Monday, December 22, 2014

Happy Holidays!

My wife charges that I am a Scrooge this time of year.  After rereading that sentence, I realize that some would say “why is this time of year different than other times…you are a curmudgeon most of the time.”   CURMUDGEON: a person (especially an old man) who is easily annoyed or angered and who often complains.
So, while I can’t do much about the “old man” part, I certainly try not to be easily annoyed or angered and I really don’t complain a whole lot.  But, granted, historically, this has not been my favorite time of year.

It wasn’t always like that though.  But, most of my business career was as a retailer – more specifically, toy retailing and then sporting goods retailing.  Is it any wonder that I was super stressed this time of year?  About half of my yearly business took place during the Holiday Season…these 4 or 5 weeks either made me a hero or caused me serious trouble.  Ah, but I really don’t have to worry about Christmas sales any longer.  As a retailer, my favorite old joke about Christmas was this:

The third grade class came back to school after Christmas break and the teacher asked each child to get up and tell what they did on Christmas Day.  First up was Sally Johnson: “Well, teacher, we are Presbyterian.  On Christmas morning we got up very early, ran downstairs and saw that Santa had visited.  We opened all of our presents, ate a big breakfast and then climbed into the car to go to church.  Once there, we sang Oh How I Love Thee Jesus.”  Next to speak was little Joseph Murphy:  “ We are Catholic and on Christmas morning we got up very early, got dressed and piled into the car to go to early Christmas Mass.  At Mass, we sing Oh How We Love Thee Jesus and then hurried home to eat a big Christmas breakfast and open all of the presents that Santa had brought.”  Finally it was Abie Goldberg’s turn to speak:  “We are Jewish.  On Christmas morning we all slept in and once we finally awoke, we had a big brunch and then piled into the car to go downtown to Grandpa’s Toy Store.  Once there, we walked up and down the aisles looking at the empty shelves and sang Oh How We Love Thee Jesus.”

My earliest memories of The Holiday Season were ones of slight confusion.  I knew we were Jewish and celebrated Chanukah during that time of year.  We did not have a Christmas tree nor did we hang any Christmas lights.  My Dad even did the shtick about Santa landing on the wrong house every year.  But somehow, when we woke on Christmas morning there were always a few presents displayed around the living room.  Looking back, I guess my Mom just loved the magic of the year, and didn’t want her little ones left out, but it was always kind of confusing to me.  So, that’s why we never did anything like that with our kids.  As a matter of fact, I picked up my Dad’s shtick and it has become expected of me every year:

Sometimes in the early part of Christmas Eve, when the family is all gathered, I jump up out of my chair and ask:  “did you hear that noise?  Sounds like something on the roof.”  I fling open the front door, run out into the yard and look up at our roof and exclaim:  “I don’t care who you are, get those damn reindeer off my roof.  You want the family next door.”  When our kids were very young, they would get a wide-eyed expression on their face…but, alas, when they got outside, Santa would have already left. 

I once wondered if our kids would understand why other kids had Christmas and they didn’t, until I overheard 3-year-old Lisa tell her friend: “ Santa doesn’t come to my house because we are Chanukah, not Christmas!” 

Actually, (shhh…don’t tell anybody), I now enjoy this time of year.  Things seem to slow down just a little bit in December, it is nice to spend time with friends, plenty of football is on and for the last 13 years, I have run a little College Football Bowl Pool.  This year we have 103 participants and give part of the proceeds to a charitable foundation of which I am quite fond! 

However, since we live in South Florida, we have to contend with the yearly influx of Seasonal Residents (Snowbirds and Snowflakes).  Roads are clogged, restaurants are difficult to get in to and many part timers really are curmudgeons!  But, I guess that is the price we pay for living in paradise.

Wishing all of our friends and family a Happy Chanukah, Merry Christmas, Peaceful Kwanza and a Happy and Healthy New Year to all!

And The Journey continues...................

Thursday, November 6, 2014

It's NOT about the economy, Stupid!

Although followers of Pop Music are singing that “It’s all about the Bass,” for many years we have been told that “It’s all about the economy, stupid!”  Based on this week’s election results, that is NOT true any longer.

