Thursday, December 24, 2020


 I started writing this Blog in October 2010, so this is the 10th anniversary of my writings.  I called it "Roy's Journey," and hoped to chronicle some of my stories, thoughts and ideas.  Through out my 65 Blogs, I have written about "the Real Story," chronicled a "Fat Man's Journey," raved about our grandchildren, ranted about politics, called out tRump's lies and misdeeds, discussed my love for Jazz (the music and the dog!) and even reviewed restaurant hamburgers!  

This past year alone has certainly been a journey in itself!

The year started as I got out of the hospital, having been diagnosed with a rare kidney disease and having a port installed in my abdomen so that I could have peritoneal dialysis in the comfort of my home.  I went through evaluation testing at Jackson Memorial Hospital/Miami Transplant Institute, in order to be put on the National Register for a kidney transplant.  After finally getting approval, I was told that the wait for a kidney could take 3-5 years unless I found a live donor.  In order to increase my odds of getting a kidney sooner, we travelled to Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, FL, so that I could be put on their list as well.

The Doctors at Jackson told us that the chances of the disease attacking a new kidney could be as high as 80%.  The Doctors at Mayo were a bit more optimistic and set the odds at 50%.  Meanwhile, having put out an appeal to family and friends, one person that was tested was deemed to be a match.  However, Covid hit the hospitals and there was a moratorium on "elective" surgeries.  Additionally, my donor, understandably, wanted her support systems to be permitted in the hospital when she underwent surgery.  And since the hospitals had a no visitors policy, we had no choice but to wait!  And to make matters worse, with Covid running rampant, we began our quarantine like many others...especially the over 60 group.

I think the toughest part of the wait was the isolation from family and friends.  Although Zoom and FaceTime gives an opportunity to see others, the loss of physical contact (especially with grandchildren!) is particularly hard.  I know many that have not had the medical problems, also have suffered through the isolation and boredom.  There're only so many Netflix programs, books and jigsaw puzzles that one should endure over a year!

BUT, to our surprise, good things DID happen!  On October 17th, Connie and I had ordered in take-out burgers and I was settling into my recliner to watch the Georgia-Alabama game when my phone rang.  Not recognizing the number, I guessed it was another annoying telemarketer or scam call...but I had gotten in the habit of answering EVERY call just in case it was a notice of an available kidney.  And, in fact, that is what the call was all about..."Mr. Cohen, this is Jackson Memorial Hospital and we have a kidney for you.  Please hold and I will connect you with the doctor."  The Doctor then explained that there was a tiny tumor on the kidney that he was removing and that the margins were all clear and it was a viable kidney.  He asked it I wanted it?  After consulting with my nephrologist who encouraged me to accept the new kidney, we drove to Miami, where Connie dropped me off at the front door of the visitors allowed!

I was transplanted at 3:30 AM on the 18th and was moved to ICU by 7:30...a mere 4 hours to give me a new lease on life!  The donor was a 55 year old gentleman who had passed away from a cardiac event...I was told that I got moved up the list because they wanted a recipient that was older than the donor...(or was it because the squeaky wheel gets the grease?...we'll never know!) I figure I picked up 14 years in kidney longevity! I was moved to a room on the transplant floor a day and a half later and was home 2 days after that!

The recovery has been relatively uneventful.  While I am not suppose to do much for 90 days, Connie has been my chauffeur to my many doctor appointments and lab appointments.  While my "numbers" are not exactly where they should be YET, everything is moving in the right direction.  This week, I had a biopsy of the new kidney and it showed I was NOT rejecting the kidney and, so far, have shown no return of the disease.  The drug regiment that I will be on for the rest of my life is bearable...anti rejection and anti-viral drugs precludes me from having the Covid vaccine yet, so I have to be careful as my system is immune-suppresent.  So, I will continue to limit my exposure to the outside world!

Yes, it HAS been a Journey.  But I feel especially fortunate to only have waited less than a year for a new kidney that allows me to continue the bigger Journey.  Thanks to all that have reached out, said a prayer for me and generally shown their concern and love.  That, in itself, makes the journey a lot easier!

