Friday, May 7, 2021

Upon Turning 70 - What I Know for Sure (redux)

I was born on May 13, 1951...Mother’s Day...which means that on May 13, 2021, I turn 70 years old.  As I enter my 8thdecade, some reflections are in order.


When I turned 60, I wrote a blog, “Reflections on Turning 60...What I Know for Sure.”  If you are interested in seeing the entire list of the “21 Things I Know For Sure,” you can access that blog in the archive at the right of this blog. (May, 2011)


Recently, an acquaintance called me stupid for posting an opinion, based on FACT, that was evidently diametrically opposed to his own opinion.  (#9 on my 2011 list: True friends are ones that will go to the end of the earth for you and vice versa, are hard to come by and are quite treasure them.  The rest are merely acquaintances.)  


Now, this person certainly has the right to his (misguided) opinion, but I don’t need to apologize for my opinions.   (#8 -If you have an opinion or make a choice that is diametrically opposed to what most others think, the world will not end!  Be an independent thinker.)  This acquaintance also opined that I always think I am smarter than everyone else around me.  I don’t necessarily agree – I only believe I am smarter than some people. (#14 - If you don't believe in yourself, no one else will.)


The ”21 Things I Know” list from 2011 is still a fairly comprehensive list, but I left out a very important thing I know:  FACTS MATTER!


In February 2017, I wrote: We expect a Leader who is dedicated to Facts and Truth…not alternative facts, made-up stories and the propensity to repeat those lies over and over again so that a percentage of the population will begin to believe the bullshit. Unfortunately, many don’t agree with that statement.  However, when you subscribe to the lies, stupidity abounds - - - - 

·       The election was NOT stolen!  

·       The BIG LIE has NO basis in facts! 

·       The Covid vaccine does NOT allow Bill Gates to implant a microchip in your body!  

·       Wearing a mask is NOT harmful to your body!  

·       The economy has NOT tanked because a Democrat is President!  

·       BLM and Antifa did NOT storm the Capitol on January 6th!  

·       Covid has NOT magically disappeared! 

·       There is NOT A group of Satan worshipping elites who run a child sex ring controlling our politics and media!  

·       The mass shootings in recent years were NOT staged hoaxes!   

·       There is NOT evidence that vaccines cause autism! 

·       Trickle-down economics has never worked, will never work and simply does NOT work! 

·       “Alternative facts” are NOT Facts!  Just another name for lies.

·       Racial equality does NOT exist in mainstream America! (#11-There will never be peace until everybody recognizes everybody else as their equal. Prejudice, racism, bias and hate are the root of all evil.)


I could go on and on – By count by The Washington Post and Politifacts, the former guy made 30,573 FALSE or MISLEADING claims over 4 years.  That’s 7643 per year, 147 per week and 21 per day – more than 1 per waking hour! In one of his books, the former guy stated that if you tell a lie often enough, most will believe it… and that is one of the few things he was right on.  No wonder we are all exhausted!!  


 So, on to other ruminations….


As we have added to our grandchildren count over the last 10 years, it has become even more evident that they are truly four of the greatest joys in our lives. (#17-Grandchildren are your reward for raising great children.)  As it has been difficult being away from them during the pandemic, but we WILL make up for lost time.


If you measure wealth and success by the amount of dollars and “stuff” you have, then I am not a wealthy man. Comfortable, maybe, but not wealthy.  But, I often wonder if the accumulation of stuff is the true measure of a successful life.  It might sound trite, but I have more increasingly come to the belief that a truly successful person is one that can look in the mirror and say that they have done the best they could; have been honest, forthright, loving, charitable and caring about others and the world they leave behind. (#20-We are responsible for our own life and nobody else. There are those that assist us along the path but our success can never be left to anyone else.)


A wise man once said to me, “This ain’t a dress rehearsal.”  After having gone through my health problems and subsequent kidney transplant and the difficulties we all have had in dealing with the pandemic, that statement rings more true than ever. (#1-Life will not always go the way you want it.  Deal with it. And #21 -Life is short.  We should DO IT now!)  


Finally, I have to believe that 70 is the new 50!  I plan on roaming this earth for at least 30 more years.  After all, my new kidney is about 15 years younger than me and I have places to go, things to do and people to see!  Check back in 2031, when I write my reflections on turning 80.


And The Journey continues……..