Monday, May 8, 2023

Ban This!

Republicans in the Federal, state and local governments are in love with BANS!  They have banned books (this morning I read where local pundits want to remove "The Very Hungry Caterpillar" along with 400 other Classic and popular books from the library!), banned trans-athletes from competing, banned Sex Education in the schools, banned the use of preferred pronouns, banned the teaching of actual American History, banned critical race theory, banned the use of the word gay or lesbian from schools, banned drag shows and even banned free speech by banning those that speak out against their other bans!

But when sensible people call for assault weapons to be banned, the Right Wing Republicans say "Bans Don't Work!"

There are over 13,000 people in The United States that have been killed by gun violence since January 1st.  There have been nearly 200 mass shootings. Hardly a day goes by that does not have a mass shooting, usually with a military assault weapon, in this country.  But, to put any bans in place regarding assault weapons or the ability to purchase guns by underage kids or ban the sale of guns without proper background checks or to enact any sensible gun laws throughout the country is a giant NO!  A Fox News poll showed that over 80% of Americans want an assault weapon ban.  Over 88% of Americans want sensible gun laws.  But as long as the greatest terrorist group in America, The NRA, is allowed to buy your legislators, we will never consider doing what is right.

This weekend, another grissly shooting took place in that ultimate State of "Gun Freedom," Texas.  And what do we get from Texas Republicans?  Thoughts and Prayers?  One even said that it was God's plan!  Well, screw your "Thoughts and Prayers."  Governor Abbot shrugged and said it was an "unspeakable act and we should focus on mental health problems, not guns"  So, what has he done about this?  He has EASED gun laws and made it easier for people to buy and use these weapons of mass destruction.  And he has cut the budget for mental health care in Texas by $200 million!  By the way, the shooter in Texas was wearing a patch that declared him to be part of the "Right Wing Death Squad."  Other countries have the same mental health problems, the same video games and the same social media woes.  However, they have banned these types of military weapons and don't have the amount of mass shootings that we have in this country.  But Bans Don't Work.  In Texas, death by guns occurs 15.6 times for every 1000 people.  That rate is 75% more than in California that has enacted some sensible gun laws....but Bans Don't Work.

And screw those that continue to vote for these barbaric assholes that continue to hide behind the 2nd Amendment...that, by the way, does NOT give the individual the right to own guns. Nowhere in that amendment does the word "own" exist.  They CAN possess guns as part of a "well regulated militia."  

Let's face it...the NRA owns our government and the desire for profit over life is sickening.  

I will never understand how anybody can vote for a government official simply because they hope that their tax rate will be reduced.  When IMPORTANT issues like gun control, a woman's right to choose, the separation of State and Church, freedom of speech, equal rights, honesty from our so-called leaders and the eradication of Democracy have to take a back seat to your tax rate, the end of a functioning democratic society ends.  And stop with the argument that the economy does better under Republican leadership.  It is a proven FACT that every measure of economic success over the last 50-75 years is greater under Democratic leadership than it is under Republican leadership.  But putting that aside, if you, as an individual override any concern with the social issues facing this nation with your pocketbook, then we don't share the same values...Nor the same concerns and consideration for the next generation.

My Grandchildren should have the opportunity to grow up and thrive in a society that protects everyone equally, and should not have to live in constant fear of being gunned down in a mall or at school.  They should have access to those books and ideas their parents deem appropriate and should be able to live their lives without prejudice regardless of their religion or color of their skin or sexual preference.  And they should not be limited by some politician that wants to force his religious beliefs and misguided nanny-state beliefs on all of society.  All of that is much more important to me than my damn tax rate! 

Damn right I am taking the Moral High Ground...and you should too.

And the Journey continues......