Monday, October 29, 2012

Things I Don't Understand....

Rightfully or not, I like to think of myself as a somewhat intelligent being with the ability to grasp simple concepts, ideas and varying opinions.  Nonetheless, there are a number of things going on in the world, our nation and in everyday life that baffle me!  Additionally, I can't believe there aren't others that aren't as equally confused.

Today, I read about the Supreme Court AGAIN having to tell a pro-life group in Oklahoma that the "Personhood" amendment that they want on the ballot is unconstitutional.  Now, that is not what is so confusing...What baffles me is the notion that The Republican Party professes to want "smaller government" and "Religious freedom" but wants to legislate against those that don't agree with their religious slant on abortions, contraception and the right to love whomever you want.  Where is it written in our Constitution that we have the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness as long as that pursuit agrees with the moral convictions of the evangelical right or the Catholic Church?  It was bad enough that we have grossly discriminated based on the color of one's skin, but we are still discriminating based on beliefs and a moral code dictated by the majority's religion. What baffles me is the notion that government should interfere with a woman's fundamental right to make decisions about her own body and about who a person can marry, yet we shouldn't legislate against those that have ripped us off and caused our economy to tank!  Let's make a deal - I promise to not force you or your family members to have an abortion or use contraception or marry your gay lover but you must not interfere in anyone else's  right to do any of those things.

And while I am at it......if pro-life is your stance, then how come you are FOR the Death Penalty, Guns for Everyone, the repeal of the assault rifle ban and the notion that the only way to solve our world's conflicts is to go to war first and ask questions later.  Pro-Life?  I don't think so!

So, what else don't I understandI don't understand why we need 2 years to have an election.  200 years ago, it made sense to have a long period of campaigning since the candidates had to go from state to state by horseback or, at best, trains.  Today, we have all of this technology that delivers news, ideas, images and as many lies as one can tell instantly.  Let's shorten the entire campaign to one month and take the billions that are currently being spent on elections and use the money for more productive things.  Mr. Adelson is spending $100 million to help elect Mr. Romney - I am baffled as to how that helps the economy.  If he took the same $100 million and hired more workers for his casinos and other businesses, it would probably help his businesses as well as those he hired.

And while I am at in the world can we still have undecided voters at this juncture of the campaign?  If you understand what your core beliefs are and which issues are important to you, then it is a simple process to go directly to the candidate's websites and READ their positions.  Quit listening to the spinmeisters, TV talking heads and the thousands of so-called pundits polluting our daily lives - if you need the newspapers or TV analyst to TELL you who to vote for then you don't deserve the privilege of voting.  And if a crazed, sign-wielding partisan at the polling site can change your mind then please stay at home.

I don't understand why the American public puts so much credence in the opinions and goings on of celebrities and faux-celebrities.  Who cares what Madonna or Kid Rock or George Clooney thinks about the political questions before us?  They might make decent music and good movies, but I seriously doubt they are any smarter than most of us.  And exactly why do people like the Kardashians, Paris Hilton, Donald Trump, Honey BooBoo and the like fascinate us so?  They have no talent to offer as entertainment and certainly don't bring any intelligent conversation to the party, so it baffles me as to why anybody even pays any attention to them

I am confused as to why the American public stands by and lets our politicians bring our government to a standstill by blocking legislation, implementing filibusters and the like.  During the last 4 years, Republican Senators have filibustered more times that the total number of filibusters over the previous 12 years.  Why?  So, that they could fulfill their leader's assertion that his number one priority was to make sure Mr. Obama was a one term President.  His priority was not to do what he was sent to Washington to do....represent his constituents and improve our Country.  So, I am confused as to why we don't fire him?  Better yet, why don't we demand that term limits be put in place for our Senators and Congressmen?  If term limits are right for the Executive Branch of Government, then why not have term limits for The Legislative AND the Judicial Branches?

It baffles me that my State of Florida let a man who was CEO of a Company that was convicted of the largest Medicare Fraud in the History of our Country run for Governor - and then elected him to boot!  (Not to mention the fact that he took The 5th Amendment over 70 times in depositions relating to the fraud).  He has been a complete failure as a Governor, and now his approval rating is on the rise to nearly 50% all because he has an "R" by his name.  Shame on ALL of us for allowing this to happen.  I don't understand why more people aren't outraged about the hypocrisy. 

I don't understand why people have to hate!  There are a number of issues I don't agree with Mitt Romney on.  However, I don't hate him---in fact, if he is elected, I will support him as our President and try through the legislative process to make my voice heard.  But, in the end, I will support him.  I have heard many people predict doomsday if President Obama is fact, a Mitt Romney approved TV ad does just that.  I don't understand how that attitude moves us forward or helps our nation's causes in any way.  Whatever happened to the notion that once the election is over, it is time for ALL to get to work, find common ground, compromise and move our Country forward?  It is a notion that seems to be dead.  And that is the main thing I don't understand!

And The Journey continues........................