The repudiation of our President and his administration cannot possibly be about the economy.  

When the Bush Presidency ended, the stock market had just crashed, the auto industry was destroyed, the real estate market was destroyed, most homeowner’s home equity was destroyed, the banking system was destroyed, unemployment was on its way to 10%, a $7 trillion Iraq war was in full force, crude oil had gone from $25 to $138 per barrel and Insurance costs for EVERYONE had doubled from 2001-2008.  Additionally, President Bush had turned a budget surplus into serious deficits and took us into a recession.

So, what has happened since then?  The Dow has risen over 200% from 7949 to over 17,000.  The Standard and Poor has risen over 250%, GDP growth has gone from -5.3% to +4.2%, unemployment has fallen to around 6% and the deficit as a % of GDP has decreased over 70% from 9.8% to 2.9%, ands gas prices have even fallen below $3 per gallon!  BUT, the Republican have been voted into control of our Congress!  IT’s NOT about the economy, stupid!

Senate Republicans have blocked every jobs bill proposed, a minimum wage increase, tax cuts for the middle class, student loan relief, bring jobs home act, equal pay for women, getting big money out of politics and even the violence against women act.  The National GOP agenda includes tax breaks for the rich and large corporations, cuts to Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and Education, denial of the reality of climate change, support for Citizens United and the ability of the Koch Brothers and other billionaires to buy elections and unnecessary increased military spending.  But, the Republicans have regained control of OUR Congress.  It’s NOT about the economy, stupid!

My Republican friends talk about the welfare state and the takers in our country.  Hmmm, who are the REAL takers?  Many corporations in our industrial-military complex that pay ZERO income taxes?  The oil companies that we pay billions of dollars of tax breaks? Or the over 3000 tax filers making over $2.2 million that pay zero taxes or the 24,000 tax filers making between $533,000 and $2.2 million that pay zero taxes. Or even the 78,000 tax filers making between $211,000 and $533,000 that pay ZERO taxes?   It’s NOT about the economy, stupid!

Do you want to go back to where we were before Obama was elected President?  GREAT…let’s increase unemployment by 1/3, triple the deficit, slash stock prices by more than half, take away health care from millions (including me) that didn’t have insurance and roll back 50 straight months of private sector job growth.  Now are you happy?  It’s NOT about the economy, stupid!

In 2014, the 2nd quarter GDP was at 4.6% and the 3rd quarter was at 3.5%, giving us the strongest 6-month growth period in over 10 years.  According to the New York Times, based on current projections, the average DEFICIT through President Obama’s 2nd term will be smaller that it was through Saint Reagan’s 2nd term.  Incidentally, Reagan tripled the deficit and got 18 clean debt ceiling increases…Obama cuts the deficit in half and gets compared to Hitler along with government shutdowns.  It’s NOT about the economy, stupid!

The Republicans and FOX News (one and the same) keep telling us that Obamacare cut $716 from Medicare.  The TRUTH is that The Affordable Care Act EXTENDED Medicare’s solvency by 4 years by trimming $716 billion in wasteful payments to hospitals and insurers, NOT Beneficiaries!  But, then again, Mr. Boehner and his cohorts continue to waste MY tax dollars by holding multiple votes on repealing the ACA and by trying to sue The President although the first 2 law firms they have hired have quit because the lawsuit is so extremely frivolous.  Interesting to note that in those states that have created state exchanges, the cost of Health care has decreased for most.  In states, such as Florida, where our crooked Governor refuses to create an exchange, costs continue to go up…because, that way, our Governor can reward the insurance companies that have given him millions of dollars to get reelected.   It’s NOT about the economy, stupid!

