Thursday, July 7, 2011

Liars, Hypocrites and Other Famous People

hy-poc-ri-sy  n. pl. -sies  1. The practice of professing beliefs, feelings or virtues that one does not hold or posess; insincerity.hyp-o-crite n.  A person given to hypocrisy
lie n.  1.  A false statement deliberately presented as being true; a falsehood. 2.  Something meant to deceive or give a wrong impression.  v.  1. To present false information with the intention of deceiving.  2.  To convey a false image or impression.

I thought that one could find a picture of several people in the news next to the words that are defined above...but I looked in several dictionaries and could only find the definitions.  But, that doesn't make my disgust with liars and hypocrites any less severe.

Recent revelations from THE Ohio State University finally exposed one of the great hypocrites of all time...Coach Jim Tressel.  Coach Tressel professes to be a man of great moral and ethical beliefs whose great mission in life is to lead the impressionable on the righteous path of life....yea, right!  Instead he is a liar, cheat and world class hypocrite who's sole mission in life is to win.  Now, I don't have a problem with someone being driven to be a winner, but don't hold yourself up as a model of morality while you are cheating.  But, then again, Coach Tressel was a cheater at his last job, so no one should have expected anything different from him at Ohio State.

Unfortunately, hypocrisy has become the rule of our land.  Politicians after politician have perfected the art of hypocrisy.  Some Republicans say that they BELIEVE in small government and no government intrusion into the private lives of citizens.  Yet, they want to force their religious beliefs onto all people by trying to outlaw a woman's right to choose and to vote against individual equal rights for those that don't share their belief that homosexuality is a crime.   We have had members of Congress who have pushed for tough child abuse laws while they are soliciting underage children and pundits (Rush) who preach against the evils of drugs while abusing prescription pain killers.  And there have been numerous cases of religious leaders who advocate one set of moral values while practicing the opposite.  I am no longer surprised when another public figure is exposed for being a liar and hypocrite.

Just yesterday, teachers and administrators in The Atlanta School System were found to have cheated and perpetuated cheating on standardized tests.  These are the same teachers that are suppose to be teaching our youth the values of honesty and integrity.  When did the pervading rule become "Do as I say, not as I do?"  In too many cases, parents defend the lies of their children.  What will become of our society if we accept lies and hypocrisy when it is more convenient than telling the truth?

Is it any wonder that Casey Anthony believed she could get away with murder by simply telling lie after lie?  How sad that we have come to that.

Ant The Journey continues...........................