spirit.  Rest In Peace, Kota!  You deserve it.

    Damn Good Dog!

    And The Journey continues.......

    Thursday, July 5, 2012

    Just The Facts Please

    Contrary to popular belief, I really don't mind when others disagree with my views. That is what makes for spirited discourse and I really enjoy the give and take. What I do mind, though, is when people spew opinions based on falsehoods and distortions of the facts. I find that a lot of people don't take the time to understand the nuances of an issue, but only listen to the talking heads on television or on the Internet to get their "facts."

    In a recent study conducted by Fairleigh Dickenson University, viewers that only listen to Fox News for foreign and domestic news were less informed and misinformed more than all other news consumers. To be fair, MSNBC viewers scored only slightly higher. Those consumers that only listen to NPR or The Sunday Morning News shows or The Daily Show with Jon Stewart proved to be the best informed news consumers. This isn't the first study that has found that Fox News viewers are more misinformed in comparison to others. Last year, a study from The University of Maryland found that Fox News viewers were more likely to believe false information about politics.

    It is no wonder that our politicians and Super Pacs are spending so much money to spread false information. We are living in a time when the more you repeat false information, the quicker it becomes "truth." Which brings me to the recent Supreme Court Decision on The Affordable Care Act. I had just about given up on any notion that The Supreme Court even pretended to do what the Founding Fathers envisioned or the Constitution outlined. First, they handed Bush the Presidency in Gore v Bush when they had no constitutional right to overturn the Florida Courts or even be involved in the case. But, politics ruled the day in that case as well as Citizens United...possibly the worse decision ANY Supreme Court has ever made. The Supreme Court is SUPPOSE to make decision based on constitutional law...not based on their political ideology. I applaud Justice Roberts for FINALLY waking up and realizing what is the role of The Supreme Court.

    So, let's look at the facts concerning the Affordable Care Act....and how both Republicans and Democrats have distorted the truth. From all of the material I have studied, this Health Reform benefits the American People by:
    • Letting millions of young adults stay on parents insurance until age 26
    • Ends Insurance Company power to cap the amount of care a person can receive in their lifetime
    • Stops Insurance Companies from cancelling coverage when someone gets sick
    • Lowers the cost of care for those on Medicare and closes the "doughnut" hole on medications
    • Requires insurance companies to cover preventive services like mammograms free
    • Stengthen and protects Medicare by increasing penalties for fraud (Rick Scott particularly hates that provision)
    • Stops Insurance Companies from denying coverage to children with pre-existing conditions
    • Ends insurance companies power to jack up rates without justification
    • Provides American with rebates from insurers who spend too much on CEO salaries or ads rather than on medical care (Only 20% of premiums can be spent on Administrative costs -80% on health care and quality improvements)
    • Gives tax credits to small business owners so they can afford to offer quality health care to employees
    • Builds and improves hundreds of community health centers
    • Gives hard working Americans tax credits so they can afford insurance beginning in 2014
    • End discrimination against adults with pre-existing conditions beginning in 2014
    • Prevents insurance companies from charging women more than men and overcharging those who need care the most beginning in 2014
    • Creates stat-based marketplaces where people can easily compare and shop for insurance beginning in 2014
    Mitt Romney and the Republicans as well as President Obama and the Democrats have spent the last week "spinning" the Supreme Court decision. Romney stated that the law would "cut Medicare by $500 billion and that it adds trillions to our deficit." The CBO says the law would reduce the deficit and the $500 billion is a reduction in spending over the next 10 years..not a cut. Romney says that the law "puts the federal government between you and your doctor." The law would set minimum benefits packages, but medical services will not be government run nor does the law allow for rationing of fact the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act states that the Independent Payment Advisory Board "shall NOT include any recommendation to ration health care, raise revenues or Medicare premiums or otherwise restrict benefits or modify eligibility....." Romney has said that he will overturn the Affordable Care Act on "Day One" of his presidency. But he has yet to offer any alternative solutions to the Health Care crisis that our Country faces. He has only offered sound bites and not revealed any substantive policies.

