Thursday, October 27, 2011

Wake Up, Republicans, Mitt's Your Guy!

Regular readers of this Blog surely know by now that I am a Democrat at heart.  I have great distaste for those on the Far Right and generally have no patience with those that want to delve into the private lives of anyone.  I support a woman's right to choose but respect those that choose life...however, it is not government's right to make that decision for a woman.  I support same sex unions that give equal rights to same sex is not government's role to even take a stance in that argument.  I do NOT believe that Religion has any place in government and am damn tired of those that insist that only Evangelical Christians know the way.  I do not believe that Social Security and Medicare are entitlement programs...I have been paying into both systems since I was 14 years old and view those programs as my right.  I believe that our environment is in deep trouble and those that label Climate Change as merely a theory are not being intellectually honest.  I believe we have a responsibility to back up those Countries that back us up....and should cut off aid to those that don't.  I believe that the Military-Industrial Complex has our politicians bamboozled - our Defense Budget is greater that all of the other Countries on Earth combined.  I believe that decisions on tax advantages are based on who gives what to which politicians (Obscene tax advantages for the Oil Companies are a great example).  I believe our Supreme Court is as political as Congress and justices should not be appointed for a lifetime.  I believe that all Congressmen and Senators should be on the same Social Security Plan and Medical Insurance  Plans as ordinary Americans and should NOT be granted life-time pensions for serving as little as 2 years in Congress.  I believe that spending on education should increase by multiples - Teachers should be among the highest paid people.  We are going to succeed or fail based on how well educated our children become and how this prepares them to compete in the global economy.

And finally, I believe that Congress is a bigger problem than our President.  They are not interested in doing what is right for this Country...only what will get them elected in their little slice of America.  Any time that the leading Republican Senator states that his number one priority is to see that the President only serves one term rather than his priority being to fix the problems, that Senator should be booted out of Congress.  Nonetheless, I am really a Centrist when it comes to the economy.  But I am also a realist and believe that our deficit problem cannot be fixed merely by cutting the budget.  We have a revenue problem and massive tax reform is needed to get us on the road to recovery.  And that means that everybody has to step up to the plate.....even Ronald Reagan and George Bush, the elder, raised taxes - because it was the RIGHT thing to do.  Our tax rates are at the lowest levels in over 100 years and many very large, very profitable Companies and high worth individuals are paying little or no taxes.

Which brings us to the upcoming Presidential Race.  Yes, I voted for Obama in 2008.  But I am not happy with where we are as a Country.  How much is his fault?  I am not sure, but am willing to listen to anybody that has a better plan.  It has been with great amusement that I have watched the Republican debates and crazed rhetoric that have already come out of the race for the Republican nomination.  And I am simply amazed that there is even any question as to who, among the contenders, is even remotely qualified for the job.

Let's look at those that are dominating the news:  Michelle Bachman - This woman is even dumber than Sister Sara.  I cannot believe that there are a majority of people in her district that could even vote for her.  She makes no sense, has no clue and couldn't manage her way out of a paper bag.  Michelle, your 15 minutes are up....go away already.  Then we have Rick Perry who's grasp of the issues is tenuous at best.  He does not seem to appear even as smart as George Bush - and we all know where that got us.  And he is desperate...come on, Rick, the birther issue again??  His economic plan (or lack of one) is so ill conceived, if implemented we would have to learn to spell Depression.  And of course there is the Pizza King, Herman Cain.  Mr. 9-9-9, a plan that (I don't care that he denied it) came straight out of a video game.  There are so many things wrong with this plan that it would take way too much space to write them here.  Besides, Herman only got in this race to sell books and get his speaking fees increased.  Even he is surprised that he has risen in the polls - his lack of an organization is evidence of that.

Which brings us to Mitt Romney.  I know Mitt Romney.  I have worked with Mitt Romney.  As CEO of Bain Capital he was on The Board of The Sports Authority and I had the pleasure of interacting with Mitt on a monthly basis for over 4 years.  Mitt Romney is one of the most intelligent people that I have ever dealt with.  He possesses the intellectual curiosity that is paramount in any good leader.  I always found that Mitt conducts himself with an enormous amount of integrity.  Given all of that, it is evident that Mitt, like all politicians, says those things that will assure that he gets the nomination.  Some of those things are different than what he said to get elected as Governor of Massachusetts.  I don't necessarily hold that against him.  What is important is what I think he will actually act on - by that, I mean that Mitt might say (for example) that he is for overturning Roe v Wade because that will help him get the nomination.  He might even believe what he says, but I think Mitt is smart enough to take those issues that are not part of the solving of the Country's most important problems totally off of the table once he is elected.  I think Mitt can cut through the noise and concentrate on what is really important.  I believe there is no substitue for intelligence and integrity.

So, will I vote for Mitt Romney if he is nominated?  I really don't know yet.  I have a lot more research and studying to do before I make that decision.  It is a long time between now and November, 2012.  In the movie The American President, the character played by Michael Douglas, Andrew Shepherd, The President of the United States, said "We've got serious problems and we need serious people....this is a time for serious people..."  Never before has it been more apropro than now.

And The Journey continues......