Wednesday, May 6, 2020

5 Elements of Responsible Leadership

I have written and expressed my views severely disliking our current President and his modus operandi.  It is not just that I don't agree with 98% of his policies, nor that I don't trust anything he has said or done.  It is a well documented fact that he would rather lie than tell the truth and his hatred for minorities, the poor and anyone not in his social sphere is quite evident in his rambling and incoherent diatribe.  But most importantly, when this Country truly needs a leader, he falls woefully short.

I recently read an article listing 5 elements of Responsible Leadership and if you agree that it is a good roadmap for responsible leaders to follow, then you can't possible think that tRump even remotely approaches the standards set forth in the article.  Let's explore each element....

  1. Stakeholder Inclusion: Safeguarding trust and positive impact for all by standing in the shoes of stakeholders when making decisions, and fostering an inclusive environment where diverse individuals have a voice and feel they belong.  The only shoes tRump could possibly claim to stand in are those of the Fox News pundits, and the upper 1%.  And as far as fostering an inclusive environment, his actions are laughable...except for claiming that the Nazi and KKK demonstrators are "Good and fine people,"

  1. Emotion & Intuition: Unlocking commitment and creativity by being truly human, showing compassion, humility and openness.  tRump has no ability to show compassion, empathy or anything close to it.  In a recent analysis of his Corona Virus press conferences, exactly 4.5 minute of the over 15 hours of his ramblings were used to express anything resembling compassion to those thousands of families that have lost love ones.  He is on record as saying that the task force members cannot talk to Congress because they are all "TrumpHaters."  So much for openness!

  1. Mission & Purpose: Advancing common goals by inspiring a shared vision of sustainable prosperity for the organization and its stakeholders.  In tRump World, it is either his way or no way.  He does not have the ability to listen to others to even develop a shared vision.  Unfortunately, there is no vision for prosperity for this Country.  His financial prosperity "Vision" is based on the often failed principal of trickle down economics...which has been proven over and over again that is not sustainable.

  1. Technology & Innovation: Creating new organizational and societal value by innovating responsibly with emerging technology.  tRump's lack of ability to embrace Science has been demonstrated over and over.  He is a Climate denier, committed to fossil fuels.  His push to espouse the use of unproven "remedies" for the current crisis are appalling and dangerous.  the only technology he understands is the power of Twitter, as he uses this platform to whine.

  1. Intellect & Insight: Finding ever-improving paths to success by embracing continuous learning and knowledge exchange.  Do I need to even expound on this one?  tRump doesn't even read his daily briefings, listen to the experts or even explore alternative paths to success because his attention span is so short, he can't grasp too much information at one time.  If it is not on Fox News, then it is not a credible source of knowledge.

Out of 5 elements of responsible leadership, tRump fails in all five!  What is even more disconcerting is the there are still so many that support this administration and would like to see him serve another 4 years (or longer!).

It is up to responsible people to make sure that doesn't happen.  Vote Blue and make sure that we overwhelmingly throw him and his Republican Senate out of office!  And it HAS to be overwhelming, because the voter suppression, gerrymandering and other cheating could win for him again.

And The Journey Continues.......