I know it is very confusing to my friends that tell me that they are “fiscal Conservatives, but Liberal on Social Issues.” when I point out facts, rather than Republican talking points.  I am not sure exactly what they hope the Republicans will do.  Trickle down economics (or as President Bush, the elder, called it…Voodoo Economics) has never worked, and will never work.  Nobody has ever been able to cite a single reference where trickle down theory has worked.  Our middle class is suffering and without a strong middle class, we are doomed to failure.   It about job creation and a resulting strong middle class …The Republicans have exactly NO plans to make that happen.  By the way, how come Congress gets a Cost of Living increase in pay each year, but the Minimum Wage has not moved in many years?  November 4, 2014 will go down in history as the day that the Koch Brothers and The Walton Family successfully spent hundreds of million of dollars to BUY our Senate, giving them FULL control of Congress.  And THAT further weakens the middle class and decimates the working poor in our Country. It’s NOT about the economy, stupid!

If it’s NOT about the economy, then what is it about?  Immigration reform?  Maybe, but the Republicans refuse to put forth a plan.  National Security?  Maybe, but it was under a Republican President that we were attacked on 9/11.  Leadership?  Possibly, because OUR President has not been able to get Congress to work with him on ANYTHING.  Our support of Israel?  This seems to be a major issue among many of my friends, but no matter who the President is, we will ALWAYS support our only true friend in the Middle East.  Is it Social Issues such as a woman’s right to choose, equal pay for women, education spending, Equal rights for LGBT, decriminalization of Marijuana, right to die?  Is it about global warming, the global financial crisis, handling of the Ebola crisis, ISIS and other global concerns?  If so, where are the Republicans plans on those subjects?  Its okay to criticize, but show me your alternative plans!  One thing I am certain about, is that It’s NOT about the economy, stupid!

Fear and Hate are terrible things and have no place in our National discourse.  In a recent poll, one-third of Louisiana Republicans blame President Obama for the government’s disastrous response to Hurricane Katrina, which took place under President Bush.  This is indicative of the vitriol that is spewed and encouraged by Fox News, the Tea Party, The Koch Brothers and their ilk.  One can disagree with the policies of OUR President…after all, our Country is founded on the principal of Free Speech and independent thought…but the resulting fear and hate is uncalled for.  I am appalled at the level of hate that I read daily.  I have a real hard time understanding how these people’s HATE for Obama and the Democratic agenda is based on facts and logic. 


Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Role Models? Heroes? Nope...Just Self Indulgent Jerks

Where have all the heroes gone?  What has happened to role models?

I love sports. College, Pro, even High School and Little League. 
But I am finally disgusted...and I can't stay quiet any longer. As a matter of fact, I am disgusted with athletes in players, baseball players, college players, pro players and even golfers, soccer stars and other assorted athletes.  And it doesn't stop there.....parents of kids playing sports can be some of the biggest jerks around.  Do they not realize that with stardom comes responsibility?  The sense of entitlement that imbues all of these people is an epidemic in itself.

It is not bad enough that the news is inundated with stories from the NFL and Major League Baseball about murder, domestic violence, child abuse, steroid and HGH usage. But then we get stories of college players who have been arrested for rape, assault, DUI's, shoplifting, car theft and other assorted crimes.  And Heisman Trophy winners that continue to embarrass themselves, their schools and everyone around them...yes, I am talking about you Jamies Winston, and you, Johnny Football.   And let's not forget the parents of the Little Texas this week, a father pulled out his gun on a pee wee football coach because the father's little darling was not getting enough playing time.  Great lesson you are teaching Junior, Dad!

I am generally not a big fan of Steve Spurrier's, but this week he was asked about the domestic violence cases that have dominated the headlines.  His response was that there is absolutely no excuse for a man to hit a woman....doesn't matter what precipitated the violence and doesn't deserve any sort of judicial review.  On his teams, if a man hits a woman, then they are excuses, no review.  In fact, he has dismissed 2 players for exactly that during his years of coaching. You have to respect that.  But, what has happened to morality throughout the coaching and administrative positions in sports?  It has disappeared.  I want to believe that there are still some coaches or school administrators that would have already gotten rid of Mr. Winston.  Let's see:  Accused of rape and sexual assault (swept under the rug by the police), stealing from a Burger King, stealing from a Publix, and now acting like a complete jerk with lewd and lascivious comments about assaulting women in the middle of campus.  But nothing will be done to this young jerk because he is too valuable to the team and because he wins, and brings in all kinds of donations to the school.

