Saturday, January 1, 2011

Goodbye 2010..Hello 2011

At the end of each year, most of the mainstream media publishes their Best of the Year, Top Stories of 2010, Person of The Year, Top Movies, Best Books, Top TV Shows, Sexiest Person, Most Intriguing People, Best Restaurants, Best Images, Sportsman of The Year, and even "Coolest Person of The Year." 2010 has certainly been an interesting year.

In the news, we have suffered through the tragedy in Haiti, reveled in the dramatic rescue of the miners in Chile, endured the midterm elections and all of the hubris of the "Tea Party," despaired over the Gulf Oil Spill, delighted in the engagement of Prince William and Kate, viewed the volcano eruption in Iceland and its effects on worldwide travel, been amazed and even amused by the revelations of WikiLeaks, continued to wonder if the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will ever end, worried over the slow recovery of the worldwide economy, cheered when The Saints won the Super Bowl for a beleaguered New Orleans and watched sports heroes like Tiger and Brett and Clemens and others embarrass themselves and play a disservice to the young that looked up to them. And of course, there was all of the tabloid fodder that seems to creep more and more into our daily lives - Sandra Bullock's marital woes, OctaMom, Heidi Montag's addiction to plastic surgery, the Leno-Conan Tonight Show mess, Oprah's last year, and who the hell is Snooky, anyway? And this list is only a microcosm of the important (and not so important) stories of the year.

Nonetheless, my personal Top Stories of The Year focus on the good stuff...Lisa buys a house in Denver, Brad gets his Masters Degree and lands a great job in Baltimore, and Brad and Claire buy a house in Baltimore. It was also a great year because our little family got to celebrate together several times during the year...first in Mexico to celebrate Brad's graduation, in Boca for Labor Day and my godson's Bar Mitzvah, then in New York to celebrate Connie's Big Birthday, and finally in Atlanta with the entire extended Cohen family for Thanksgiving. In between were trips to visit Lisa in Colorado and visits with Brad and Claire in Baltimore. We also got to go to Atlanta for a wedding and a wonderful week in New Hampshire with close friends.

But the very TOP STORY of the YEAR was the news that Claire and Brad are expecting a baby ...our first grandchild! It was in Mexico that they broke the news to us and we have been counting the days until the blessed event. With a due date of January 10th, the next two weeks will be very exciting!

My New Year's resolution is to focus on the good things.....and let the crap take care of itself! Hello 2011 - nice to have you here!

And The Journey Continues.................

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