Saturday, December 5, 2015


I just don’t get it!  This morning I woke up to the news that the latest polls show Donald Trump with support from 35% of the Republicans polled.  Have these people gone mad?  Or are they so uneducated that they will follow just about any reality television star?  Or maybe, these people actually approve of what he says…if that is the case, then this country is in bigger trouble than anyone can imagine.

Let’s review some of Mr. Trump’s absurdities….In Trump’s short career as a politician he has been seen insulting Latinos, making fun of the disabled, tweeting neo-Nazi propaganda, and advocating a Nazi-style registration system. Now, he’s advocating a policy that can only end in Genocide.

First, his insults to Latinos:  He called Latin Immigrants “Criminals” and Rapists.”  He said Mexicans (and other immigrants) were  “Killers” too and insisted that the Mexican Government intentionally sends their criminals to the US.  On two occasions, he has taken jabs at Jeb Bush over his Mexican-born wife!  He said that his followers were “passionate” after being told that two men beat a Hispanic man in his name!  And he blamed blacks and Hispanics for violent crime cross the Country.

Of course Trump’s mocking of a disabled reporter was followed by his defense that he was “just joking.”  Wow, how Presidential of him!  All of this was proceeded by that reporter exposing Trump’s lies about “thousands of Muslims cheering in Jersey City after 9/11.”

Trump’s last week found him flirting with fascism by sharing a blatantly false, racist graphic that apparently originated with a Hitler-admiring neo-Nazi.
The Republican presidential frontrunner tweeted an image that claimed 81 percent of white homicide victims are killed by blacks and 97 percent of black homicide victims were killed by other blacks.  The graphic cited the Crime Statistics Bureau in San Francisco as its source — although that does not exist and the statistics are, quite simply, made up.  The earliest use of the graphic was from a tweet.  The account linked to the tweet uses a modified swastika used as the symbol of the neo-Nazi German Faith Movement, and the account profile expresses admiration for Adolf Hitler: “A detester of any kind of sick perverted dildo waving marxism and liberalism, we should have listened to the Austrian chap with the little moustache.”  The image was posted on the conservative Sexy Patriot account shortly before Trump shared it.  There’s no indication Trump was aware the graphic seems to have originated with a neo-Nazi, but a quick Google search should have revealed the statistics as inaccurate — and its racist suggestions are plainly obvious.  This isn’t the first time Trump has tweeted Nazi propaganda on his official social media account.   Trump shared a campaign graphic, which he later deleted, that included an image of Nazi soldiers taken from a World War II re-enactment.

Trump supporters beat up a Black Lives Matter protester recently in Birmingham, Alabama, and the GOP candidate said afterward that the man was “so obnoxious and so loud” that “maybe he should have been roughed up.”

This erstwhile Republican repeated his call to closely monitor or even close down U.S. mosques to fight terrorism, and he refused to rule out creating a database of American Muslims and expressed openness to the possibility of requiring them to carry special ID.  All Muslims living in the United States might be forced to register their personal information in a federal database if Donald Trump is elected president.  Last week, the billionaire Republican presidential candidate told an NBC reporter that all American Muslims “have to be” required to registered in a database in the wake of deadly terror attacks in Paris and Beirut. The attacks were carried out by ISIS, a group that proclaims itself to be Islamic — though many Muslims and religious scholars disagree that the group can be credibly considered part of the religion.
“I would certainly implement that — absolutely,” Trump said when asked about forcing registration of the 5 million to 12 million Muslims living in America.

And now, Trump openly advocates mass murder of innocents!   He not only wants to commit the US to a new war against the Islamic State, he wants to kill the family members of terrorists.  Forget the fact that deliberate targeting of the civilian populace and collective punishment are war crimes and that to do so systematically by policy would qualify as a crime against humanity.  Set aside the moral implications of murdering innocents.  Instead, let’s look at the fact that it just wouldn’t work…. If you kill a terrorist and “take out their families” as Trump has said, you simply have created more terrorists.  In order for this to work, you would have to literally exterminate bloodlines on a scale not seen since The Holocaust.

And, how do you define who is the terrorist’s family?  In 1935, The First Regulation of the Reich Citizenship Law was used as the basis of who died in Nazi concentration camps.  Perhaps Mr. Trump would like to use that statute to write a possible statute defining a terrorist’s family:

A terrorist family member is one who is descended from two terrorist parents, if (a) he belonged to the terrorist community at the time this law was issued, or joined the community later, (b) he or she was married to a terrorist person, at the time the law was issued, or married one subsequently, (c) he is the offspring of a marriage with a terrorist.

Sound familiar?  Further, I am offended by the tone of Mr. Trump’s remarks in front of Mr. Adelson’s Jewish Coalition this week.  His remarks were condescending and smacked of “some of my best friends are Jewish” rhetoric. “You’re not going to support me because I don’t want your money,” Mr. Trump said. “Isn’t it crazy?”
The Times of Israel led with Donald J. Trump’s referring to Jewish people as “good negotiators” and with his declining to commit to supporting Jerusalem as the undivided capital of the country. “Trump courts Republican Jews with offensive stereotypes,” the headline blared atop a story that described his remarks as “anti-Semitic.” 

And finally, to all those Republicans that think he would be a great President on economic matters.  This is a guy that has declared bankruptcy 4 different times.  Managing the economy…no thanks!  Further, if he had just taken the value of what his father left to him and put it in a mutual fund that follows the S&P index, he would be worth 6 times more that he is worth now.  This guy can’t manage his way out of a paper bag and most of the 35% supporters cite his ability to manage the economy as a primary reason for supporting this douchebag!

A final note to all of those that are not bothered by Mr. Trump and all that he represents, because you don’t believe he can actually get the nomination…..remember that I said it here…..this guy WILL get the nomination and could very possibly be our next President. 

God help us all!

And The Journey continues………….