Wednesday, June 22, 2016

Not My Last Rant About Trump!

So, all my liberal friends…you’re feeling pretty good about Trump’s plummeting poll numbers.  Don’t be.  The raw numbers are the most frightening thing I have ever seen.  If the election were held today, some 50 million voters will vote for this man and all he stands for.  50 million voters!!!! And that’s if he only gets 40% of the vote.

Let’s examine exactly what they are voting for:
  •        Abject Racism.  Yes, racism is alive and well in the Republic.  Whether it is railing against the Blacks, the Mexicans, any Immigrant or all Muslims, Trump has made it clear that if you are not exactly like him, then you are not to be trusted, respected or even counted.  In fact, you should be thrown out of the Country and not allowed back in.
  •       A pathological liar that spews mysoginistic, xenophobic vile untruths over and over and over again.  This man doesn’t know the difference between truth and made up lies.
  •      A person with an unfamiliarity of the US Constitution, an unfamiliarity with any of the domestic issues and an unfamiliarity of any foreign policy.
  •      A person who denigrates anyone that disagrees with him and has stated his objective of overturning the 1st Amendment so that he can sue any media that disagrees with him and his lies.
  •      A poor businessman who has declared bankruptcy 4 times as well as bankrupted many small businesses by refusing to pay them for work done.
  •      A fraudulent huckster who defrauded thousands with his Trump University and then paid off certain politicians not to prosecute him.  (Pam Bondi in Florida should be indicted for dropping the case after Trump donated $25,000 to her campaign).  And then lied about its sterling reputation…the Better Business Bureau gave it a D Rating.
  •      A personality that is overwhelmingly immature. My 5 year old grandson doesn’t throw the tantrums this thin skinned poor excuse for an adult does.
  •      An encourager of hate…brought on by fear, in the style of McCarthy.
  •      A candidate and a Party that takes no responsibility for any of the issues facing us today.  But is only looking to blame someone else, whether it be immigrants, women, Latinos, gays, experts, black presidents and/or the media for their troubles.

I am frightened about what this Country has become.  Civil debate is non-existent.  People hating people, name calling, threats of violence and a general level of disrespect is the rule.  During the McCarthy hearings in the 50’s, one person being questioned finally had enough and uttered the now famous line, “Sir, have you no sense of decency?”

So, after listening to this twit one too many times, I repeat…Sir, have you no sense of decency?

Other than his plan to build a wall and throw all illegal immigrants out of the country, ban all Muslims from entering and watching all Muslim Americans very closely, there are no concrete plans or policies that have been thought about, talked about or shared.  Because his greatest advisor is himself, there are NO plans, policies or objectives to make America great again.  In fact, his general demeanor will only make America GRATE again!

Many leaders in politics, business and society are supporting this view of our Country.   I respect the fact that everyone is entitled to his or her own opinion. As my Dad use to say..."Opinions are like A**holes, everybody has one."

However, I just can’t respect anyone that supports this very dangerous candidate , all he stands for and the level of hatred he espouses.

And The Journey Continues……..