Wishing all my friends and family a Happy and Healthy New Year and wish all to stay safe in these trying times.

And The Journey continues.......

Friday, October 9, 2020

My Last Words on DJT (Hopefully!)

With the election rapidly approaching, I thought this would be a good time to recap the discussions that I have read and heard over the last few weeks.  I know I am not going to change any tRumper’s minds, but these are my thoughts…


YES! I have NO respect for the current occupant of the Oval Office.  And, I MAKE NOT APOLOGIES for that fact.  
I respect the office, however the man that occupies the office is beyond redemption.  He refuses to condemn the white supremacy and anti-Semitism movements, has called Mexicans druggies and rapists and called for the banning of all Muslims from entering the country.  Now, he is calling for the arrest of his political opponents -just like a third world dictator.  Always playing the victim, his narcissistic personality is an anathema to the office.  I believe in total transparency and when we have a President that has lied, misinformed and misled at the rate this guy has, it is unforgivable.


While most tRump supporters point to the “great results” of this administration and point to the economy as their proof, I challenge that assumption based on $2.5 trillion in deficits, and terrible GDP results.  The economy measures are more than the stock market (which incidentally, has not performed as well as it did under Obama) and tax cuts to the wealthy.  The average American is in a worse financial position today than when tRump took office.


Our standing in the World order has taken a significant hit over the last 3.5 years.  Respect for our Country is at an all time low.  When we have an administration that doesn’t believe in science, belittles experts in the field of climate change and states that “science doesn’t know” in response to natural disasters, it is no wonder that publications like the Medical Journals and Science Journals that have NEVER previously weighed in on an election are calling for his defeat.  It is also no wonder that so many retired Military officers and Government officials who have always supported the Republican Party have abandoned tRump as a viable candidate.


I am tired of listening to the trope that tRump has accomplished so much even though the main- stream media and the left have tried to impede him.  There are currently 213,000 dead people in this country because of his incompetence in the handling of the pandemic.  From the beginning, he downplayed the problem, stated it would go away, was a hoax and like a miracle, it would disappear.  Meanwhile, he eviscerated Governors that tried to take steps to curb the rapid spread, even calling for the “liberation” of certain states. 

Former vaccine director, Rick Bright, who filed a whistleblower complain against tRump said:  "The messaging that President Trump gave to Americans and the world when he left the probably the most reckless, deadly piece of information I have ever heard.  This virus is deadly." I for one, choose to listen to the Doctors and the Scientists.


tRump’s embracing our enemies such as Putin and North Korea have put us in a disadvantage in dealing with these foes.  His trade war with China is a colossal mess with the American consumer being the ones that are having to pay for the increased costs.  Not to mention the devastation to the American Farmer.  

Now his statements that the election is "rigged" and casting disparity open the legality of the vote does nothing but further his attempt to erode democracy, suppress the vote and cheat his way to office.  But that shouldn't be surprising as that is how he has operated during his entire business career.   Stiffing contractors, suing or being sued more than any other business executive, violating civil rights fair housing rules are just some of his failures.  He is one of the only people that bankrupted a business where people literally give you their money.  His business bankruptcies and failures are too many to list.  A great businessman and negotiator?  More like a carnival barker and conman.

Finally, let’s look at some of the “promises” he made in 2016 and since…….  


  1. He said coronavirus would “go away without a vaccine.” You bought it. But it didn’t. While other countries got the pandemic under control and avoided large numbers of fatalities, the virus has killed more than 213,000 Americans, and that number is still climbing.


  2.  He said he won’t have time to play golf if elected president. But he has made more than 250 visits to his golf clubs since he took office—a record for any president—including more trips during the pandemic than meetings with Dr. Fauci. The total financial cost to America? More than $136 million.

  3. He said he would repeal the Affordable Care Act, and replace it with something “beautiful.” It didn’t happen. Instead, seven million Americans have lost their health insurance since he took office. He has asked the Supreme Court to strike down the law in the middle of a global pandemic with no plan to replace it.