    Obama has said "if you like your plan, you can keep your plan." In reality he can't promise that...just as they could before the law was enacted, employers can switch or drop plans. Now, there are substantial penalties for large businesses if they don't offer coverage, but that doesn't mean that some employers won't opt to pay the penalty. Obama has said that by August some 13 million Americans will get rebate checks from their Insurance Companies. But, in reality, most of those rebates will go to employers, not individuals. HHS says that it is more likely that 4 million people will get rebate checks. (But then again, since The Supreme Court says that Corporations ARE people, maybe the President IS right!)

    I could go on ad nauseum with additional examples of distortions and half-truths from both sides of the issue, but each individual needs to educate themselves before making a hard line decision on what side of the argument they subscribe to. I, having suffered the fickleness of the Insurance Marketplace, am FOR The Affordable Care fact, I don't believe it was even carried far enough. We SHOULD have a single payer system - Medicare for ALL! Anything less than that is discriminatory against those under 65 years of age. It is time that we stop the political BS and, for once, do what is right for all citizens of our Country.

    And The Journey continues...................

    Wednesday, April 18, 2012

    An Open Letter To Mitt Romney

    Dear Mitt,

    Congratulations on being the presumptive Republican Nominee for President of The United States!  As a former business associate of yours, I am pleased to see that those qualities that have made you a successful businessman, have spurred your success in the political arena.  As I was quoted in a recent Bloomberg News article and wrote late last year in one of my blogs, I have the utmost respect for your intelligence and for the integrity you always showed in our business relationship..  However, that doesn't mean that you will automatically get my vote. 

    As most readers of this blog know, I am a Liberal (especially on Social Issues) and have nearly always supported Democrats.  However, based on the fact that I know you, there is a chance you can get my vote...let me tell you how. 

    First of all, I know you have had to pander to the Far Right, Teabaggers and the such to get the nomination.  That means you have had to make noise about many of the social issues that were decided on 40 or 50 years ago.  But, you already have those people's vote by virtue of the fact you will have an "R" by your name on the ballot and your name is not Obama.  Now, it is time to get real.  Let it go....A woman's right to choose and contraception issues should not even be discussed.  Those issues were settled many years ago and if one's religion doesn't agree, then those people don't have to have abortions or use contraception.  But they have no right to tell others how to manage their own bodies.  And while we are on the subject, religion has no place in our government.  As a Jew, I am offended when some of your cohorts continue to call for this to be a "Christian" nation without regard for the fact that others have different religious beliefs.   16% of this country now identify themselves as atheists or agnostics.....if you want their vote and the vote of those that are not Christians, then make religion a non- issue.

    Second of are not going to get my vote by continuing to run a negative campaign.  You and your Super Pacs are already saturating the airwaves with half-truths and other negative statements about the current administration.  Give the rest of us some credit - we are fully aware of both the accomplishments and the shortcomings of the current administration.  I am damn tired of hearing from you (and yes, the Super Pac's are "you") about what Mr. Obama hasn't done.  We all know that you don't agree with some of his policies - but that doesn't make them wrong.  From my view point, Mr. Obama and his administration has done a lot of things right and yes, even some things wrong.  I have a hard time faulting a President that has overhauled the health insurance industry (now even I might be able to get affordable health care without exclusions); killed Osama Bin Laden and those pirates and Awlaki; mopped up Bush's Iraq misadventure; ended sexual discrimination in the military and gender discrimination in paychecks; seated 2 excellent Supreme Court Justices including the first Latino; set up a consumer protection agency; implemented reform of financial services; saved the American Automobile Industry (and got paid back EVERY penny); expanded the Individuals with Disabilities Act; ramped up stem cell research; expanded services to our veterans; took an economy that was losing 800,000 jobs a month when he took over and turned it into 200,000 jobs gained per month; expanded Pell grants and Student loans; and, oh yea, he doesn't torture people.  Now on the other side of the ledger, maybe he over reached with the Health Care mandate, didn't move fast enough on reducing the deficit, failed to work with a Republican House of Representatives, invested in Solyndra and hasn't overhauled our mess of a tax system.  I am sure you can come up with many more things he has or hasn't done fact, just today, you said he plays too much golf and does too much jetting around the world.

