Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Role Models? Heroes? Nope...Just Self Indulgent Jerks

Where have all the heroes gone?  What has happened to role models?

I love sports. College, Pro, even High School and Little League. 
But I am finally disgusted...and I can't stay quiet any longer. As a matter of fact, I am disgusted with athletes in players, baseball players, college players, pro players and even golfers, soccer stars and other assorted athletes.  And it doesn't stop there.....parents of kids playing sports can be some of the biggest jerks around.  Do they not realize that with stardom comes responsibility?  The sense of entitlement that imbues all of these people is an epidemic in itself.

It is not bad enough that the news is inundated with stories from the NFL and Major League Baseball about murder, domestic violence, child abuse, steroid and HGH usage. But then we get stories of college players who have been arrested for rape, assault, DUI's, shoplifting, car theft and other assorted crimes.  And Heisman Trophy winners that continue to embarrass themselves, their schools and everyone around them...yes, I am talking about you Jamies Winston, and you, Johnny Football.   And let's not forget the parents of the Little Texas this week, a father pulled out his gun on a pee wee football coach because the father's little darling was not getting enough playing time.  Great lesson you are teaching Junior, Dad!

I am generally not a big fan of Steve Spurrier's, but this week he was asked about the domestic violence cases that have dominated the headlines.  His response was that there is absolutely no excuse for a man to hit a woman....doesn't matter what precipitated the violence and doesn't deserve any sort of judicial review.  On his teams, if a man hits a woman, then they are excuses, no review.  In fact, he has dismissed 2 players for exactly that during his years of coaching. You have to respect that.  But, what has happened to morality throughout the coaching and administrative positions in sports?  It has disappeared.  I want to believe that there are still some coaches or school administrators that would have already gotten rid of Mr. Winston.  Let's see:  Accused of rape and sexual assault (swept under the rug by the police), stealing from a Burger King, stealing from a Publix, and now acting like a complete jerk with lewd and lascivious comments about assaulting women in the middle of campus.  But nothing will be done to this young jerk because he is too valuable to the team and because he wins, and brings in all kinds of donations to the school.

I have 3 grandchildren who I hope will love Sports as much as I do.  However, as they get older, I hate to think that they will admire some of these jerks.  So, what should be done.  Let's first take a look at the professionals...Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson, and the myriad of other athletes who not only run afoul of the law but that are morally bankrupt. Since January 1st of this year, there have been 38 NFL players that have been arrested on charges more serious than a speeding ticket.  These have included multiple domestic violence cases, DUI's, Assaults, destruction of property, many drug busts and other assorted crimes.  In my opinion (and this IS MY Blog), there should be a morality clause in every contract.  And it should follow Coach Spurrier's stance.  No questions, no review...screw up and you are gone!  Yep, that sounds a little harsh, but these people have a responsibility to those that ultimately pay their salaries...the fans and to the kids that look up to them as role models.  Cheat, lie, steal, assault, or whatever and you are gone!

In the case of the College athletes that screw up, there is only one solution.  Take away their scholarships and their opportunity to play for any other team.  If the Coach or Administration at any of these schools that harbor these low lifes had any guts, they would do that, no matter how good the player or how important they are to the team.   The Heisman Trust awards the Heisman Memorial Trophy each year to "the outstanding college football player whose performance best exhibits the pursuit of excellence with INTEGRITY."  I only know of one winner who's award was revoked...Reggie Bush - because his family was paid by the school and its boosters.  Since OJ Simpson has kept his award and no mention of Jameis Winston having to give up his, I guess integrity is more tied to financial considerations than to  murder and other assorted petty crimes.  I do have to recognize that there are some coaches that don't put up with the crap that seems to be so pervasive.  Just this week, the coach at The University of Miami tossed the 2nd string Quarterback for his latest DUI and Coach Richt at Georgia, Coach Saban at Alabama and Coach Spurrier at South Carolina have been know to toss several players.  But these Coaches are the exception, not the rule!  Most times, when a player has been expelled, another team picks them up, as if nothing has happened.

I guess that until theses sports teams, leagues and schools start getting hit in the pocketbook, change will be real slow to come.  What a shame....but it certainly makes me think twice before I buy my grandchildren a jersey with any players name on the back!