Friday, September 20, 2019

I Am Not Invincible!

At some point, all of us think that we are invincible!  Nothing is going to happen to me..I am strong, I am healthy, I take only calculated risks and generally take care of myself.  We all go along our merry way, not worrying too much nor fretting over our well being.  And then...BOOM!  That all changes in an instance.

I always thought that if anything affected my health, it would be my heart.  After all, cardiac problems run throughout my Mom, Dad and 3 brothers all had cardiac issues.  So, I was diligent in checking up on the ticker and everything has always been good!   And then a couple of weeks ago, I was just not feeling right.  Lethargic, loss of appetite, retention of fluids and just generally feeling punk.  Finally, after much prodding from my family and friends, I relented and went to the doctor to find that my blood pressure was through the roof.  Blood tests revealed that my kidney function was shutting down.

A week in the hospital and I went through a Kidney biopsy, Bone Marrow biopsy, complications from the biopsy...and the diagnosis is an uncommon Kidney Disease...PGNMID...  At this point, we hope it is treatable with chemo, as I have had my first round last week and am scheduled for the second round on Friday, September 27th.  I am told that about a third respond to this treatment and am trying to avoid dialysis and/or transplant.

So, I am at home, but expect to try to go back to work asap...this sitting around doing nothing is not for me!  Unfortunately, I am restricted in travel as the chemo leaves me more susceptible to infections...but keeping the Purel close at hand is not the worse thing in the world.  However, I am going to have to forego my 50th High School Reunion that I was so looking forward to.  To all my classmates, send pictures, I will be with you in spirit.

I have learned a few things during this ordeal.  First, listen to your body...if something isn't feeling right, then it's time to get it checked out.  Second, I have the best support group in my family and my friends.  The outpouring of love and concern has been overwhelming and that is probably the best medicine of all.

No matter what course I have to take to get there, I'LL BE BACK!!  Stay tuned!

And The Journey Continues!