    But, that is not what I want to hear from you!  What I want to hear is what YOU are going to do.  I want to hear about your SPECIFIC plans for the improvement of our economy.  If it is the same old Bush doctrine of cutting taxes for the wealthy and corporations and eliminating the controls that have been put in place, then no thank you.  That is exactly what got us into this mess to begin with.  Mitt, when you sat on the Board of The Sports Authority, I am confident you supported the idea that reduction of expenses alone will not bring increased profitability.  There has to be a component that increases revenues along with cutting of expenses.  So, I don't understand why you are not for increasing tax revenues by cutting specific deductions and increasing the tax rate.  These are dire times and our path to stability should not be blockaded by Grover Norquist and his asinine tax pledge.  Don't you realize that the Buffet Rule is really the same as The Reagan Rule - that is, Reagan eliminated many tax breaks and leveled the rate at 28%.  Yep, The Buffet rule suggest 30%...but I really believe that you and your cohorts can stomach an extra 2%.  So, exactly what will YOU do to improve the economy and reduce the deficit?

    You have said to your supporters that you will repeal the Affordable Health Care Act.  I am confused...isn't this the same act YOU implemented in Massachusetts?  But, I will give you the benefit of the doubt and listen while you explain what YOU are going to do to solve our Health Care Crisis.  How are YOU going to rein in the spiraling costs and the outrages of the insurance industry?  What are you going to do to help me get affordable insurance without exclusions?  How are you going to assure that Medicare is there for me in 5 years, since I have paid into the system all of my life?  Incidentally, I consider Medicare and Social Security my right, since I have paid into the system since I was 14 years old....what are YOU going to do to protect my investment in these systems?

    You have criticized our President for his handling of Foreign Policy.  So, tell me, Mitt, what are YOU going to do about the war in Afghanistan?  How are you going to handle the nuclear threat of Iran?  What about North Korea, Venezuela, or Cuba?   And, of particular importance to me, how are YOU going to handle the Israeli-Palestinian problem?  Don't just criticize what is currently being done, but please tell me what YOU are going to do.  And while you are at it, please give me an outline of exactly how you are going to handle the illegal immigrant problem.

    Yes, Mitt, I have a lot of questions.  In my blog of last November, I said the following:
    "I know Mitt Romney. I have worked with Mitt Romney. As CEO of Bain Capital he was on The Board of The Sports Authority and I had the pleasure of interacting with Mitt on a monthly basis for over 4 years. Mitt Romney is one of the most intelligent people that I have ever dealt with. He possesses the intellectual curiosity that is paramount in any good leader. I always found that Mitt conducts himself with an enormous amount of integrity. Given all of that, it is evident that Mitt, like all politicians, says those things that will assure that he gets the nomination. Some of those things are different than what he said to get elected as Governor of Massachusetts. I don't necessarily hold that against him. What is important is what I think he will actually act on - by that, I mean that Mitt might say (for example) that he is for overturning Roe v Wade because that will help him get the nomination. He might even believe what he says, but I think Mitt is smart enough to take those issues that are not part of the solving of the Country's most important problems totally off of the table once he is elected. I think Mitt can cut through the noise and concentrate on what is really important. I believe there is no substitute for intelligence and integrity."

    So, Mitt, I fervently hope that you make my words ring true.  I hope that over the next few months you concentrate on what is truly important and answer, for me and the rest of the Country, the questions I have posed here.  Not by criticizing what has been done already, but by explaining, in detail, what YOU are going to do.  So far, there has only been a lot of noise and silliness.  It is now time to get serious and give us specifics about your plans.   Only then will you even have the opportunity to garner my vote....and believe me, if you don't get my vote and the vote of others like me then you will have no chance of winning this election.

    With Great Respect,

    Roy Cohen

    And The Journey Continues.........

    Thursday, January 26, 2012


    A few years ago, I saw a film that absolutely enthralled me.  Beautifully directed by Tim Burton, Big Fish was the story of Edward Bloom, a man of big appetites, enormous passions and tall tales. In his later years, portrayed by Albert Finney, he remains a huge mystery to his son, William (Billy Crudup). Now, to get to know the real man, Will begins piecing together a true picture of his father from flashbacks of his amazing adventures in this marvel of a movie.  I always identified somewhat with Edward Bloom.  I, too, am a man of big appetites, enormous passions and a lover of the good story.  I guess my kids also saw some of Edward in me, because for a time after seeing the movie, they called me Big Fish.  The main reason they called me Big Fish is that I love to tell the tales of my experiences and have been known to embellish the non-critical details from time to time.  This only makes the story more entertaining.  But, as Will found out and my kids and grandkids might find out one day, the basis and gist of those stories are always true.  There isn't a lie in any of them....maybe some cosmetic embellishments, but always the truth!

