Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Sad Day in America

It is a sad, sad day in the United States of America. 

First and foremost, we are NOT united.  We are as divided as any nation can be.  Second, yesterday’s election of Donald Trump and the Republican majority in the Senate and the House of Representatives says so much about us as a nation.  And what it says is not good nor hopeful.

I have to believe that if you voted for Trump then you support what he has said, and what he claims that he will do.  If you really believe that you only voted for your tax rate, then you are seriously misguided and when you wake up, you will no longer recognize the USA that we wish for.

Let’s look at what the President-Elect has in mind for all of us:

An America where women are second class citizens.  He has said that women should not be working but should be at home cooking dinner for their husbands.  He disrespects women in a myriad of ways.  He proposes to have old white men make medical decisions for my daughter, daughter-in-law and granddaughter.

An America that shows disdain for anybody that is different from the lily white Christian male.  If you are disabled, LGBTQ, Muslim, Black, Hispanic or a Jew, then you must be concerned how Trump has emboldened racists and bigots.  The American Hitler Party, KKK and White Supremacy groups cheer his election and his campaign rallies consistently showed those embracing hatred.  You were worried about Sharia law?  Well, we will have the Evangelical equivalent, whereby the wall between religious beliefs and government is torn down.

An America that embraces liars, as well as punishment for any that disagrees with him.  The first amendment is in serious danger as Trump has declared war on the media and promises revenge on any that did not support him.

An America that will cut off Health Care to over 20 million Americans and will take steps to no longer care for their elderly or poor.  When Medicare gets decimated and Social Security is privatized, it will be the beginning of the end for Senior security in this Country.

An America where only the wealthy will have a say in government. 

An America that will, in the next 2 years spiral into the biggest recession, if not depression, in history.  His proposed economic plan will plunge us further into debt (by an additional 5.3 trillion dollars) that we will have no chance of surviving.  But, if Trump’s history is any indication, then he will screw the rest of the world with our debt, eventually default, plunging the world into economic turmoil.

An America that will, for a combination of economic factors, ego and misguided isolationism cause a World War like we have never seen.  But, at least those dependent on the Military-Industrial complex will be enriched.

An America that will be deregulated to the point that your food will not be safe, the environmental gains reversed and banks doing whatever the hell they want to do.

An America that accepts a President that is standing trial for child-rape and fraud.  A President that will only do what is good for Donald Trump and his family business with no regard for what is right for America.  And since his party controls Congress and will soon control The Supreme Court…all of this can be “accomplished.”

A lifelong friend of mine, in response to a Trump voter, wrote the following today:

It's more than political views. It is a philosophy of life. For my entire 65 years, I have worked for social justice, knowing it was my responsibility to make the world a better place, and always supported people politically and personally who did the same. In my work, in my role as a wife and a mother, as a volunteer, it is my belief why I was put on this planet. I have worked against anti-Semitism, racism, inequality, fought for children's rights, and the rights of women, gay/lesbians. That you and others don't see he spouted racist, unkind, divisive words, disrespected women, Hispanics, physically challenged people in both words and deeds is beyond  my understanding. It pains my heart, yes my heart, that half of America -- including religious people -- who embraced this man whose only interest is himself and his power is beyond me.”

So, you say that none of the above can happen?  That is exactly what you told me when I predicted he would become President in my blog posts as early as December of last year. (And repeated in subsequent posts…the last being a week ago.)   I don’t claim to be smarter than everybody else, but Trump’s election was inevitable.  We have become a Country of under-educated, me-first, selfish, disrespectful, hateful and apathetic people that relish the opportunity to vote against their own best self-interests.  But, friends, as promised, the wealthy will get their tax cut….. just consider what the real cost of that is.

To my children and grandchildren…I am sorry! This election points out that my generation has failed you.  But I, for one, will never stop fighting to rectify our mistake.

And The Journey Continues……………..

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

My Last Pre-Election Blog

With the exception of a few well-placed Facebook missives, I have remained relatively quiet during the last few months of this election season.  Last December, I wrote a blog slamming Trump and in April, I predicted that he would be the next President of the United States.  In June, I ranted again about all of Trump’s disqualifications.  (If you want to read those, they can be accessed at   But as we head into the final 6 days, I finally find it almost impossible to not comment once more…..

