Thursday, September 3, 2020

I Am Tired.....

 I am so very, very tired of the lies, conspiracy theories, racist diatribe and overall disrespect and nastiness emanating from the While House.  I am so tired....very, very tired of the holier than thou attitude and hatred exhibited by tRump supporters.  I am so tired....very, very tired of the inability of people to comprehend facts (the REAL ones...not "alternative "facts).

Years ago, when Romney was running against Obama, I did an exhaustive analysis of policy differences between the two candidates.  I was trying to determine if I could support Mitt, since I had known him personally and had a great amount of respect for him and his intelligence and morals.  Unfortunately, I determined that those issues that were most important to me didn't line up with his ideals.  So, I couldn't support him as my Presidential candidate.

Which brings us to the current Presidential race.  It is impossible to do that same analysis as tRump's website has no policies nor anything that shows what he would do different in the next 4 years from what he is doing now.  His racist tropes and exhausting exhibition of Dictator tendencies disqualifies him from any office.  His inability to surround himself with anyone worthy of properly advising him is born out by the number of advisors and close associates that have been indicted and convicted.  Not that he would listen to anyone, anyway.  His Administration is being run as one giant criminal enterprise.

tRump has decimated our natural resources and been a science denier as it pertains to climate change.  He has failed public education by appointing an unqualified donor to the Secretary of Education position and allowed her to shift money away from public education to private and parochial schools.  He has taken credit for things, such as Veteran's Choice, that were signed in to law by Obama.  He has failed our Judiciary System by insisting that the Attorney General is HIS attorney, not the independent top law enforcement officer of the Country.  He has failed in his promise to build a wall, totally paid by Mexico...instead, he illegally shifted funds from both the Military and from FEMA...funds needed to fight natural disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires.  He stokes the fires of divisiveness by not condemning the white supremacist and anti-semites.  He screams about ANTIFA, without even knowing what ANTIFA is....ANTIFA stands for Anti-Fascists and there is no formal organization, only an ideal.  (Who shouldn't be anti-fascists?) Yet, he supports QAnon and all of their corrosive and total made-up conspiracy theories.  And most importantly, he totally screwed up our country's response to the Covid19 pandemic and the lingering effects it will have on our Country for the next decade.

tRump's focus though has been on how many days he can play golf (so far, he is approaching 300 rounds in less than 4 years at a cost of  $350 million to taxpayers), whether the Big10 will play football, a mysterious planeload of black clothed thugs either coming from or going to Washington DC (he claimed each in 2 separate statements), pressing Barr to target his perceived enemies  before the election, denigrating the NBA and NFL players for peaceful demonstrations, encourages North Carolina voters to vote twice, likens police brutality to missing a 3 foot putt, and attempting to shut down the post office.  

But, but, but, he gave the Top 1% a rather large tax cut and that is the basis for a lot of his support.  What I don't understand is how the average American can support the lies, deception and criminality of his administration and not get a single cent of that tax cut.  The average American that supports tRump votes against his own self-interest. 

 I have been called "un-American" because I support equality...race, religion, gender, sexual preference.  I support a Woman's Right to Choose. I support a system that makes quality health care a right, not a privilege.  I support a system where we help each other...every person for themselves is not sustainable. I support Social Security and Medicare and demand that the Federal Government pay back the trillions of dollars it has stolen from the Social Security Trust Fund.  I support a Government that is by the people and for the people.  I support term limits in Congress AND on the Supreme Court.  I support efforts to solve our Climate Change problems or we won't have an earth that is inhabitable.   I support a ban on assault weapons and tighter laws on gun ownership.  I believe we need to lead the free world and not be laughed at by the rest of the world....I believe that "America First" is simply a racist dog-whistle and dangerous.   I believe in Science!  If all of that makes me "un-America," then so be it.

Joe Biden lists 46 agenda items and positions on his website.  Donald tRump lists zero agenda items and positions on his website.  His only position, so far, has been I can keep you safe.  He is the one that has gotten us in to this mess and he wants you to believe he is the only one that can get us out.   If you believe that, then I have serious doubts as to whether you deserve any respect at all.

I have a problem with those that lie and those people that ignore others that lie.  tRump has now either out and out lied, made false statements or misled with his statements over 20,000 times in the last three and a half years.  That's more than 20 times per day!  How any self-respecting person can support that is beyond me.

And The Journey Continues.......