    Unfortunately, in todays world (especially in politics) truth is not a valued commodity.  Actually the opposite is true.  It seems that no one even attempts to make their point by telling the unvarnished, absolute truth about anything.  As a kid, I always felt that one of the worse insults that you could throw at someone was to call them a LIAR.  Today, no one even seems to care about the truth.  And once a lie is told in speech or print, it is almost impossible to undue the perception that the lie is, in fact, the truth...especially when the lie is repeated over and over again.

    Now, I am also talking about the twisting and distortion of facts to fit your cause...EVERY politician does that to some extent. There are thousands of examples of small lies but I am talking about what Politifacts  calls "Pants on Fire."  Some recent examples: 

    Mitch Daniels, in his answer to the State of The union stated: ""Nearly half of all persons under 30 did not go to work today."  His intent was to show that unemployment has gotten much worse.  Well, Mitch, the reason that nearly half of persons under 30 did not go to work was that they were in school or under the age of 10!  Come on...give me a break!  In the broadest age range -- 16 to 29 -- the unemployment rate is 13.6 percent. For those between 18 and 29, it’s 12.9 percent. For those between 20 and 29, it’s 11.9 percent. And for those between 25 and 29, it’s 9.7 percent.
    None of these measures gets Daniels any higher than 13.6 percent of the population -- far lower than the nearly 50 percent figure he cited.

    Then there is Mitt Romney's assertion in a recent TV ad where the ad has a clip of Obama saying,"If we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose."  The clear implication is that Obama believes that his economic record is so bad that he will lose in 2012 unless he can steer the conversation away from the economy.  Obama actually said in the speech: "Sen. McCain's campaign actually said, and I quote, ‘If we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose.’"  So the comment is drastically different than the way it's portrayed in the Romney ad.  Obama was actually saying that his opponent’s campaign three years earlier had said, "If we keep talking about the economy, we're going to lose." That context is not included in the Romney ad -- and leaving it out sends a profoundly different message.

    It is not even worth mentioning the many lies of Rick Perry, Michelle Bachman or Rick Santorum as their 15 minutes are over, but here is classic Newt Gingrich:  In an interview, Newt said that the ethics investigation against Gingrich was conducted by "a very partisan political committee" in a way that "related more to the politics of the Democratic Party than to ethics."  I don't think so, Newtster.  Politifacts research into the subject is too long to print here but the essence is in their summation: "While it’s true that the Gingrich case became a vicious battlefield between the two parties, contemporary accounts and experts familiar with the proceedings agree that it was not ajudicated by "a very partisan political committee" in a way that "related more to the politics of the Democratic Party than to ethics." The ethics panel’s case only moved forward with the express consent of Republicans, including the committee’s chairwoman, and it was led by a special counsel who was not a Democratic partisan and who focused on substantive legal matters.  Most notably, when it became time to vote, the House -- including nearly 90 percent of voting Republicans -- voted to support the committee’s recommendation. We rate Gingrich’s statement Pants on Fire."

    Nor is our President, Mr. Obama, exempt from the Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire tag.  On its web page, The Obama-Biden capmapign says: ""Republican candidates for president Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, and Newt Gingrich all say they would cut foreign aid to Israel — and every other country — to zero.  Stand up to this extreme isolationism and join the call to reject the Romney-Perry-Gingrich plan."  Sorry, Mr. President, this isn't even close to being the truth.  The truth is that all call for a zero-based budgeting process that could very well leave Israel with more funding.  The plan discussed in the foreign policy debate means only that future aid levels for Israel would be subject to negotiations, starting from a baseline of zero rather than the current level. A funding level of zero would be only a theoretical starting point, not an end point, just as easily leaving Israel with higher funding rather than lower.  None of the candidates actually said they supported making Israel’s funding level zero.

    I could go on and on with many examples of lies, distortions and generally irresponsible "story telling."  So, who are we to believe?  I, for one, don't believe any politician until I check out the facts.  But since we cannot expect the electorate to do just that, then I guess it comes down to who can tell the most lies, the most times and at the greatest volume.  We are surely going to elect our President, Congressmen, and Senators based on lies, innuendo and half-truths.  And that's a damn shame!

    And The Journey continues......................