I have 3 grandchildren who I hope will love Sports as much as I do.  However, as they get older, I hate to think that they will admire some of these jerks.  So, what should be done.  Let's first take a look at the professionals...Ray Rice, Adrian Peterson, and the myriad of other athletes who not only run afoul of the law but that are morally bankrupt. Since January 1st of this year, there have been 38 NFL players that have been arrested on charges more serious than a speeding ticket.  These have included multiple domestic violence cases, DUI's, Assaults, destruction of property, many drug busts and other assorted crimes.  In my opinion (and this IS MY Blog), there should be a morality clause in every contract.  And it should follow Coach Spurrier's stance.  No questions, no review...screw up and you are gone!  Yep, that sounds a little harsh, but these people have a responsibility to those that ultimately pay their salaries...the fans and to the kids that look up to them as role models.  Cheat, lie, steal, assault, or whatever and you are gone!

In the case of the College athletes that screw up, there is only one solution.  Take away their scholarships and their opportunity to play for any other team.  If the Coach or Administration at any of these schools that harbor these low lifes had any guts, they would do that, no matter how good the player or how important they are to the team.   The Heisman Trust awards the Heisman Memorial Trophy each year to "the outstanding college football player whose performance best exhibits the pursuit of excellence with INTEGRITY."  I only know of one winner who's award was revoked...Reggie Bush - because his family was paid by the school and its boosters.  Since OJ Simpson has kept his award and no mention of Jameis Winston having to give up his, I guess integrity is more tied to financial considerations than to  murder and other assorted petty crimes.  I do have to recognize that there are some coaches that don't put up with the crap that seems to be so pervasive.  Just this week, the coach at The University of Miami tossed the 2nd string Quarterback for his latest DUI and Coach Richt at Georgia, Coach Saban at Alabama and Coach Spurrier at South Carolina have been know to toss several players.  But these Coaches are the exception, not the rule!  Most times, when a player has been expelled, another team picks them up, as if nothing has happened.

I guess that until theses sports teams, leagues and schools start getting hit in the pocketbook, change will be real slow to come.  What a shame....but it certainly makes me think twice before I buy my grandchildren a jersey with any players name on the back!


Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Revelations From Our Trip

Having just returned from an 11 day trip to Baltimore, New York and back to Baltimore, I have come to realize that I learned a bunch during that time.  Average temperature was way below freezing in both Baltimore and New York,  with wind chills during our 3 day stay in New York reaching the -20 degrees range.

Our trip started in Baltimore on the day of our grandson, Elie's 3rd  birthday.  I was all prepared with plenty of balloons to amaze and delight his friends with balloon animals at the party, but alas, the party was not to happen.  Elie's nearly 105 temperature sent him to the emergency room, but he was quick to recover from his viral infections, only to pass the germs along to his little brother and Saba and Coco.  So, revelation #1....preschools are another word for germ factories and if you go to preschool, you will come down with all sorts of things....and then it will be passed throughout the house.  So, we had a family only party with birthday cake, balloons, and presents.  Elie seemed to be okay with that setup which brings me to revelation #2 - At 3 years old, as long as there is the birthday cake and presents, it doesn't really matter if you have lots of people there or not.

Having to stay inside and keep Elie occupied during this time meant playing with all of his toys and stretching the limits of our IPads.  NetFlix is a great invention in that it carries most of what keeps a 3 year old toddler's interest - first and foremost in Elie's case is Jake and The Neverland Pirates.  And I learned that the secret words are YoHoHo and that we get to help Jake in all of his adventures while collecting gold dubloons that we have to count at the end of each episode.  That doesn't mean there is not any interest also in The Magic School Bus, Mickey Mouse, Curious George and others, but Jake is, by far, the favorite.  I am constantly amazed at the intuitiveness of a 3 year old mind in the operation of an IPad or IPhone - the ability to recognize favorite apps and games and then play those games is revelation #3.