  4. He said he’d cut your taxes, and that the super-rich like him would pay more. He did the opposite. By 2027, the richest 1 percent will have received 83 percent of the Trump tax cut and the richest 0.1 percent, 60 percent of it. But more than half of all Americans will pay more in taxes.

  5. He said corporations would use their tax cuts to invest in American workers. They didn’t. Corporations spent more of their tax savings buying back shares of their own stock than increasing workers’ wages.

  6. He said he would boost economic growth by 4 percent a year. Nope. The economy stalled, and unemployment has soared to the highest levels since the Great Depression. Just over half of working-age Americans are employed—the worst ratio in 70 years.

  7. He said he wouldn’t “cut Social Security like every other Republican and I’m not going to cut Medicare or Medicaid.” His latest budget includes billions in cuts to Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.

  8. He promised to be “the voice” of American workers. He hasn’t. His administration has stripped workers of their rights, repealed overtime protections, rolled back workplace safety rules, and turned a blind eye to employers who steal their workers’ wages.

  9. He promised that the average American family would see a $4,000 pay raise because of his tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations. But nothing trickled down. Wages for most Americans have barely kept up with inflation. 

  10. He promised that anyone who wants a test for COVID will get one. But countless Americans still can’t get a test.

 11. He said hydroxychloroquine protects against coronavirus. No way. The FDA revoked its emergency authorization due to the drug’s potentially lethal side effects.

 12. He promised to eliminate the federal deficit. He has increased the federal deficit by more than 60 percent.

 13. He said he would hire “only the best people.” He has fired a record number of his own Cabinet and White House picks, and then called them “whackos,” “dumb as a rock,” and “not mentally qualified.” Six of them have been charged with crimes.

 14. He promised to bring down the price of prescription drugs and said drug companies are “getting away with murder.” They still are. Drug prices have soared, and a company that got federal funds to develop a drug to treat coronavirus is charging $3,000 a pop.

 15. He promised to revive the struggling coal industry and bring back lost coal mining jobs. The coal industry has continued to lose jobs as clean energy becomes cheaper.

 16. He promised to help American workers during the pandemic. But 80 percent of the tax benefits in the coronavirus stimulus package have gone to millionaires and billionaires. And at least 21 million Americans have lost extra unemployment benefits, with no new stimulus check to fall back on.

 17. He said he’d drain the swamp. Instead, he’s brought into his administration more billionaires, CEOs, and Wall Street moguls than in any administration in history, and he’s filled departments and agencies with former lobbyists, lawyers, and consultants who are crafting new policies for the same industries they used to work for.

 18. He promised to protect Americans with pre-existing conditions. His Justice Department is trying to repeal the entire Affordable Care Act, including protections for people with pre-existing conditions.

 19. He said Mexico would pay for his border wall. The wall will cost American taxpayers an estimated $11 billion.

 20. He promised to bring peace to the Middle East. Instead, tensions have increased and his so-called “peace plan” was dead on arrival.

 21. He promised to lock up Hillary Clinton for using a private email server. He didn’t. Funny enough, Trump uses his personal cellphone for official business, and several members of his own administration, including Jared Kushner and Ivanka, have used private email in the White House.

 22. He promised to use his business experience to whip the federal government into shape. He hasn’t. His White House is in permanent chaos. He caused the longest government shutdown in our nation’s history when he didn’t get funding for his wall.

 23. He promised to end DACA. The Supreme Court ruled that his plan to deport 700,000 young immigrants was unconstitutional, and DACA still stands.

 24. He promised “six weeks of paid maternity leave to any mother with a newborn child whose employer does not provide the benefit.” He hasn’t delivered.

 25. He promised to bring an end to Kim Jong Un’s nuclear program. Kim is expanding North Korea’s nuclear program.

 26. He said he would distance himself from his businesses while in office. He continues to make money from his properties and maintain his grip on his real estate empire.

