Friday, September 28, 2012

In My Opinion.......

A month or so ago, I re-posted a chart on Facebook that contrasted facts about our country when President Obama took office to the present day.  The information contained irrefutable facts and was not intended to slam the previous administration but merely to show the progress that has been made in the last three and a half years.  Sadly, a "friend" that I haven't seen nor talked to in years decided to go ballistic and berate me for being "ignorant, stupid and out of touch with reality."  Now, this person didn't debate the facts that I posted, but took great exception that I would dare to appear to support our President in his reelection effort.  I tried to point out that I would be more than happy to intelligently discuss the issues and my core beliefs and how they lined up with each candidate.  I also expressed my respect for his right to have a different opinion than mine, but asked for that same respect in return  However, he continued to post angry, hateful rants against me and anyone like me that would not agree with him.  Finally, I asked him to remove my name as his Facebook friend....and he gladly did so!   How sad that the inability for mutual respect of opinions has disappeared from our national conversation.

I have written several blogs about politics and more specifically about Mitt Romney.  I have stated my respect for Mitt as a businessman, as well as his intelligence and integrity.  I have even, believe it or not, considered casting my vote for cool to be able to say that I personally know The President of The United States!  I even wrote an open letter to Mitt outlining what he needed to do to get my vote. (See my blog of April, 2012).  But, in the final analysis, it really comes down to the issues and how my core beliefs line up with each candidate and party.  So, I have done what less that one-tenth of one percent of the voting public has done....I have gone to each candidate's web site and read their positions as well as scanned the hundreds of pages of each party's platform.  I quit listening to the television advertisements as they are all slanted propaganda (We watch everything except sports on the DVR so we can skip the ads!).   I don't ask that you agree with me, because your core beliefs might be different than mine or you might place more importance on certain issues than I do...but it you are interested in what I have to say, read on.......

Mitt Romney's web site outlines each issue....the biggest problem for me, is that he leads with a discussion of "Obama's failures" rather than his own plans....nonetheless, I have sifted through the rhetoric to try to understand his positions.His economic policies center on reducing taxes, eliminating the controls that have been passed, like Sarbanes-Oxley, Dodd-Frank and of course "ObamaCare" and return to the failed policies that have gotten us into this economic maelstrom.  Sorry, Mitt, but I can't support "trickle-down" economics when no one can site any time in our history where that has worked!  We must have a balanced attack to reduce our deficit and that includes tax increases.  Unfortunately, we started 2 wars that were not funded and never even mentioned in any budgets as well as other programs such as Medicare Part D that were passed with no funding apparatus.  It is now past time to pay for these mistakes and tax reform as well as increases have to be a part of the President Clinton said:  "It is simple arithmetic!"

Healthcare is another major issue that I have studied.  While I don't believe the Affordable Care Act is the full solution to our healthcare issues, it was a step in the right direction.  It baffles me that Mitt wants to ditch a plan that nearly mirrors the exact plan he passed for Massachusetts.  Yes, I understand the argument for States rather than the Federal government having that responsibility. I just don't buy it.  And neither do the Republicans of 10 years ago since the Affordable Care Act is made up of those ideals that the Republicans first surfaced themselves.  Medicare is another subject into itself but I can't support Mr. Ryan's plan that creates a voucher system that every bipartisan think tank says will raise premiums several times over and provide less coverage. 

But, I have found an area I actually agree with Mitt on...Social Security. 
  • First, for future generations of seniors, Mitt believes that the retirement age should be slowly increased to account for increases in longevity.
  • Second, for future generations of seniors, Mitt believes that benefits should continue to grow but that the growth rate should be lower for those with higher incomes.
  • I agree!!!!

    However, on Social issues, The Republican Party is further away from my core beliefs than possible.  I believe in a woman's right to chose...they want to repeal Roe v. Wade and outlaw abortions.  I believe in equal rights for all...including the right to marry whomever you want...The Republicans want to legislate love.  I believe in a woman's right to equal pay...they have voted several times against that concept. 

    Finally, to all of my Jewish friends that insist on making Israel the central talking point in their support of "Anyone but Obama."  Mr. Netenyahu recently stated on Meet The Press, that The United State's support of Israel is a NON PARTISAN issue.  And I couldn't agree with him more.  We, as a country are going to support Israel regardless of who the President is at any given moment.  Even if you want to believe that Obama doesn't support Israel (which is unadulterated bullshit!), our support of Israel is unwavering and should not even be a consideration in who to vote for.  Nonetheless, there is ample evidence that Obama supports Israel as well as any President in recent history.

    My final note contains a bit of sad realization....and that is that whichever candidate gets elected, it really doesn't matter a whole lot.  Why???  Simply because we have a broken legislature....if Romney gets elected, the Senate will block most of his initiative (I am assuming, of course, that the Dems keep control of the Senate) and if Obama gets reelected then the House will block ALL of his initiatives.  Until we get rid of obstructionist like Eric Cantor and Michelle Bachman and Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid and Mitch McConnell, we will keep spinning the wheels and get virtually nowhere.  We must figure out a way to instill term limits!

    So that brings me to one of the most overriding reasons that I am voting for Barack Obama.  Whoever is elected to serve over the next four years will probably get to appoint at least 2 Supreme Court Justices.  I cannot bear the thought of this Court becoming anymore Right Wing Conservative than it already already has irreparably harmed this Country by some of its decisions of the last few years.

    Now, I fully recognize that there are many people that don't agree with me and my assessments...and that is okay.  Just recognize and respect the fact that I have  the right to my opinions as well as you do.   As a wise man once said to me:  "Opinions are like assholes - everybody has one!"

    And The Journey continues........................