Saturday, July 11, 2015

The 3 Day Juice Cleanse

Back in April, 2011, I wrote a blog titled “Dieting for Dummies.”   Way back then, I lamented the harsh realities of weight gain and dieting:

How come it is so easy to gain weight but so hard to take it off?  I have been on a diet for at least half of my life.   My best estimate of weight gained and lost over my lifetime is close to a thousand pounds.  It seems that it takes about 5 times longer to lose weight than it does to gain...and the older we get, the harder it is to lose.” 

So, here it is 4 years later and the same problem exists.  This time though, I am determined to get back to fighting weight!  Since Memorial Day, I have really tried to eat “right,” limited my alcohol intake and exercised regularly.  Although my weight and waist size reduced to a slightly more respectable level I then hit the plateau that so frustrates.  Usually, when this happens, I give up, go back to my old habits and enjoy a bacon cheeseburger!  But this time, I decided to try something to kick my body back into action.

Enter the 3 Day Juice Cleanse.  After considerable research I decided on the 3 day Whenever Juice Cleanse offered by Juice From The Raw.  I chose this one because they use organic fruits and veggies wherever possible, and they are “cold-pressed” and never heated.  This supposedly preserves the integrity of the fruits and veggies, giving you the benefits of all of their goodness.  The promotional material says that the cleanse is formulated to help detoxify your body with a balance of fresh vegetables and fruits. 

So, after the July 4th weekend where I slightly fell off the wagon, I placed my order and received the 18 bottles of juices on Tuesday.  They arrived frozen to “maintain freshness,” are unpasteurized, and frozen immediately after they are pressed to keep the enzymes and good bacteria from deteriorating. The instructions advised that I should keep them frozen and move 6 bottles a day to the refrigerator for my daily intake.  I began the cleanse on Wednesday…..

The instructions said the order of the cleanse was set to help me function throughout the day and that I should start with the Detox Greens.   Detox Greens is a bright green juice consisting of wheatgrass, celery, ginger, cucumber, wild arugula, dandelion, watercress, lemon and apples.  Thank goodness for the ginger, lemon and apples or else this first 16 ounce drink would be the equivalent of sucking down freshly mowed grass.  But it went down pretty smoothly and I wasn’t hungry when 2-3 hours late it was time for my second drink….Piney Apple Mint, a very sweet combination of pineapple, apples and mint.  This one was really easy to drink and kind of refreshing.  I continued to drink plenty of water in between juices and found that I never wanted to be more than 30 feet from a bathroom!  Lunch time brought me to the “Sweet Greens” drink consisting of green kale, spinach, cucumbers, celery, lemon, ginger, swiss chard, apples and romaine.  The only reason it is “sweet” is the apples, and ginger.  But, nonetheless, I was able to drink this one without much trouble and was actually not hungry afterwards.  Now that I had survived two green drinks, I felt that the rest of the day would go smoothly….and it did.  The afternoon drink was a delightful Spicy Lemonade made from lemon, water, agave nectar and cayenne pepper.  Dinner was the Root Veggies drink…a bright red drink made with beets, carrots, apple, ginger and lemon.  The taste is not bad and it went down quite smoothly.  Dessert a couple of hours later was the Coconut Fusion, a combination of Young Thai coconut water and Young Thai coconut flesh.  

Day one was complete with no hunger, and only a slight evening headache as a side effect.  However, I had not yet experienced the “euphoria” and “energy” that reviewers had promised in their Amazon reviews….only a desire to chew on something and an insatiable appetite for watching Food Network shows on television.

Day 2 dawned with no desire to drink that first green drink, but I managed to drink it and the following 5 drinks without much trouble.  Although I didn’t experience hunger, I did miss the actual act of chewing.  With the exception of an embarrassing bodily function mishap during my morning walk, the day was pretty uneventful.  I continued to look for the promised euphoria and energy but only found a desire to
take an afternoon nap.

Waking on Day 3, I had no desire to drink my morning greens but managed to finish the whole drink..  With enough oomph to finish my 5 mile walk, I felt energized and returned home to the Piney Apple Mint and plenty of water.  I am not sure if my positive attitude is a result of the cleanse or a realization that this is the last day and that I can eat real food again tomorrow.  The rest of the day was pretty easy…I didn’t really feel like drinking the last few bottles, but did so anyway.

On the day after the cleanse, I weighed myself and was about 4 pounds lighter.  Actually, I was a little disappointed in that, but I feel amazingly well.  No hunger, and in fact, had to force myself to drink a fruit smoothie for breakfast.  I have been told to ease myself back in to eating, but surprisingly, I don’t have any cravings or desire for foods I haven’t had in a few days.  My lunch today was a bowl of watermelon gazpacho and I am still not hungry….so maybe this cleanse was worth the effort and will help me to continue to be disciplined in my eating habits….we will see!

For the last few years, I have suffered with sciatica problems and have found that I have severe stenosis of the L4 and L5.  I have done physical therapy and have worked to strengthen my core and try to stretch before exercising.  Nonetheless, most mornings the pain is intense and shoots down my leg for the first 2 miles of my morning walk.  On the 3rd day of the cleanse and again the day after, I had no pain!  Whether this is somehow a byproduct of the cleanse or a cumulative result of all of my icing, stretching and exercise, I am not going to argue with success.  Maybe there is something to a plant based diet after all…..but I don’t think I can give up animal protein all together.  Baby steps! 

 And The Journey Continues…………………….