 27. He said he’d force companies to keep jobs in America, and that there would be consequences for companies that shipped jobs abroad. Since he took office, companies like GE, Carrier, Ford, and Harley Davidson have continued to outsource thousands of jobs while still receiving massive tax breaks. And offshoring by federal contractors has increased.

 28. He promised to end the opioid crisis. Americans are now more likely to die from an opioid overdose than a car accident.

 29. He said he’d release his tax returns. It’s been nearly four years. He hasn’t released his tax returns.

 30. He promised to tear up the Iran nuclear deal and renegotiate a better deal. Negotiations have gone nowhere, and he brought us to the brink of war.

 31. He promised to enact term limits for all members of Congress. He has not even tried to enact term limits.

 32. He promised that China would pay for tariffs on imported goods. His trade war has cost U.S. consumers $34 billion a year, eliminated 300,000 American jobs, and cost American taxpayers $22 billion in subsidies for farmers hurt by the tariffs.

 33. He promised to “push colleges to cut the skyrocketing cost of tuition.” Instead, he’s made it easier for for-profit colleges to defraud students, and tuition is still rising.

 34. He promised to protect American steel jobs. The steel industry continues to lose jobs.

 35. He promised tax cuts for the wealthy and corporations would spur economic growth and pay for themselves. His tax cuts will add $2 trillion to the federal deficit.

 36. After pulling out of the Paris climate accord, he said he’d negotiate a better deal on the environment. He hasn’t attempted to negotiate any deal.

 37. He promised that the many women who accused him of sexual misconduct “will be sued after the election is over.” He hasn’t sued them, presumably because he doesn’t want the truth to come out.

 38. He promised to bring back all troops from Afghanistan. He now says: “We’ll always have somebody there.”

 39. He pledged to put America first. Instead, he’s deferred to dictators and authoritarians at America’s expense, and ostracized our allies—who now laugh at us behind our back.

 40. He promised to be the voice of the common people. He’s made his rich friends richer, increased the political power of big corporations and the wealthy, and harmed working Americans. 

So, those are the facts…not alternative facts, not made-up facts.  By all measure he has FAILED!  So, if you want to believe that tRump is good for this Country, that is your right..but I am just not buying it!

And The Journey Continues…..

Thursday, September 3, 2020

I Am Tired.....

 I am so very, very tired of the lies, conspiracy theories, racist diatribe and overall disrespect and nastiness emanating from the While House.  I am so tired....very, very tired of the holier than thou attitude and hatred exhibited by tRump supporters.  I am so tired....very, very tired of the inability of people to comprehend facts (the REAL ones...not "alternative "facts).

Years ago, when Romney was running against Obama, I did an exhaustive analysis of policy differences between the two candidates.  I was trying to determine if I could support Mitt, since I had known him personally and had a great amount of respect for him and his intelligence and morals.  Unfortunately, I determined that those issues that were most important to me didn't line up with his ideals.  So, I couldn't support him as my Presidential candidate.

Which brings us to the current Presidential race.  It is impossible to do that same analysis as tRump's website has no policies nor anything that shows what he would do different in the next 4 years from what he is doing now.  His racist tropes and exhausting exhibition of Dictator tendencies disqualifies him from any office.  His inability to surround himself with anyone worthy of properly advising him is born out by the number of advisors and close associates that have been indicted and convicted.  Not that he would listen to anyone, anyway.  His Administration is being run as one giant criminal enterprise.

tRump has decimated our natural resources and been a science denier as it pertains to climate change.  He has failed public education by appointing an unqualified donor to the Secretary of Education position and allowed her to shift money away from public education to private and parochial schools.  He has taken credit for things, such as Veteran's Choice, that were signed in to law by Obama.  He has failed our Judiciary System by insisting that the Attorney General is HIS attorney, not the independent top law enforcement officer of the Country.  He has failed in his promise to build a wall, totally paid by Mexico...instead, he illegally shifted funds from both the Military and from FEMA...funds needed to fight natural disasters such as hurricanes and wildfires.  He stokes the fires of divisiveness by not condemning the white supremacist and anti-semites.  He screams about ANTIFA, without even knowing what ANTIFA is....ANTIFA stands for Anti-Fascists and there is no formal organization, only an ideal.  (Who shouldn't be anti-fascists?) Yet, he supports QAnon and all of their corrosive and total made-up conspiracy theories.  And most importantly, he totally screwed up our country's response to the Covid19 pandemic and the lingering effects it will have on our Country for the next decade.

