Thursday, April 28, 2016

Can You Say "President Trump?"

Donald Trump will be the next President of The United States.

I have remained relatively quiet during the last few months as this horrific primary season has unfolded.  In fact, I haven’t blogged since December.  Along with many pundits, I laughed about Trump’s candidacy and was very sure that his xenophobic, misogynistic, serial lying persona would surely derail any hopes he might have had about becoming the Republican nominee.  Surely, his lack of any knowledge about the issues and not having a single specific strategy about any domestic or foreign policy would disqualify him in the eyes of the Republican electorate. But, I have come to the overwhelming conclusion that we should never underestimate the stupidity of the American voter.  For that singular reason, I am predicting that the Trump/Christie ticket will win in November.

In discussing the whole political landscape with those that don’t share my general distaste with the Republican Party, their platform and their ideals, I have continued to hear from some that I thought were otherwise intelligent…”but you can’t be supporting THAT woman.”  Yes, I can and will support Mrs. Clinton.  Not that I think that she is the greatest the contrary, I believe she has her own faults.  However, besides the fact that her ideals on most any major issue more closely align with mine, one of the main duties of the office of the Presidency is to do no harm.  And Mr. Trump and his ilk will surely take us down a path of destruction that this country will not recover from during my lifetime.

Mr. Trump has been a main force in creating an atmosphere of hate, prejudice and paranoia in today’s society.  It isn’t necessary to repeat his misguided statements about Mexicans, women, the LGBT community, the handicapped, all Muslims and others.  They have all been well documented ad nauseum over the last few months.  Reminiscent of Nazi Germany and statements made by Hitler during the late 30’s, his ideas to register and track those American citizens of a certain faith is not only deplorable but a sick affront to our Country and its Constitution. 

And for those that buy into his campaign’s recent statements that this is all an act and he will be a centrist…bullshit!  A leopard doesn’t change his spots.

What is even scarier than a Trump Presidency is the distinct possibility that his election will also come with a Republican majority in both houses of Congress.  When that happens, we will see social issues decimated, the Affordable Care Act dumped without a replacement, severe cuts (if it survives) in Social Security, the dismantling of Medicare, more tax cuts for the wealthy and a complete disappearance of the middle class.  Abortion will again become illegal in the United States, any chance of Women’s parity destroyed and it will become legal to discriminate based on race, religion or sexual preference.  Any pretense that we actually have a separation of church and state will disappear as the Religious Right is determined to impose the Christian equivalent of Sharia Law on the entire Country.  And the lack of any controls on guns in this country will further encourage the Wild West atmosphere that is becoming more and more prevalent.

How will all this happen when we supposedly have three branches of government with checks and balances?  Easy…a Trump presidency will assure a Conservative Supreme Court that will remain so for the foreseeable future.  And, THAT is the most important issue during this Presidential election.  Elect Trump and the Supreme Court is doomed! 

For the sake of my children and grandchildren I hope this does not happen.  But given the ignorance of the American electorate and the propensity to continue to vote against their own self-interest, this is the future we will have to endure.

Please, I hope I am wrong!

And The Journey Continues……………