I continue to have this overwhelming feeling of dread that Donald Trump will be our next President.  If that happens, I believe it will mark the end of our Democracy and the way of life many of us have come to enjoy.  Along with his Republican led Congress, I think individual freedoms will be curtailed, freedom of the press will become a thing of the past and the ensuing Supreme Court will make rulings on social issues that will set us back 100 years.  I believe he will use a nuclear weapon in his first 12 months and be the instigator of WW III.  I believe that we will be no better than Nazi Germany in the way we treat minorities or for that matter, anyone that doesn’t fit into his and his supporter’s views of lily white Chrisitian America.  The embolden of the alt-right will create strife in the streets that we haven’t ever seen.  There will no longer be a middle class…only the uber-wealthy and the poor.  Not to mention the devastation that will occur in the World Financial Markets.

There is a television ad that runs almost continuously in the South Florida Market.  It is an ad for Marco Rubio, the mostly ineffective and mostly absent Senator.  In the ad, besides calling his opponent a liar, the narrator in a very accusatory tone states, “and he’s a Liberal.”   It makes it sound like this might be the worst thing anyone can be accused of being.  Obviously, I take great offense to the lack of intellectual integrity that this ad and most of this and Mr. Trump’s entire campaign exhibits.   Liberals gave women the right to vote, created Social Security and Medicare to take care of our Seniors, passed the Civil Rights Act attempting to end segregation, passed the clean water act, passed the clean air act, passed the voting rights act…I could go on and on.  What have Conservatives done?  Besides trying to block all of these things, they gave us trickle-down economics…or voodoo economics, a concept that has NEVER worked.  And, oh yea, they gave us unwarranted wars that were started to enrich those tied to the military-industrial complex.

One would think that anyone with half a brain could see the many lies and false equivalencies espoused during this election season. But the problem lies in most people’s short attention span and their unwillingness to understand the issues and the impact of policies on their own lives.  It seems that if it can’t be heard in a short sound bite or a 2 sentence Tweet, then most people will not dig any deeper.  We have lost the ability to critically think and understand exactly what is being said and proposed.  Frankly, I am disgusted with the American voter and their inability to use their brain.  To think that 40+ million voters (win or lose) will vote for Donald Trump is entirely mind boggling to me.  This is a man that does not have the attention span to put together two rational sentences, much less have the temperament or the tenacity to lead this country.  His lack of business acumen has lead to numerous bankruptcies and failed companies.  He is nothing more than a media created reality TV personality….and THIS is what 40+ million people want to lead the free world.

Surely I recognize that Hillary has some short comings of her own.  Her baggage is a giant size suitcase….however, her shortcomings have nothing to do with emails and Benghazi.  Those 2 subjects are the biggest crocks that have ever been perpetuated on the electorate.  Benghazi doesn’t even begin to compare with the number of our Embassies attacked or the number of lives loss under George W or other Republican Presidents.  But, not a single investigation, hearing or even discussion in Congress occurred as a result of those attacks.  Yes, Hillary should not have used her private server while Secretary of State…even though those before her had done the same.  But, seriously, GET OVER IT.  There was no proof of intent to deceive nor mishandling of sensitive documents.  But, if you really want to litigate emails, where are the missing 22 million Bush White House emails? 

I have no problems with standards of conduct…but they need to be applied across the board…not just when it is convenient for Republicans to do so.

So, why is Hillary so hated?  Simply stated, it is because she is a woman and has the temerity to believe she can lead this Country…a job up to now held only by men and until the last 8 years, only by white men.  If Hillary were a white man with the same experience and the same baggage, she would be winning in a landslide.  Those most aligned against her can’t imagine a woman with power and feel threatened by any woman that has the audacity to think that she might be smarter and more effective than them.  And, this is not limited to men….there is a certain group of women who also feel the same way…and feel that it is not a woman’s “place” to lead.

So, I feel better having gotten all of this off my chest and down on paper!  But I won’t really feel  good unless my feelings that Trump will be President are totally wrong.  For once in my life, I am praying that I am WRONG!  Let’s hope that is so.

And The Journey continues…………. 

Wednesday, July 13, 2016


The political landscape is so frustrating and my exasperation with the amount of hatred, vitriol and total bullshit make me want to withdraw from the entire conversation.  So, today’s Blog is about something dear to my heart….food!

If you have never played the game, “My Last Meal,” with your friends, then maybe this will give you something to think about.  Most people claim that if they can choose their last meal, they would choose something ultra-gourmet and decadent.  A beautiful Filet Mignon topped with  Foie Gras with a butter poached lobster side or a meal of escargot followed by a beautifully prepared Duck a la Orange  and a chocolate lava cake for desert is often mentioned by self -proclaimed “Foodies” as their choices for My Last Meal.

Not me though.  My Last Meal would be the humble but perfect Hamburger with a side of twice fried French Fries and Onion Rings.  But, I have yet to find that Perfect Best Hamburger (PBH) in the world.  And, believe me, I have looked far and wide and will continue my search.