tRump's focus though has been on how many days he can play golf (so far, he is approaching 300 rounds in less than 4 years at a cost of  $350 million to taxpayers), whether the Big10 will play football, a mysterious planeload of black clothed thugs either coming from or going to Washington DC (he claimed each in 2 separate statements), pressing Barr to target his perceived enemies  before the election, denigrating the NBA and NFL players for peaceful demonstrations, encourages North Carolina voters to vote twice, likens police brutality to missing a 3 foot putt, and attempting to shut down the post office.  

But, but, but, he gave the Top 1% a rather large tax cut and that is the basis for a lot of his support.  What I don't understand is how the average American can support the lies, deception and criminality of his administration and not get a single cent of that tax cut.  The average American that supports tRump votes against his own self-interest. 

 I have been called "un-American" because I support equality...race, religion, gender, sexual preference.  I support a Woman's Right to Choose. I support a system that makes quality health care a right, not a privilege.  I support a system where we help each other...every person for themselves is not sustainable. I support Social Security and Medicare and demand that the Federal Government pay back the trillions of dollars it has stolen from the Social Security Trust Fund.  I support a Government that is by the people and for the people.  I support term limits in Congress AND on the Supreme Court.  I support efforts to solve our Climate Change problems or we won't have an earth that is inhabitable.   I support a ban on assault weapons and tighter laws on gun ownership.  I believe we need to lead the free world and not be laughed at by the rest of the world....I believe that "America First" is simply a racist dog-whistle and dangerous.   I believe in Science!  If all of that makes me "un-America," then so be it.

Joe Biden lists 46 agenda items and positions on his website.  Donald tRump lists zero agenda items and positions on his website.  His only position, so far, has been I can keep you safe.  He is the one that has gotten us in to this mess and he wants you to believe he is the only one that can get us out.   If you believe that, then I have serious doubts as to whether you deserve any respect at all.

I have a problem with those that lie and those people that ignore others that lie.  tRump has now either out and out lied, made false statements or misled with his statements over 20,000 times in the last three and a half years.  That's more than 20 times per day!  How any self-respecting person can support that is beyond me.

And The Journey Continues.......

Thursday, June 11, 2020

I am From the South....But.....

I was born in Atlanta, Georgia and am proud of being from the South.  I am proud of the Southern manners that I was taught as a young child.  Yes Sir, No Sir, Yes Ma'am, No Ma'am.  I love good Southern cuisine...fried chicken, good barbecue, fried green tomatoes, peach cobbler, biscuits and gravy and more.

But, for the life of me, I don't understand the fascination that some Southerners have with the Confederacy, the Confederate Flag, Confederate Generals, Politicians and the other losers of a civil war that took place over 75 years before I was born.  Hell, they were just a bunch of losers that were, in essence, trying to protect their dominance over other human beings.  They were traitors to our Country...why do we glorify them with statues, monuments, carvings and parks?  How do some still embrace those very racist and traitor symbols of a long ago era?

According to The President, it is our "heritage."  Who's heritage?...certainly not mine.  Frankly, if there is one thing I am embarrassed about being a Southerner, it is that I might be tied to those traitors of the 19th century by an accident of my birth.  I assume that those that are holding on tightly to the Confederacy yearn for the days that they can have slaves, and show dominance over others because of the pigmentation of their skin.  I assert that those people have no allegiance to our Country and have no place in our society.