Leaving Baltimore, Connie and I boarded Amtrak for our trip to New York.  I learned that it really is the best way to travel in the northeast security lines, relatively on time schedules and a comfortable ride to Penn Station in NYC.  We stayed at The Mansfield Hotel - another bargain we got through HotWire.  I have used Hotwire on many occasions and am usually pleased with the results.  When you book a hotel through them, your rate is generally a fraction of the published rate - with one catch.  You don't know exactly which hotel you will be getting until AFTER you pay - and then you are stuck!  However, there are reviews and ratings for each property and they are USUALLY spot on.  Well, needless to say, the Mansfield, though well maintained and clean and in a great location on 44th St between 5th and 6th Ave. did not exactly deserve the 4 stars it was rated...the room was about 8'x12' and the bathroom was so small (it had to have been a closet at one time)we had to back into it to go to the toilet!  And the heat couldn't be controlled in the room, so we slept under piles of blankets and comforter.  So, revelation #4 is maybe Hotwire is not the best thing to use in New York.

And was it ever cold in the city.  We made our way down to Chelsea Market for lunch on Tuesday and while there, it started to snow quite heavily.  Revelation #5 - Snow = gridlock...stick to the subway and stay off the street.  Our cab ride from Chelsea market to midtown took over an hour and lots of cash.  Also, once it starts to snow in NY, the cabs all go home!  Anyway, we ate great food, saw terrific entertainment (The Jazz Standard for music , Kinky Boots on Broadway), wandered around MOMA, explored the shopping INSIDE the Rockefeller Center Concourse and tried to brave the frigid temps.  Revelation #6 - The pretty snow is not so pretty when the slush piles up and the wind is biting at your makes a 6 block walk seem like 5 miles!  Heading back to Baltimore on Thursday, we had a weather delay at Penn Station and the crush of people there was at a factor of +1000 compared to Baltimore, but  we soon arrived in Baltimore and moved in with Brad, Claire and the boys.

Brad left on a scheduled trip the next day and we got the opportunity to spend quality time with Claire, Elie and Zev.  By this time, Elie was mostly recovered except for the constant sniffles and it was time for Zev to start feeling a little punk.  But we forged on and got to go to Elie's first soccer experience on Saturday morning followed by a make-up session at MyGym and then on to a complete 3 year old melt down.  Revelation #7 - When a head strong 3 year old doesn't get his way, a full meltdown is a pretty good bet.

My favorite part of staying at their house is the 6 AM wake-up courtesy of our Grandson.  "Good Morning Saba - Can I get in bed with you and watch a show on the IPad?"  Although not fully awake, we always get to watch at least one episode of Jake - part of which is viewed with the covers over our heads and the IPad.  On Sunday, we had a delightful brunch at a terrific restaurant, went for ice cream and came home to watch The Lorax movie.  Revelation #8 - Most kids' movies have nuances that can't possibly be understood by kids and are there for the adult's enjoyment.

On Monday, Claire decided to stay in with Zev, who by this time was in full viral infection mode and Connie and I took Elie on a day's adventure.  He set the itinerary:  Kiddie Caruso (an indoor play environment), Lunch and then to Barnes and Noble.  After 2 hours at play, we finally were able to get Elie to agree to go to lunch and we headed to his favorite, PALOCHE (Chipolte) for beans and rice, guacamole, corn tortillas and chips.  I figured that after a full morning and lunch, he would fall asleep in the car and forget about Barnes and Noble, but as usual, I was wrong!  Once in Barnes and Noble, we got to play and read books and (this is important to an in-training toddler) go to the bathroom....which resulted in a major reward for remembering to tell us when he had to go.  Yes, you guessed it, Elie picked out a Jake The Pirate Book and playset as his reward.  Which brings us to Revelation #9 - Once a 3 year old has something in mind, don't even think you can change the agreed on course of action!

Brad came home on Monday evening and we left for home on Tuesday.  Arriving home to 84 degree weather leads to these final revelations:

#10 - Eleven straight Days of sub-freezing weather is just too much!

#11 - Heavy coats, hats, gloves and scarves are a pain in the ass.

#12 - I really don't like wearing socks!

#13 - I really like wearing shorts,  t-shirts and flip flops  year-round.

#14 - But, for the opportunity to spend more time with our grandchildren, we will brave any conditions!

And The Journey continues............