There are a lot of categories of hamburgers.  I have never had one that I absolutely didn’t, at least, like slightly.  On the lower end of the spectrum, there are the fast food burgers.  These include McDonalds, Burger King, Wendy’s and the like.  While not even close to being the perfect burger, there is certainly a place in the universe for these…although it has been years since I have had one, I am sure I could choke one down in a pinch.  Although, the Varsity in Atlanta is better known for hot dogs, I still really like their “steaks.”  It’s a childhood memory thing!  You might have noticed that I didn’t include Krystal or White Castle in this category.  Those special sliders have a special place in my heart.  After all, I am a child of the 60’s and late night sliders after an evening of partaking is a fond memory.

Then there is the cooked-to-order, almost fast food joints.  Included in this category would be Five Guys, Shake Shack, Bobby’s Burger Palace, Burger Fi and (although I have yet to experience it) In-n-Out Burgers.  My friends from New York will probably disagree with me but I like Five Guys much better than Shake Shack and look forward to my first Animal Style, In-n-Out burger. Recently, I had the opportunity to have my first Bobby’s Burger…the Bobby Flay burger joint.  While his idea of “crunchifying” burgers by putting home-made potato chips on them is interesting, I was somewhat disappointed that this renowned chef didn’t have a better burger. I guess other untried Burgers like SmashBurger are also in this category.

Which brings me to a very important point about the search for the PBH…It is all about the meat FIRST!  Anybody can take a lousy piece of meat and dress it up with bacon, cheeses and other condiments. Inventive and creative toppings should enhance the burger, not hide it. If the meat doesn’t taste good by itself, then it can’t possibly qualify as the PBH.

Of course, there are the casual restaurant Burgers to contend with…Cheesecake Factory, Various Sports Bars, Chili’s, Duffy’s, Houston’s, J.Alexander’s, Zinburger’s, etc, etc, etc.  All of them are pretty good burgers.  Try the Classic Burger at Cheesecake…it is a generous Chop House patty that is grilled, comes with only a grilled onion lettuce and tomato and the meat has good flavor.  Like I said, I haven’t met a burger yet that I didn’t like!

Every food publication has published a “Best Burger” article at one time or another.  I have read many of them, keep a list of “Best Burgers” in my phone and try different burgers as we travel around.  I have tried the Cricket Burger at the Cherry Cricket in Denver, Burgers at Hopdoddy in Denver, Burgers in New York at The Burger Joint, PJ Clarke’s and others, the burger at BLT in Vegas, the Juicy Lucy at M.E.A.T and the Burgers of Tucker Duke’s in Boca Raton, all of the Burgers at Charm City Burgers in Deerfield Beach and many others that I have either forgotten or want to forget.

Not to mention that I have tried to create my own PBH myself.  Recently, I had the butcher grind 2 pounds of beef brisket, seasoned it with just salt and pepper and grilled the burger.  Not bad, but still not the PBH that I am looking for.  I will continue to experiment with various combinations of meat and see if I can perfect my own creation.

With all of that said, I think that, SO FAR, the possible PBH that I have experienced is at The Le Tub Saloon in Hollywood, Florida.  Le Tub is a dump of a place on the intra-costal waterway where you can wait for an hour or more for your Burger.  Touted by Oprah and GQ as the best burger in the land, The Sirloin Burger, itself, has a flavor that I haven’t found anywhere else.  It is 13 oz. of ground top sirloin, seasoned, charbroiled, and served on a bun with lettuce, tomato, and onion.  Since the place is owned and operated by a “free spirit” who purchased the barren property in 1974 and dedicated a concentrated year personally hand building LeTub totally of Flotsam, Jetsam and ocean borne treasures all gathered daily over 4 years of day break jogging on Hollywood Beach, it is often speculated on exactly what is in this burger that makes it so good!  Granted, I haven’t been there in a while, but thinking of that Hamburger makes my mouth water!

However, The Search continues….I have been told that the Burgers at Holeman and Finch in Atlanta or the Farm Burger in Decatur, Ga or even the original hamburger at Louis' Lunch in New Haven, CT can nearly qualify as the PBH.  Or the Steak Burger at Peter Luger’s in Brooklyn…although I can’t imagine going to Luger’s and NOT ordering a steak.  Then there is the Spotted Pig, Minetta Tavern or JG Mellon’s in New York and Au Cheval in Chicago.  Should the burger be one big patty or two thinner patties or maybe even three patties?  Cheese or no cheese?

If you have a favorite Burger that you think could qualify as the Perfect Best Hamburger, let me know. 

And The Journey continues……