In 1964, I began 8th grade and was part of the first class at Grady High School that was integrated.  Up to that point, I went to an all white elementary school and the only African-Americans that I knew, cleaned my house, cooked my meals and did our yard work.  I heard and laughed at many "black" jokes and am embarrassed today that I participated in such gross and misguided actions.  As I came to find out, my Black friends had the same dreams, same desires and yes, the same insecurities that all teenagers have.  What I didn't realize at the time was that they had many other worries that I, as a white person, could ever imagine.  I never worried about being unfairly judged because of the way I looked, or harassed because of the color of my skin.  I don't pretend to know about the feelings that my black friends have had because of small minded people.

The events of the last few weeks have simply highlighted the struggle that my black friends have endured over the course of my entire lifetime.  It is nothing is just something that has been video'd and otherwise documented.  If my health would allow it, I would be marching to demonstrate my support of the Black Lives Matter Movement....but for the moment I can only use my voice, my writings and my vote to show my support.

Black Lives DO Matter!

And The Journey continues............

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

5 Elements of Responsible Leadership

I have written and expressed my views severely disliking our current President and his modus operandi.  It is not just that I don't agree with 98% of his policies, nor that I don't trust anything he has said or done.  It is a well documented fact that he would rather lie than tell the truth and his hatred for minorities, the poor and anyone not in his social sphere is quite evident in his rambling and incoherent diatribe.  But most importantly, when this Country truly needs a leader, he falls woefully short.

I recently read an article listing 5 elements of Responsible Leadership and if you agree that it is a good roadmap for responsible leaders to follow, then you can't possible think that tRump even remotely approaches the standards set forth in the article.  Let's explore each element....

  1. Stakeholder Inclusion: Safeguarding trust and positive impact for all by standing in the shoes of stakeholders when making decisions, and fostering an inclusive environment where diverse individuals have a voice and feel they belong.  The only shoes tRump could possibly claim to stand in are those of the Fox News pundits, and the upper 1%.  And as far as fostering an inclusive environment, his actions are laughable...except for claiming that the Nazi and KKK demonstrators are "Good and fine people,"

  1. Emotion & Intuition: Unlocking commitment and creativity by being truly human, showing compassion, humility and openness.  tRump has no ability to show compassion, empathy or anything close to it.  In a recent analysis of his Corona Virus press conferences, exactly 4.5 minute of the over 15 hours of his ramblings were used to express anything resembling compassion to those thousands of families that have lost love ones.  He is on record as saying that the task force members cannot talk to Congress because they are all "TrumpHaters."  So much for openness!

  1. Mission & Purpose: Advancing common goals by inspiring a shared vision of sustainable prosperity for the organization and its stakeholders.  In tRump World, it is either his way or no way.  He does not have the ability to listen to others to even develop a shared vision.  Unfortunately, there is no vision for prosperity for this Country.  His financial prosperity "Vision" is based on the often failed principal of trickle down economics...which has been proven over and over again that is not sustainable.

  1. Technology & Innovation: Creating new organizational and societal value by innovating responsibly with emerging technology.  tRump's lack of ability to embrace Science has been demonstrated over and over.  He is a Climate denier, committed to fossil fuels.  His push to espouse the use of unproven "remedies" for the current crisis are appalling and dangerous.  the only technology he understands is the power of Twitter, as he uses this platform to whine.

  1. Intellect & Insight: Finding ever-improving paths to success by embracing continuous learning and knowledge exchange.  Do I need to even expound on this one?  tRump doesn't even read his daily briefings, listen to the experts or even explore alternative paths to success because his attention span is so short, he can't grasp too much information at one time.  If it is not on Fox News, then it is not a credible source of knowledge.

Out of 5 elements of responsible leadership, tRump fails in all five!  What is even more disconcerting is the there are still so many that support this administration and would like to see him serve another 4 years (or longer!).

It is up to responsible people to make sure that doesn't happen.  Vote Blue and make sure that we overwhelmingly throw him and his Republican Senate out of office!  And it HAS to be overwhelming, because the voter suppression, gerrymandering and other cheating could win for him again.

And The Journey Continues.......